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  1. M

    Where do you guys meet girls from other schools?

    get a girl that wets her pants over you from that school so she talks to all her friends about you and then you become this big mystery guy that they all wanna meet
  2. M

    So I got asked out...

    evidently she's not that attractive, am i right? what do you rate her? she might get mad about you and your current love interest but dont let that get to your head, she thinks you'll do anything for her, dont do it. she has to realize you guys are just friends, I know from a guys stand point...
  3. M

    my standards too high?

    thanks for the link, i'm pretty much a beginner, i dont hook up that often and i have trouble getting the women i'm attracted to to come to me
  4. M

    Columbus, Ohio

    i'm kinda south western ohio I'm in Hillsoboro
  5. M

    my standards too high?

    sry i'm a newb i didnt think about searching. i'm just trying to firgure out what i need to do to get with fine girls i'm already close to as "friends"
  6. M

    my standards too high?

    i know this is my first post so dont flame me... I'm not quite the ladies man i would like to be. I'm really funny and every girl i know that i have any interest in all say that i'm a great guy because i dont cheat on my women and everything. but i have problems getting the girls i think are...