

Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2005
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everything i share , i have used and it works for me.
i am simply willing to inform people in what works and
also would like to see other people succeed using the
techniques that i have.

i have been using self-hypnosis for the longest time.
i use it everynow and again , but mostly just to vege out and
but if anyone if interested in trying ,here are the basics to
get started just to see if you like the results you get...

now i won't go into no long ass lenghty description but i will cover the basics so you can get started.

all hypnosis is getting you to become super-relaxed and then
gently suggesting what to do!
that simple, no gizmos or weird tactics.
you're awake the entire time,but in that really really really
relaxed state when you first wake up in the morning and
laying around in bed or that last three minutes right before you
go to sleep.

*induction techniques-
the best induction techniques i've used were the ones
where you just lay down relax and wait until you get into the
state where you feel like you just woke up in the morning and
you just lay there in bed thinking about whatever.
That feeling is the feeling of "being under".

some good ones are-imagine walking down a long hallway
and keep on walking until you get that relaxed feeling.
or going down a never ending escalator.

for the people with no imagination-
lay down ,relax , make sure your not too full or have to
use the rest room.
and when you start to feel really relaxed- tell yourself that
with each number counting backwards you will become
more and more relaxed when you reach 1 you will
totally completly relaxed, totally completly hypnotized and
ready to fully absorb the given suggestions.
now, loosen up, relax your entire body and clear your mind.
and count 100-1 backwards slowly.

*state in a positive state only-
the mind can only focus on one thing at a time,stating both positives and negatives my only neutralize the entire suggestion.
it's like the old saying goes, don't think about a pink
elephant.By bringing focus to the negative we only focus on it.
instead say -"i am confident" rather then "i will no longer be negative".just trust me. i could go on forever on just this
topic alone. New guys in the field may dispute this but ,like i said , i am old school.

*use short generalized suggestions-
"i am confident" is better then going into long lenghty paragraphs
into why you are or should are giving yourself
suggestions, not trying to convince yourself for gods sake!!!
always present in the present state."i am.."

*post hypnotic suggestions are awesome-
use them! in the future in the precense of a woman i am attracted to i will become completly self-confident, relaxed and natural.i have the choice to approach or the choice to just say "hi"
and move on.These are different from the standard suggestions because of it's refering to in the future, "the next time.."
so and so happens...

*suggestion magnifiers-
as days go by these suggestions become stronger and stronger day by day in everyway.
with repeptiton these suggestions magnify in effectivness
day by day in everyway...
you get the picture.

*keep the session short and simple- you might fall asleep and land yourself in a coma or possessed..just kidding

when ready to awaken simply suggest that you will awaken
when counting backwards from 10-1 and you can either
give the suggestion to rememeber or not to remember
the suggestions.I always just give the suggestion to
wake up..

there you have it..
a simple guide to self-hypnosis. i have used these techniques to
enhance my self-esteem and confidence as well as increase my
stamina while working out.It's not a cure for all , but think if
it as specialized motivation when you need it most.
During times of stress i find myself feeling different then
before i used the suggestions.Think positivly, if you really don't think it's gonna work then it won't NO ONE can be forced to be
hypnotized or follow suggestions.

Next i'll cover guided visualization. i know this all sounds
really gay- but once i tried it i really liked it..
oh wait, that sounded gay...:crackup:


Master Don Juan
Feb 2, 2003
Reaction score
Red Sox Nation
Dude that sh*t is not gay. What's with this whole "That's so gay" sh*t flying around? I been playing with it at one point but I haven't been doing it recently and I'd like to get back into it and use it for self-programming. Guided imagery is pretty good too especially if you can have such vivide imagery that it almost feels real. Have you had any success with self-suggestions?

Dapper Swindler

Senior Don Juan
Aug 25, 2004
Reaction score
This is very close to the affirmations that Brian Tracy teaches. I'm going to give it a try with the counting backwards relaxation thing. Good job.

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
Reaction score
I used to frequently self-hypnotize/meditate and still sometimes do when I feel the need. What everyone needs to keep in mind that all hypnosis is self-hypnosis and that there is nothing too mystical about it. You simply relax and when you’re in a very relaxed state you tend to be easily pursuaded. One thing I always found helpful in gaining a meditated state, other than repeatedly saying “Relax. Relaxxxx...” “Deeeeper...” and so forth, is to “tell” various body parts to relax, twice. “Feet, relax. Feet, relax. Legs, relax. Legs, relax.” That sounds cheesy to admit to a forum of strangers but I always feel a mild tingling sensation when I “tell” a body part to relax. It’s the placebo effect.

I have done some rather wierd things while self-hypnotized.

There are some claims made by some of the hypnosis field which I find simply absurd. For instance, while hypnosis does seem to “bring out” the subconscious and make you easily open to suggestion, the people who warn that you must get yourself out of an hypnotic state or else face peril are being simply absurd. It is a relaxed state, that is all. I never “officially” ended the self-hypnotic sessions and yet never was I especially prone to suggestion afterwards.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by legolas
Dude that sh*t is not gay. What's with this whole "That's so gay" sh*t flying around? I been playing with it at one point but I haven't been doing it recently and I'd like to get back into it and use it for self-programming. Guided imagery is pretty good too especially if you can have such vivide imagery that it almost feels real. Have you had any success with self-suggestions?
i am a FIRM believer in visualizational thearpy for creating
change in behaviors and beliefs. Cancer patients that
were involved in visualizing there T cells fighting off
deadly virusis either fully recovered or lived significantly
longer then people that didn't use the therapy.

i reccomend psycho-cybernetics to everyone and
it goes into visualization very deeply.
it's my all time favorite.

i believe you can really alter your future through
visualization & suggestions alone- i have.

listen to yourself and everyone around you.
everyone is under suggestions so to speak.have you ever heard someone repeat something to themselves either jokingly or
"god, i am such a dork"
"man , i am sooooo lazy!"
"god, i hate him"
they are giving themselves suggestions unknowingly
ever feel sad and say something like-
"man , i suck..." then feel completly crapped out?
the more you repeat it the more it becomes
a belief about yourself unconciouslly.
as a matter of fact, if you are in an emotional state and
say something like that, you automaticlly anchor
that feeling to that phrase and now everytime you get into
that mood, guess what? you get an urge to say
whatever phrase that mood is anchored to thus even
further reinforcing the mood/bad belief!
much like when exuberated you're all like "sweet!"
or "awesome!"...

for the next week repeat to yourself throughout the day-
" i am soo awesome!" and note how you feel.
then for the next week repeat-
"i am such a loser"
note how you feel-
suggestions are very powerfull indeed.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2005
Reaction score
the imagination holds the key to unlocking YOUR future,
if people knew the true power of their imagination & visualizations-
they'd be SHOCKED.

read psycho-cybernetics & the 2000 verson.


Don Juan
Aug 21, 2003
Reaction score
North York, Toronto
I am also interested in self-hypnosis. I believe that there at least two states for any given person. The conscious state and the unconscious state. The conscious state is the one that says "I want to approach that girl" or "I want to be successful"; it is the state which tells you what you want. If this was your only state no one would have any problems with women or success or getting what they want. This is where the second state comes in, the unconscious state. This is the one that make you feel uneasy about approaching a girl or make you feel lazy etc.

Imagine if you will, a wheel and the conscious mind is pushing it one way but the unconscious mind is pushing it the other. The result is little or no movement, and overall not very productive.

If one has internal forces pushing in different directions, the result is confusion, laziness, lack of motivation etc. This state will not help you.

What self-hypnosis does is reprogram the unconscious state. This will take time since the unconscious state is not as volatile as the conscious state. But once you practice self hypnosis you will begin to align the unconscious state with conscious state. You will begin to push the wheel in one direction (the direction of success) instead of pushing from opposite directions.

If anyone is interested in a detailed guide for self hypnosis, you can try


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2003
Reaction score
Honestly, you should be working towards the point where instead of using hypnotic suggestions to get things done you actually just go out and do it, make it second nature. I can sit in a trance and tell myself all day long I will be confident and cool when talking to females, but to go out and do it is a different thing. I think one would be better off facing their fears then trying to hypnotically reduce/eliminate them.

If anything, hypnosis proves that we can do things if we really set our minds to it. I prefer to cut to the chase and practice directly, but that's probably why I want to be an engineer :)


Senior Don Juan
Jul 16, 2005
Reaction score
Its sounds cool but I have a question.

when your stressed out are you just suppost to picture yourself walking down stairs that wont end?


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by ShizamDaMan
Honestly, you should be working towards the point where instead of using hypnotic suggestions to get things done you actually just go out and do it, make it second nature. I can sit in a trance and tell myself all day long I will be confident and cool when talking to females, but to go out and do it is a different thing. I think one would be better off facing their fears then trying to hypnotically reduce/eliminate them.

If anything, hypnosis proves that we can do things if we really set our minds to it. I prefer to cut to the chase and practice directly, but that's probably why I want to be an engineer :)

woah there kojack, hypnosis is a "supplement" to taking action,
not a replacement for action. ;)

it helps quiet the negative thoughts in the mind, not to a "fix for all"


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by avrilishot
Its sounds cool but I have a question.

when your stressed out are you just suppost to picture yourself walking down stairs that wont end?

whatever works for you, personally i just relax and calm down
theres not set rule that you HAVE to do anything.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 9, 2005
Reaction score
i tried it once and i started having a panic attack.