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  1. M

    how to back out of friend zone?

    there are a couple of girls in my trig class that are both pretty good looking, so far we're 1.5 quarters through the school year so i evidently havent acted soon enough in getting with these girls. they both sit to the back of me and i frequently bust on them with my friends but not harsh or...
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    No-care attitude

    i'm no dj but i would say forget everyones opinions and talk.. thats what any dj will say, you cant get anywhere in life without taking chances and that is true in everything even with girls
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    using military to an advantage?

    well the way i see it is that i'm gettin paid to be in the best shape of my life..
  4. M

    using military to an advantage?

    I'm enlisting in the marine corp and I'll be leaving in june when i graduate, is there a way i could use that to my advantage with out bragging...
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    anyone sport the skater type shoes? i have a pair of white globes with white laces and i also have a set of brown laces to i like to switch em up.. everybody not just girls love to see someone on some nice CLEAN shoes, but i also go for the athletic type old running shoe's too.
  6. M

    My reputation is keeping me from improving.

    the ones that judge you that quick arent the right ones anyways the kind of girls that you are or should be after dont have that kind of bias. like most of the articles i've read on here if a girl immediately blows you off without a chance and acts like your shyt it means go for the ones that...
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    when you get the old feelings

    you guys are the greatest, even though i should have already known this ****. thanks jerky and grav
  8. M

    when you get the old feelings

    well i've been kinda on and off talkin to a girl that is a couple years younger than me, which is good because she isnt playin hard to get or anything and shes not experienced enough to know how us guys work, but after one "could have got some but didnt" date we've talked on the phone and...
  9. M

    what now

    this past weekend i really got to know a girl from my area and she gave me her number and everything without me asking so i'm pretty sure shes wantin me alittle. i did the little "like her but not show it alot" thing all weekend now I want to call her but i dont know if it would be better to...
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    listen to em brag

    o i didnt let her get away with it and she could easily tell i was not impresed. we quickly got into the past sexual experience topic and she didnt really have much to brag about because of her limited experience
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    listen to em brag

    I'm just trying to figure this out, this past weekend I spoke to a girl a couple years younger than me and shes really cool and after a long conversation we reached the topic of partying/drinking/doing crazy stuff. heres the Q, do you all notice that when a girl is very interested in you she...
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    prom story

    i'm not still trying to bone her lol i havent really been trying that for a while on her. her ex isnt giving her any help at all and claims its not his even tho hes the only guys shes slept with for a long while. and when i talk to her i wont make a big deal of it. just be the "if you ever need...
  13. M

    prom story

    well i havent posted for a while so i figured i'd let you all hear about what happened at my prom saturday. first of all the girl i went with is my friend of 4 years shes pretty much been the only girl i really liked. way back in like 7th grade when i was a dumbass with one-itis, she was...
  14. M

    high school hit stories....

    hat trick damn
  15. M

    high school hit stories....

    we always talk about getting turned down and everything on here so why dont we have a good success story thread. list your techniques and how you closed the deal.. i'll chime in with a good one from last week after a few of you post yours.
  16. M

    Im new, to everything

    just try to find a way to initiate a small convo or maybe just a little word exchange it will do wonders. get her laughin but dont be obnoxious or cheesy.
  17. M

    check this out

    women will try every way possible to get the upper hand. she only says this to people becuase she doesnt want her girls to think shes a slut, dont bother with ehr I've had almost the exact thing happen to me but with a party instead of a bar becuase i'm only 17. she told EVERYBODY i took...
  18. M

    Problems at school

    I'm not one to take alot of ****, i'll let people talk for alittle but as soon as it gets a laugh from the whole class its over. just blindside him when he's whispering it to his friend. can you hit hard? if you can make him eat some teeth right in the middle of class, i'll take a guess and say...
  19. M

    How to lose your predictability

    well first read the bible, its great advice all the way through. losing your predictability is a good way to gain confidence.. how you ask? by doing stuff you dont normally do you will end up out of your comfort zone, wearing different clothes changing your hair style, smelling good, and finally...
  20. M

    So I got asked out...

    alittle on the low side and you said "at best" so she could be a 4 or 5 by another dj's standards. is there somthing between you two that doesnt make you want her? like a weird experience or somthing or is she just to much of a friend