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    A shout out to All Old Time Dj's

    There's a whole bunch from the old forum left on sosuave. Many have new names. Welcome back.
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    quick tip on being a mystery

    Have you field tested this? It's a really big difference between message board and the reality.
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    How women works

    On these board there's one thing I really get annoyed at, no I'm not talking about people who always try to tell others what they should do or the ones who are so afraid off anything different that they condemn it all. Making them so narrowminded you wouldn't get a nail through. I'm talking...
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    secret to holding conve

    We don't critizice because we want to be asses or bring the guy down, we critizice because we don't agree with this post. To some off you it may sound good on the paper, but go out there and try it like I've done for too long and you'll se in the long run it's very demanding on yourself...
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    secret to holding conve

    The purpose off a convo is not only to make people feel better, you are there to enjoy it too. If they only want to talk about themselves the best thing to do is to leave. It's utterly boring to talk to a person who doesn't ask you any question at all.
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    My GREAT Philosphy

    Double, consider steroids when you begin to reach your peak, not now.
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    secret to holding conve

    Sounds like a really boring convo just asking question after question after question. Keeping convo going with people actually is the responsiblility off more than one person.
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    Stop Being Timid!

    It's easy to get the impression that your way is the only way to go because everyone who disagree is a hater and an AFC. You can't give rules and say this you have to do or everything is ****ed. It all depends on the situation, when people make the transition from Rule-DJ to Situation-DJ, they...
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    ur favorite way to start a conversation

    I won't tell you but if you have 200$ give me a PM ;) My point is, go with the flow, it's not hard to see if a girl is sincerly into you or attracted to you. Everything is connected to the other things, so you can't simply point out one thing and say it's wrong, but you can count the...
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    changing from AFC to alpha/leader.

    Bulking up definatly will help if he's skinny. Girls go nuts over a good body.
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    Stop Being Timid!

    Thank you, good luck yourself.
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    ur favorite way to start a conversation

    Actually, you shouldn't be giving advice if you just have read through the bible and think you know everything. I've bought a girl a drink once and we had sex afterwards, it depends entirly on the situation. When you learn this, you learn to adapt to the situation and you learn when you can...
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    Stop Being Timid!

    I was talking about the starter off this thread, not about you. :)
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    Stop Being Timid!

    People here are very good at telling others what they should do with their lives. IMHO whatever you are doing that make you feel good is something DJ, no matter what it is. If people want to **** around with everyone, fine by me, if they want to find the love off their life, well go for it. I...
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    Stop Being Timid!

    My goal is whatever I want it to be, I do not subscribe to the sosuave ideal or philosophy.
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    Stop Being Timid!

    Like I have it now. Having girls to hang out with and then having sex with them as well. It's not all about sex, it's about intimacy too and having connection with them. Another benefit is that the girls go and talk about me with their girlfriends showing me off as a trophy which make more off...
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    Stop Being Timid!

    Sounds like you overcompensate for something friv... get in your head that not everyone want the same thing as you.