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    Manipulative b!tch almost had me for 18 years!

    there's no such things as a stupid kid. only stupid parents.
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    David deangelo (aka Mark Matthews)

    i hope the teach pole dancing and deep throat.
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    meanest thing u did to ur date , crush or SO

    that's pretty cool KarmaSutra i don't think i can top that but here are some of mine. - some chick i was banging at her parents place told me i could come over one weekend because her parents were away and therefore would not find out. so i hid i connie wrapper under 1 of the cushions in...
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    Major orgasm problem

    yeah i have the same problem every now and again. i had it alot with the 1st gf. some solutions are; - make sure your in the mood. if i was having sex with a girl i did not like as a person it just would not happen for me. or if i had a bad day at work etc. - i was with one chick the...
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    Quick Way to Learn Fighting

    eyes, ears, throat and goin.
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    What version of 'The Game' do I get?

    yeah go black one tis cool
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    ...this could pose to be a problem.. would'nt it just count as social proof?
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    Melbourne Sarging Night. 21-24 Novemeber.

    i'm up for it, anyone from the frankston area?
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    The Mystery Method Doesn"t Work

    yes, because we should all make up our mind on 1 guys results.:down:
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    ever picked up a married chick? advice for other..

    Re: Re: my story... :cry: i dont wanna die.
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    ever picked up a married chick? advice for other..

    ever picked up a married chick? i have, only one thou. if you did tell your us your story. how? when? did she call out her husbands name in bed? why did she cheat? etc etc.. i worked with my married chick lets call her D. D had been happly married for 6 years and had 3 kids. D and i...
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    How to memorise your Game

    there are a few good products out there for improving memory. google it. you can put things in your rooms (in your mind) and then if you forget, just ask yourself, what was in that room? --Journey method. "Take a cheat sheet with you and read from it in front of the girl, then when she...
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    The overheard technique

    yeah, it needs work, but i think your on the right track. also think about what else you can use to gain thier attention. magic tricks, ask them if they think women or men lie more, etc etc
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    mega-corny kiss close..that worked

    yay! i'm an oxymoron. double yay!!
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    My experience with Deangelo stuff

    good on you ThinWhiteDuke.
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    what is one thing that irks you about females?

    1. when they lie. 2. when they lie about being on the pill. 3. when they put themselfs down. even after you've complemented them. me: "i think your really pretty." her: "no i'm ugly." me: "ok, i agree." her: :eek: :mad: me: *shrug* 4. when they think there good in bed, but thier...
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    mega-corny kiss close..that worked

    yeah i agree she was prolly all the way there, but it was something new for me to try. plus now i can msg her and say "remember that present i gave you and smile, now." also isn’t it good that i kissed her different than any AFC. a kiss is kiss no matter how good you are, but the...
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    Challenge#1: Create A Neg 2005

    1) when being introduced to a chick: "wow <insert her name> thats a really weird name" and then turn away and talk to your friends. 2) when your friends try and set you up with a thin chick: "i'm sorry you don't meet the reqirements" hold out your hands smaller than her waist. 3)...
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    mega-corny kiss close..that worked

    hey all i'm new. just thought i would tell you about this corny kiss close that i came up with and tested, only 5 hours ago. background story: i was at work and this chick i had been smsing came in. we had just fluff talking before this, she seem interested in me etc. but nothing had...