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  1. D

    How can you tell a woman wants you to come over? (she only hints)

  2. D

    cut off all contact means just that

    well said my friend, well said.
  3. D

    cut off all contact means just that

    The problem I have with this is once I go no contact with someone that I really loved and really wanted to stay with, she comes back around. Once she realizes that I am truly walking away, she wants me back. Until I give her that chance, then she doesn't want it anymore. Must be because she is...
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    Hatred towards ex girlfriends and lovers

    You'll be good. Just be honest with yourself and start today to fix your flaws. Don't worry about women right now. Write out every flaw you have about yourself completely and honestly in a word doc and then fix each one, one by one. Then you'll never have this problem again. Your exes will...
  5. D

    Girl with....BODY GUARD!? O.o

    LOL that sht is hilarious. What a crazy b1tch
  6. D

    not getting a girls number at a gym but says we can talk more in hear when i see ya

    Move on, I wouldn't even bother because any further communication that is not initiated by her would be chasing and even if she does communicate further, you gave her a chance so why wait around? If she throws herself at you then maybe but if she just wants to play you then don't bother.
  7. D

    give me 10 things you like about yourself

    10. I like to stay very healthy for a lot of reasons, but most importantly to prolong my life so I can experience more of life with my loved ones. 9. Success, career, money, freedom are all extremely important to me and they are important so I can give my family a great live and enjoy the finer...
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    Hatred towards ex girlfriends and lovers

    Really good advice there. Stay at it, don't be so bitter. This is a bunch of crap if you ask me. YOU are responsible for EVERYTHING in your life. Don't blame women. Women aren't the problem. Your perception of them is the problem. They can lie. They can cheat. They can be cruel. But that's not...
  9. D

    MUST READ!!! It will help you realize something

    This is a very good post. I rewrote it for you. Life is a road and you only walk through it once. Everyday people decide on how they are going to walk on their road for another day. The time we get everyday cannot be bought or taken back. Your road is going to have to end one day or another...
  10. D

    Looking for insight

    yea went on for like three months the first time and four months the second time. every time i finally lost it because it is abusive. No contact from here on out. That's what I'm doing now. fck that ****. Thanks for giving it to me straight though it helps to hear it from an outside...
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    1 in 4 women are on mental health medication

    I don't like those odds :)
  12. D

    Alphadom regaining ground

    b1tches be crazy
  13. D

    In a Dark Place...Help Me Reach the Acceptance Phase

    Stay up bro, Every day is a new day. Don't let her get to you because these are days you will never get back and to live them in a negative state of mind because of her is not a good way to spend them. All of us are dealing with the same thing. We've all been hurt, left in the dust...
  14. D

    Looking for insight

    yea bro your right. this chick is screwed up she lost a great guy i mean **** I like loved her more than I ever loved anybody, yea I screwed up but in my eyes these chicks should cut the sht when they actually have a great guy who is succesful and loves them. All I can say is thank god...
  15. D

    Looking for insight

    yea your right shes got a new boyfriend or something at least is dating someone SUCKS oh well, good thing I dodged that bullet and can start fresh with someone new and not be a little *****
  16. D

    Looking for insight

    I'll make this as short as possible. So this girl. Hadn't seen her for 5 years, never dated in high school but hooked up. She randomly got in touch with me two years ago but we lived in different cities. Started calling me every day, really putting it on thick, I fell for her. She kept making...
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    On the precipice of a breakup

    I don't like that part alone. But don't do anything rash. Although I have a feeling this relationship is already over, the question is when will you accept that she is not respecting your standards. In my eyes, if you have to "repeatedely" object you should EJECT. :wave:
  18. D

    Did I misinterpret her message?

    The point is who cares? You will never know.
  19. D

    What exactly is a "dating coach"?

    Mystery Method for Women BJ training.
  20. D

    In a Dark Place...Help Me Reach the Acceptance Phase

    Ah, I see. Well, damn then it looks like you lost someone that you really wanted because you cheated. ****. Oh well, at least you learned. But don't make this worse on her by trying to get her back and messing with her. She deserves someone that didn't cheat on her if she is such a great person...