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  1. P

    the id vs the ego: why do we control ourselves so much?

    Thats not true im totally truefull with women and its got me nowhere ever.
  2. P

    Why do girls hum/sing?

    I do that when im arround girls i like, for me its a nervous thing when i dont know what to say
  3. P

    Big problem!

    Its ok she will get over it and then do it again and again you are just the firast in a long chain. Forget her she is just as selfish as anyone else.
  4. P

    LMAO! I got c0ckblocked MOM !!!

    It doesnt matter at all you sound confident and you will definatyely get loads of women.
  5. P

    Ok, serious discussion

    I am like this too. I am constantly asked by girls who i chat up are you gay, sometimes i have to tell them i am bi even though im not just to get them to continue talking to me.
  6. P

    asking out nervously?

    Yeah but i been askin women out to their faces for years and i know they reject me cuz im nervous.
  7. P

    A Tip For Short Guys

    Why dont you wear stilts
  8. P

    interview with a girl!!! must read!!!

    Great but the bit about not lying ive heard countless times before and its ****INHG COMPLETE BULL **** . BUT THE RESTY YEAH SOUNDS ALRIGHT IF YOU CAN GET LAID ANYWAY IF YOU CANT THEN ITS OF NO USE AT ALL.
  9. P

    asking out nervously?

    Is it worth asking someone out if you are so nervous its impossible to hide? or is it better to write an e mail ?