interview with a girl!!! must read!!!


Don Juan
Jun 8, 2003
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The dumbest Swede out there is better than the smartest American woman out there. All I've dated my whole life are American women -- well, I've dated some minorities and mixtures, which were way better than the white American women I've dated.
What a load of crap! So you're speaking from experience here, right? The guy who has never even dated a Scandinavian declares them superior in every way?

I don't know where you live, but there are certain advantages to American girls, especially southern girls. You're not going to find a sweeter, warmer personality than you get in a quality southern belle. The gal who wears her pearls to church and her hiking boots in the mountains on the weekend. Nothing better. She chirps, happy to be alive, while the European girl cynically drones on about politics and smokes. A little balance can be a nice thing, you know.

You do have your point about American women and their sense of entitlement. It's ridiculous at times and really a shame all the hoops you have to jump through at times. But if you think Americans are bad, try out the Brits!

Whatever. I can't help but laugh over some of the posts on this thread. You're complaining about how American women are superficial, complain all the time, and all the like, and what?

Meanwhile, the men on this thread are the ones running around calling girls "HB 7" and are always after the hot, easy chick. Talk about being short-sighted and superficial...there you go. Pot-kettle, anyone? lol. Funny stuff.

There are certainly things in the US that aren't all that bad. There are still vestiges of a traditional society that still course through the population. These don't exist in Europe, and in about 50 years, their economies are going to collectively collapse because of their birthrates and the decline of these values. American women are still willing to have children and produce and nurture a family, though it seems this is even less the case than it used to be.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 5, 2003
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Originally posted by akindofblue
But if you think Americans are bad, try out the Brits! And, europeans continually moan about politics and smoke! Want some more sweeping generalisations?? I got 'em! All southerners are just great and the women are "belles." I mean, they go hiking in boots and go to church! Wow. And theyre definitely not small minded, puritancal or involved in witchcraft.
Excuse me?


Don Juan
Dec 19, 2003
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posted by reclinerox
I love to flirt. Its in my nature. I love the attention that I get. But if I am really interested in a guy, I will find some way to touch them as much as I can. A guy I just flirt with just to flirt, I make TONS of eye contact with, and someone who I really like? well, I have a hard time even looking them in the face. Its usually a subconscious thing but I get so nervous to look at them! Its really not a "just me" thing, because I've gone over this with a few friends, and they all seem to agree.

posted by becker
Here's a question though, if you're very interested, are you one of those girls who act like you're NOT interested in order to prevent yourself from telegraphing your interest, and if so, why would you do that? Is it just to avoid getting hurt in case the guy doesn't like you? Sort of like some defense mechanism where the reasoning is basically that you cushion the fall by making it so that if you're not asked out, you won't be as offended or hurt?

I want to let reclinerox answer this question but I think she acts like she is not interested just becase of the simple fact she is intimidated. I mean, when I am talking to a girl I am crazy over, it is hard for me to keep good eye contact with her. I dont know why that is, but it is true for me. I can talk to really hot girls and flirt and its easy but when I want to pursue her a girl as a gf, the scenario becomes a bit different because I am that much more interested in her. And when I get intimidated, I might come off as being not interested just because I am very very interested. You get what I am sayin? So, the easiest way to not get intimidated by girls is to not think of them as a girl you want to date, but rather just as one of your guy friends. Have you ever had a girl that you thought about all the time and then she came up to you the next day and talked to you and you got that rush and felt weak in a way?? Thats why this site teaches you not to do that, because if you dont think about a girl constantly, you wont get intimidated by her. Thats why I think some girls come off as not interested, just because of the fact they get intimidated by you and become nervous. Did this make any sense?? Itd be better to hear from reclinerox about this though


Don Juan
Mar 13, 2004
Reaction score
Great but the bit about not lying ive heard countless times before and its ****INHG COMPLETE BULL **** . BUT THE RESTY YEAH SOUNDS ALRIGHT IF YOU CAN GET LAID ANYWAY IF YOU CANT THEN ITS OF NO USE AT ALL.


New Member
Mar 11, 2004
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kudos to fezz

Intimidation plays a big role in it. Lots of girls have thier tricks to cushioning themselves from the big putdown. I mean, have you guys ever met a girl who was like "we're best friends! tell me everything... who do you like?" most of the time, they are seeing if they are on that list. If not, they play it off "oh she's pretty, do you want me to see if I can hook you up?" - trying to get themselves more into your personal life. If they are on the list.. then it usually goes "really? wow, i like you too!" Those girls who do that are the ones that usually don't know crap about you. Maybe a little here and there, and only hang out with you when there is no one else to be around.
I consider fezz a great friend of mine, but would I want to date him? No. He's attractive and nice, but I really am happy with who I have and cannot see myself with anyone else. I think the big difference in a friendship with fezz and a friendship with someone I have a crush on is the fact that I tell him a lot of personal things about me also. Most girls who are trying to just see if you like them only want to know about you. "Tell me about your day? hows your love life? whats new in your world?" etc.
They may throw in some of thier drama, but its usually about thier ex boyfriend or some guy, just hinting that they're single.
I usually don't play hard to get.. but because all females have that malicious intent, i will pull a few strings and tricks to see if the guy really likes me before I make any huge sign of attraction. And it is a big defense mechanism. A lot of girls get really brought down about a guy who doesn't like them. Its a self esteem issue, but its all really thier fault. Because the girls make up some false friendship, then they really don't have anything left if the guy doesn't care for them.. just akwardness. They can't really say "how's your love life?" after basically stating "hey i like you" and being turned down. Most girls TRY it, but they really just don't care. All they want, is for you to have a hard time with whoever you like to kind of build themselves back up.. that whole "should've chose me" thing.
Even after that occurs, girls find it hard to look the guy in the eye. He is intimidating now! He doesn't like her, but she likes him. Sometimes that builds into just completely avoiding him as well. Girls are really afraid of being put down, and some talk bad about the guy, some find the girl he likes and talks bad about her, some even become friends with the girl he likes and tries to manipulate her into never dating him. Its like revenge. But mostly a build up of confidence and diminishing the intimidation that once was.


Master Don Juan
Mar 13, 2003
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Both fezz and reclinerox (what the heck is that screen name all about anyways??):

Actually, I sort of thought it was what you said. I remember thinking that, but forgot to write it out. I agree that intimidation can be quite a factor, and I appreciate the honesty here, because I'd say that what you say is pretty fair and accurate.

I can't explain the whole difficulty talking to someone you're interested in, but I certainly have had my share of this. I think one of the main problems is that if you're attracted to a person and they're talking to you, it's tantamount to being starstruck. There's a certain degree of awe that doesn't go away right away. It's not until you've had time to get accustomed to the person and being around them that you get more comfortable talking to them.

I guess that's as close as I can come to explaining it. All I know is that for me, it's less about being afraid of rejection or whatever, because that's not a big deal to me. It's more like if you're in the presence of say, your favorite actor, and you're trying to figure out what you can say because you realize that the only thing you really know about them is the person that they portray on TV or in the movies, but nothing else. And surely you can't just talk to them like they are their character on TV, because they are most of the time very different.


Don Juan
Mar 13, 2004
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Beker if you where a man youd be ****ed for getting even 1 date thats the exact problem i have.


Master Don Juan
Mar 13, 2003
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Originally posted by popcorn
Beker if you where a man youd be ****ed for getting even 1 date thats the exact problem i have.
? I am a man.


Don Juan
Dec 19, 2003
Reaction score
yea, starstruck is the word I would describe it as too becker. Thats the perfect word for it. Its like they are different than all the other people and you dont really know what to say. Of course, if you get comfortable around anyone, no matter how much interest you have in them, it is always easy to talk to them.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
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Master Homer

Don Juan
Mar 18, 2004
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West Palm Beach, FL
Really it must be a regional thing. Most American girls from where I am are intelligent, attractive, and fun to be with. In fact I found the opposite, Latino girls while being pretty hot tend to be more shallow, loud and obnoxious then white girls. They are also much more abundant.

Don Juan Borinqueno

New Member
Mar 22, 2004
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Don Juan Borinqueno

New Member
Mar 22, 2004
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Originally posted by Master Homer
Most American girls from where I am are intelligent, attractive, and fun to be with. In fact I found the opposite, Latino girls while being pretty hot tend to be more shallow, loud and obnoxious then white girls. They are also much more abundant.

Hi gang

.MASTER HOMER : loud some but shallow, obnoxious, abundant … any one can be all of those no mater what race and obviously you don’t know nothing about Latin woman. NADA! But I am not about to argue with you.

I’m glad to know that almost all of you like Latin woman. I’m Hispanic man and I feel like I live in two worlds, a world between the American culture and the Spanish culture. I have to say that I understand why you might like Latinas not only for their looks but also because of their personality; they are much more loving than the American girls and they value romance. Girls in this society espesialy white girls have been taught to compete with men and also to be like men (Feminist). It seems like American born woman of all races are trying to grow a big pair of COJONES. Wile many Latin women, they kind of fallow the rules of the church. latinos are also very familie oriented

The secrete to a Latinas hart is in her culture, this show respect, tell her you are working on your Spanish, also that you had been interested in taking salsa classes merengue, bachata, cumbia ect. Say you love their food and mention some diner plates. It will help you even more if you know more than one Latin culture, understand that in America whether you are Puerto Rican, Mexican, or Dominican we are one big family in the united states and when you talk about other Latin culture you are further in the seduction game, she would be happy to hear you and talk about her culture and you. Latin women love white men… trust me.

Ignorant: The confusion between appearance and reality

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