Lessons learned this year.

May 23, 2006
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It's October 25th today, and I've reviewed all my mistakes with women between March 18th to today and have come up with these following ideas.

- On a first date, never ask a girl how many guys she slept with, or ask any questions that would portray her as a *****. Girls usually get offended on first dates when you do that when picking them up from a dating or legit section. In exchange, do not devulge any information about relationship/sexual history until third meeting - because you are more concerned about compatibility first before getting into that, and it keeps some mystery.

- E-mails should only be three sentences, positive and non-confrontational. If there is a 'confrontational issue' then arrange for a meeting, and ask questions about the issue and ascertain facts first. Emails further than three sentences should be proofread as something stupid or retarded is likely to be contained in it. Two sentences are statements, last one is usually a call to action, either a date or whatever.

- Cell phones should be used over emails given a choice. (short message in an upbeat tone, consisting of name and call me back). Stick to phones.

- Any communicaiton should be arranging a date after the first date.

- Do not get into any confrontation with girl until at least kissing her first or getting laid - then get into as much confrontation as you want.

Other than that - these are some bases covered within that time-period - so at least I've learned something from the dramatic crash and burns.



Jan 14, 2006
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you keep forgettign that if you follow too many preprogrammed rules, you will become a ROBOT


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
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Luke Skywalker said:
E-mails should only be three sentences, positive and non-confrontational. If there is a 'confrontational issue' then arrange for a meeting, and ask questions about the issue and ascertain facts first. Emails further than three sentences should be proofread as something stupid or retarded is likely to be contained in it. Two sentences are statements, last one is usually a call to action, either a date or whatever.
No, no, no!

Word limits are for essays, not emails. Obviously you don't want to write pages and pages that make you sound obsessive, keep it light and casual, but say what YOU want to say, be friendly and polite.

These brief, businesslike emails are going to seem cold and make it look like you have no personality. Inject more of a relaxed tone and some personality into your emails. Example...


I've just finished work. Been rushed off my feet all day, so I'm glad to be back home and put my feet up. How has your day been? Did you hear anything more about that job/college course/concert/whatever you were talking about the other day?

Anyway, I'm just emailing to see if you would be up for a night out this week. I was thinking Thursday. We can go for a drink and catch up and decide what to do from there.

Hope all is well. Chat soon,


Any communicaiton should be arranging a date after the first date.
I've heard this advice given before and it's nonsense. Or rather, it's exaggerated advice. You don't want a 2-3 hour discussion on the phone, but the opposite extreme of arranging a date and ending the call is way too cold and businesslike.

Like with my email example above, throw in some trivialities and friendly banter.

Do not get into any confrontation with girl until at least kissing her first or getting laid - then get into as much confrontation as you want.
Uh?! Why would you want to get into any confrontation?

If there's any confrontation, you're best walking away from it.

Keep an open mind Luke. A lot of those rules you read about are too extreme and not very applicable in real life.
May 23, 2006
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These aren't really rules that are made up or read from a book, those are retroactive mistakes that were done that have consequentally nuked off three women.

The point is that I dont make the same mistakes twice because insanity is doing the same thing over again and expecting different results. So, I'd rather err on the opposite extreme then make the same mistakes again. If the opposite extreme doesn't work - then that will be looked at a future date.

All I know is one thing, when I write more than three sentences, things tend to fvck up with me. People can call this robotic or whatever - but it's better to be robotic than to be obessive - I've never lost anyone to date on being robotic - but did for saying something they perceived as offensive or accusatory.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
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Black Circle said:
hmmm avoiding my question ehy. i wounder why.
Cause HE DIDN'T DO ****. That's why.

Still has NOT gotten laid. He can't let go of the comfort of his own thoughts. Too damn stuck in his own head analyzing everything. The man does not realize that the world is fluid. Things change without reason and EVERYTHING IS IMPERFECT. Absolutely everything. Even your own plans and thoughts Luke.

Luke, if you want the pvssy follow skip's advice (if you can make some sense out of it. Its like reading ebonics.)

Quit being so damn pathetic. Now I don't want to rag on you because you already have low self-esteem problems.

So instead, I'm going to outline what you do:

Alex's(MY Name) Grand Unified Theory For Being:

1. No spanking the monkey. Ever. You want your sexual energy and testosterone to pull you out of this rut. Testosterone is almost magical in what it can do to you. Makes your voice deeper, you become stronger, more endurance, mental strength, improved memory... all of that. Hell, even sharpens your personality. You get more courage, charisma. If you want all that. You have to control your left hand. (or whichever you use to whack off with)

You want to be the best you can be? You want drive? Motivation? Mental strength? A Leaner Body? Well you got to increase testosterone levels. No more masturbation. That DECREASES levels.

You also want to clean up your diet. Eat good fats and take ZMA or zinc and magnesium citrate.... if the ZMA gives you those vivid dreams. The dreams are cool the first couple of nights... but then they become so realistic that it doesn't feel like sleep and I wake up tired. So Zinc and Magnesium in the citrate forms will fix that "side effect".

and more to come....

I'm going to make a post when I got the time. I'll post a copy here.


Jan 14, 2006
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Luke Skywalker said:
I've never lost anyone to date on being robotic

correction - you've never even KISSED anyone to date BECAUSE you are robotic

Luke, you can't LOSE someone if you never HAVE anyone

that's like a baseball pitcher whos never thrown a pitch in the major leagues saying "I have never lost a major league game!!!!"

the fact is, every girl that you try to talk to who you dont end up fvcking or dating, YOU HAVE LOST THAT GIRL


Jan 14, 2006
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believe it or not, his best bet is to find his female equivalent........some inexperienced 25-30 year old chick whos OK looking, kinda geeky, maybe into starwars, ect ect

i dont understand why guys with NOTHING to offer to a chick always AIM SO HIGH!!!!!

no wonder he's a virgin
May 23, 2006
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skip2mylou781 said:
correction - you've never even KISSED anyone to date BECAUSE you are robotic
No - a girl told me she was offended when I asked her how many men she slept with and that it seemed I was too 'casual' for her - nothing to do with robotics.

Another girl - I dont know where it stands - but I can tell you, I've sent harsh, hurtful and accusatory emails to her like over a dozen and I think I really put it on a tail-spin. What I could have done was arrange another date and then try to kiss her - but I got upset on the fact she betrayed me and went with another guy - turns out, I'm not that desperate for a kiss as opposed to kissing a girl who doesn't betray me. But, all academic - could have handled that one differently.

Third girl - sent a couple of email bombs after the meeting -

I tell you, I'm taking this whole internet dating thing too personal - it's like I dont get a large set of leads, get an attitude when I'm feeling desperate due to a low turn-out and lack of connection when I do meet someone.

Thus, the rules above clearly account for the errors.

You can get funny up close and personal, but sending hurtful or accusatory emails is a no-no, it's unnecesary and counter-productive. Instead, one should just meet the person, and trash any issue out face-to-face.

I dont see how Skip can put more into this than the obvious common sence conclusions that have been made here. You dont e-bash a girl and expect her to be nice to you and complain that you are rejected afterwards - so I learned that lesson.
May 23, 2006
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Call_Me_Daddy said:
Alex's(MY Name) Grand Unified Theory For Being:[/CENTER]
Her name is also Alex. Short for Alexandra. She also has a couple of other names. Four different first names which she interchanges I guess. Confused type of girl. I dont know what to do, I e-bombed her and I think I've lost her. I put a saved-draft message on trying to see if the friendship can be saved. I'm so confused about it.

Well, as skip said you cant lose something you dont have, I dont have her, and therefore am insane to feel I can lose something that's non-existent, but I seem to be sucking something about her in like a drug and I cant put my finger on it.

It's hard to believe I have delusion feelings about a non-existent friendship or relationship, or feel a connection with her. But she's probably pregnant or something, better run. If the guy who did her dumped her like a hot potatoe, then she cant be that good anyway, and I likely am latching on psychologically since I really dont have anyone else in my life.

Good - it's gone. Excape the comfort zone of my own thoughts which revolves around this girl. I'll erase the draft message, move on, and forget about her, it can be done.
May 23, 2006
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skip2mylou781 said:
believe it or not, his best bet is to find his female equivalent........some inexperienced 25-30 year old chick whos OK looking, kinda geeky, maybe into starwars, ect ect

i dont understand why guys with NOTHING to offer to a chick always AIM SO HIGH!!!!!

no wonder he's a virgin
I thought offering a chick something was an AFC concept.

There are lots of wh0res around.
May 23, 2006
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Call_Me_Daddy said:
You also want to clean up your diet. Eat good fats and take ZMA or zinc and magnesium citrate.... if the ZMA gives you those vivid dreams. The dreams are cool the first couple of nights... but then they become so realistic that it doesn't feel like sleep and I wake up tired. So Zinc and Magnesium in the citrate forms will fix that "side effect".

and more to come....

I'm going to make a post when I got the time. I'll post a copy here.
Thanks - Zinc and Magnesiem Citrate - sounds good, I'll look into that.


Jan 14, 2006
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Luke Skywalker said:
I thought offering a chick something was an AFC concept.

There are lots of wh0res around.

i am saying, tell ME, why would a good lookign girl who's had c0ck before ever want to go for you? what can u offer her better than other guys can??

u gotta LOWER ur standards, get experience, and work from there


Master Don Juan
Jun 15, 2006
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Call_Me_Daddy said:
You also want to clean up your diet. Eat good fats and take ZMA or zinc and magnesium citrate.... if the ZMA gives you those vivid dreams. The dreams are cool the first couple of nights... but then they become so realistic that it doesn't feel like sleep and I wake up tired. So Zinc and Magnesium in the citrate forms will fix that "side effect".
What the f.uck are you talking about?
May 23, 2006
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skip2mylou781 said:
i am saying, tell ME, why would a good lookign girl who's had c0ck before ever want to go for you? what can u offer her better than other guys can??
She doesn't know me, and I can tell her what she needs to know, all other factors are purely psychological - game - acting, etc.... that's what sosuave is about anyway, learning game to score on chicks. I admitedly dont have much game - obviously a player's job is to fool a chick into thinking she's going to get something just to con her pvssy and move on.

Again, skip, I'm really thinking of focusing on an internet ad next month. I've got a great haircut, took pics with my tongue sticking out, and will soon release an ad on the internet about how I give great oral and see how many girls are going to click on that ad - and put on various picture costumes. Also have cousins going on some pics.

But - again - you tear down my 'positive' internet ads but have nothing much really to say - but sure, I've tried 'negative' ads - and there were women who wanted to teach me to have sex. But, as e-mail psycho as I am, I sent them a barrage of emails and scared them off - which is of course, on of the recommendations listed on here.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 8, 2003
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Luke Skywalker said:
Again, skip, I'm really thinking of focusing on an internet ad next month. I've got a great haircut, took pics with my tongue sticking out, and will soon release an ad on the internet about how I give great oral and see how many girls are going to click on that ad - and put on various picture costumes. Also have cousins going on some pics.
Wow. I'd really like to know whats going on inside your head.

Do what you think you gotta do but online dating is tough. The only difference is the rejection doesn't hurt. I've looked at adultfriend finder and usualyl there are about 20 guys signed up for every girl. You'll probably have better odds of actually getting laid sticking your tongue out at a girl in public and telling her you give great oral.

You should post those pictures on here. I'd pay to see them. :p

May 23, 2006
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Celadus said:
Wow. I'd really like to know whats going on inside your head.

Do what you think you gotta do but online dating is tough. The only difference is the rejection doesn't hurt. I've looked at adultfriend finder and usualyl there are about 20 guys signed up for every girl. You'll probably have better odds of actually getting laid sticking your tongue out at a girl in public and telling her you give great oral.

You should post those pictures on here. I'd pay to see them. :p

I'm well familiar with online dating and of course, I already know that the easiest way to get laid if you got some game is to go on the 'dating' and 'relationships' section, connect with someone, act like you want a relationship until you bag her and that's it. But it's never worked for me due to lack of experience.

I've had most success during the spring month when I tried it. I know the odds are skewed on the intimate sex sites - if you do connect with someone, they will likely be older or ugly - it's more like a bar scene I suppose. But, now is November - the month that I usually sent out intimate adult ads out and play with this system.

I even want to make some semi-porn pics of myself in a sailor's outfit I got from Venice and other crap -- I know I'm going to make a smash if I put some crazy pics together.

But, hey, these are all ideas:

Postiive ad ideas:

- stick tongue out and say give great oral. Could cut it if you have a really handsome face like I do. Targetting Indian chicks of course on first attack.

- show my imaginary fvck buddies (really cousins), and claim to have a love next, etc.....

Negative ad ideas:

- the 'honest' profile: I'm a virgin looking to get laid, SOS. (No explanation - or just 'friendzoned' or some other crap explanation)

- the 'quasi-honest' profile: I'm a virgin because I waited for someone who broke my heart because she gave her virgin to someone else when I went to Italy, now I dont care who I do it with.

Why? Girls love to hear stories about heart-breaks and crap like that -
you have to give your readers what they want to hear and that's likely to stick.

Again, someone posted about some ideas from a myspace thing that worked, I may look into that.

However, since I have some sort of heart-break, I feel that could be exploited to get sympathy from the ladies on the internet. Maybe throw in a line saying you want to get some pictures to send back to her, etc... anyway.