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  1. B

    Are there any other oppurtunities for me to approach women?

    what i dont understand is how u dont have any friends at all, not even dorky ones.
  2. B

    a girl...

    Let me ask you this, what do you consider to be hitting on her?
  3. B

    a girl...

    ROFL, this is pretty pathetic, read the dj bible, move on she dosne have intrest.
  4. B

    Lessons learned this year.

    And to luke, man, no offense, constructive critisism right here, u come across as a dork. work on having a cool, relaxed, easy going attitude first. Do something about your hair man, your losing it, it lessens your apperance a lot. Get your ear pierced with a nice stud, grow an thin beard...
  5. B

    Lessons learned this year.

    because of the friction of the same material, same reason why u cant use a male condom and a female condom at the same time
  6. B

    Lessons learned this year.

    hmmm avoiding my question ehy. i wounder why.
  7. B

    guys looking at you.

    Why do you seem to be making a thing over it. I always just assume its because i look hot and guys are jelaous.
  8. B

    Lessons learned this year.

    how many chicks have u fvcked in this past year btw?
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    I'm getting no respect and i'm getting walked all over

    Are you the abnoxious type that tries to act cool and bust everyones balls non stop, just looking like a doumbass?
  10. B

    AFC Childhood Poll

    None of the above. Its almost all genetic. My brother and I grew up with the same parents and my brother was from a pretty young age very good with chicks and I wasn't. It came natural to my brother and I had to learn from my mistakes. Aint life a bit<h.
  11. B

    Help On Getting Ear Pierced/Earing

    Waz up guys, I think i'm gonna get my ear pierced, I think it would work. I wore a magnetic one for a day and my friend said "can't you picture him sucking a di,k."LMAO. Anyway, i'm kinda lost on the process of getting your ear pierced, I want to get it done by a doctor because i'm safe like...
  12. B

    Do you ever get annoyed by it?????

    Wow stfu haha. But seriously, that type of physique is I guess the ideal for the most part, a bodybuilder physique definatley isn't. I think your just braging.
  13. B

    My problem: Im good looking

    umh you approach girls, 99.9% of the time they won't. This is pretty stupid.
  14. B

    Feeling AFC For A Girl, Is It Nature Or Society?

    This question poped in my head out of nowhwere today. It basically simplifies down to the cliche nature or nurture. Do you really think society plays the impact of making you feel afc for a girl or is it just nature. I mean how can society play that much of an impact, or can it? The root...
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    All The Whining And B.tching Stops Here

    Someone tell me i'm wrong.
  16. B

    All The Whining And B.tching Stops Here

    This guy quite possibly has the worst genes on this planet...yet he's banging an hb and for god sakes had a kid. OMFGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. Point being, if he can get a hb, anyone can.
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    awh you guys are really fu,king with his head haha.
  18. B

    Typical North American Woman Rant

    If you look at her other videos she contradicts herself saying how bad guys are sooooooooooooooo attractive. Point being women don't know wtf their saying and any point their trying to make is as valid as bird s h i t.
  19. B

    Alas, Valid Female Advice (Useful in hs)

    Its all over this site written in stone, "DO NOT TAKE FEMALE ADVICE!!!", but I found a nice little exception. Shure that statement holds true, women don't know at all what they want blah blah blah, but this is where those really good female friends come into play. Ask her what girls in school...