give me 10 things you like about yourself


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
we spend alot of time here breaking down each other and propping up the opposite sex. but the key is that you have to like yourself first before anyone else can you like you, unless you are interesting in dating "fixers" which we all know here to be crazy physo *****es

do you like yourself? do you like what you are in life as of now? everyone i including myself has things they can work on, but in general, do you like you? would you date you? would you honestly go out on a date with yourself?

what are 10 things you admire/like about you? if you can't name 10 things, you have work to do. not general things like "i'm smart" or things you have no control over like "i'm good looking"

I will start

1. I have and always have had a thirst for knowledge. I like to learn things, in particular things about history.
2. I'm in great shape. I played high school basketball and I am in better shape now thatn I was then.
3. I can honestly say I love what I do for a living. Everyday (Execpt tuesay) is a Saturday to me.
4. I have overcome a nasty drug habit from my younger adult years. not very many people can say that.
5. I am fiercely independent to a fault some times. I believe in myself in all matters.
6. I am extremely meticulous and very well organized in everything I do
7. I'm very well rounded as a person, i have unique interests from horse racing to jazz to biography's of past presidents to my Alaskan husky to salt water fish.
8. I'm quite funny when I feel like being.
9. I have a great sense of style. At least I think so lol.
10. I have the ability to talk to anyone. Though in the real world I am more reserved than my internet persona probably let's on, once i actually start talking i'm very good at talking to people, and not just women, people in general.

what are 10 things you really like about you? What are 10 things that you think make you very marketable to the opposite sex? sale yourself to the DJ discussion forum


Don Juan
May 5, 2009
Reaction score
I'm in a rush so I'll have to get back to you on this, just wanted to bump this to keep this at the top. This is a great a idea, thanks for posting it.


Don Juan
Jun 10, 2006
Reaction score
10. I like to stay very healthy for a lot of reasons, but most importantly to prolong my life so I can experience more of life with my loved ones.
9. Success, career, money, freedom are all extremely important to me and they are important so I can give my family a great live and enjoy the finer things with my loved ones.
8. I am a great friend and always supportive when someone I love is need of a helping hand. I like to be there for someone who has earned my trust and make their life better.
7. I know how to take risks, flow through the cracks to advance to the top of society.
6. I have a belief system that I don't change for anything or anyone.
5. I live my own life, and know my own flaws which I work on improving on a daily basis.
4. I have a great ability to understand someone's psychology and provide for exactly what it is they need.
3. I am working on seeing the best, simplest beauty in every day life and the opportunities I've been given.
2. I take advantage of every opportunity I've been given.
1. I'm happy with myself and who I have become.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2011
Reaction score
South Africa
My large penis


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2008
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Great idea for a thread

1. I've gotten myself into great shape while at college
2. I've tried my hand at stand up comedy nine times in the past year and have gotten over my fear of public speaking
3. I've going to graduate from my favorite university that didn't even except me out of high school because my grades weren't good enough, I had to transfer in.
4. I've kept my college GPA at above a 3.0 (3.3 actual). This is coming from a guy who failed several classes while in high school.
5. I'm very funny and have a great sense of humor.
6. I have a good fashion sense.
7. I now make regular contributions to any class discussion. i was VERY shy in highschool and rarely spoke. Now it's rare when I do not speak.
8. I'm excited about my future and I truly love the person who i've become and am becoming
9. I'm a very brave and courageous person. Whether it be approaching women, speaking up in class, or trying stand up comedy, I'm always willing to make an ass out of myself in order to grow as a person.
10. I'm a good looking dude!

Don Juan
Sep 27, 2011
Reaction score
Like this, shame it's only 10 things... ;)

10. I'm directed and powered by dreams (like Honda haha) and I've always had a tight work ethic to get stuff done if I'm passionate about it.
9. Following my dreams. I'm Living and teaching in Asia now - it was my dream since I was 14, achieved it last year. fulfilled 2 more dreams this year too. My next one is to go in submarine.
8. I enjoy my own company and I make myself laugh. I think that's a great trait.
7. I'm close to my family and have a great circle of tight mates. And coincidently, they're the only people I care about, I meet people but don't put too much reserve in them.
6. I love routine, it keeps me healthy, I hit the gym 3 times a week, have a movie night once a week, a night to myself, see my girl.
5. I'm a c*nt. I suffer from over confidence, I think about myself a lot, I get pissed off at people easily. Generally because I have self respect and respect for others. If I would do something for you, I expect you to do it for me.
4. I'm the most reliable person I know (bar my parents) .
3. I love awkward situations and making strangers feel uncomfortable, mostly because Im having fun.
2. I'm really fussy about my friends. My main circle of mates back home is really cliquey. I'm also really picky about the girls I go for.
1. Im a natural trendsetter and leader and people tend to want to qualify themselves to me. Makes my life easier.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
Great idea, Backbreaker.

1) I have a great sense of humor
2) I have natural leadership qualities, and recognize that a large part of being a leader is being a servant. It comes with the territory. Leadership is granted by those being led, not seized.
3) I believe what the Bible says and try to live by its principles the best I can.
4) I created my own business 11 years ago and it has survived through tough times and is now developing at a rapid pace. That's called beating the odds.
5) I am reliable and keep my word (there are a few of you who are waiting to hear back from me in I.M. so you may beg to differ there. Sometimes the number of I.M.s gets overwhelming and I do need to catch up).
5) I have overcome chronic illness in the form of Crohn's disease and Colitis. I am extremely sick every single morning but I push through.
6) I am generous with my time and money.
7) I am very polite with people, which has probably worked against me with women, sad to say.
8) I seem to be considered by many to be a good writer.
9) I am an accomplished guitarist and enjoy a degree of fame in certain circles.
10) I try extremely hard at everything I do, and when I get repeatedly knocked down I get up again that many times plus 1.

Kudos to BB for coming up with this positive thread.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
2. I've tried my hand at stand up comedy nine times in the past year and have gotten over my fear of public speaking
i would imagine if you could do this you can pretty much approach any woman at any time.

I don't see how you can up in front of a crowd and make them laught, then be afraid to approach a girl and at least ask for her number.


1) I have a good sense of humour.
2) I'm open minded, I am not afraid to explore new avenues.
3) I'm protective of the people that I care about.
4) I'm honest, I say what I see, though I am able to do it in a way which isn't likely to cause upset and offence.
5) I have a great pair of eyebrows.
6) I don't let my height (5ft 5) affect my confidence.
7) I am knowledgeable.
8) I'm punctual, hard working and always keen to work as apart of a team, but I am also not afraid to work on my own.
9) I'm content and happy and that's because I also strive for a happy medium.
10) I don't let my heart rule my head, I also look at things in a pragmatic manner as opposed to a dogmatic one.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 4, 2008
Reaction score
Great idea. As began writing this I realized how hard it was to do this. It seems we are always trying to find things that are wrong with us. I could probably name 20 things I don't like about myself yet it took a good amount of time to come up with this list.

1. I have a great sense of humor when I am in the mood
2. I'm athletic
3. I am relatively attractive looking at least a 7/10 with 5 being average
4. I am a strong critical thinker
5. When motivated, I am extremely determined
6. I set a high standard for myself yet I'm completely honest with myself and I'm aware of my limitations
7. I am very slow to judge someone negatively
8. I am very open minded
9. I never think or act like I am better than anyone else
10. I respect myself and don't put up with any type of disrespect from anyone


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
Reaction score
1. Proactive and goes after what I want.
2. Athletic and in shape
3. Smart - I am a nuclear engineer, but am also interested in finance, and history.
4. Makes friends easily.
5. I change it up and am willing to improve in anything I do.
6. Can kick back and have a good time. I try not to let things bother me ( key word is try ;) )
7. women say im good looking. I have been approached/ fvcked on this alone, so i'll let the jury do the judging here. I'll just say im not ugly.
8. Good sense of humor.
9. Eager to learn and listen. Contradicts #2 but i'll be the first to admit I don't really know jack squat about much in life.
10. overcame my fathers death as a teenager and never blamed the world for an injustices and always focused on how I could excel.

These are what I could think of. It paints a too ideal picture which isn't the case at all. I used to struggle with girls, was skinny, had self confidence issues, but never stopped ( and am still not) trying to make things better. All I can say is that I give a **** and try to work on things. thats about it.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 7, 2009
Reaction score
1. I have a great memory. I like to consider myself smarter than average.
2. I love learning new things and successfully applying them in everyday life.
3. I am a critical and logical thinker; I love the ability to take info, analyze it and prepare a plan of action, or correctly predict a certain outcome.
4. I am a sensational dancer and I am not shy about trowing it down during a party or a dance.
5. I have a great scene of humor and the ability to weave and tie anecdotes together with a great feel for callback humor.
6. When the mood strikes, I can be very obsessive (in a good way) about a certain task I started or need to start.
7. I have the qualities of a leader and the drive to get things done. I just need to focus it more and apply it more to my career.
8. I am a very loyal friend and hold my close friends with high regard, always ready to help them (even when they dont ask..)
9. I am an avid pursuer of fun. Love finding new things and experiences and eager to try new things that push me out of my comfort zone.
10. I am a good human being (except that sometime I like messing around with people..)


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2009
Reaction score
1. I am a very good college student.
2. I have reduced my approach anxiety massively in the last few months.
3. I can talk my way into and out of things :rolleyes:
4. I have become much more sociable and approachable by reframing my thoughts
5. I can race cars/go karts very well
6. I am open and laid back at time and funny and witty at others
7. I am a pretty good DJ (as in music) and I love to mix
8. I play the piano and get compliments all the time.
9. I can sing well ;)
10. I have strong relationship with family members and professors


Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2011
Reaction score
In no particular order.

-Not bad looking
-Possess decent intelligence
-Well spoken
-Dedicated to fitness
-Have nice physique
-Work for a good company
-Have some financial security
-Not intimidated by women
-Have several hobbies and outside interests that I get stimulation from other than chicks.


Master Don Juan
Sep 19, 2001
Reaction score
North America
Great idea for a thread

1.) I am well informed about whats going on the planet and pay attention to important issues, not sports, gossip, etc that dominates the lives of so many.
2.) I am passionate about what I believe and can communicate why articulately.
3.) I can speak two languages very well (Spanish and English)
4.) I am in good shape and exercise 4-5 times a week.
5.) I am becoming more self aware everyday, recognize my mental faults and working to overcome them.
6.) I have a great hobby that I love to do (partner dancing for 5 years, mostly Salsa), which opens many doors for interaction with the opposite sex
7.) Im on a great career path as a scientist (Ph.D. student studying Microbiology) and I genuinely love what I do.
8.) I love science and apply the principles of critical thinking and skepticism to every aspect of my life
9.) I have a great family and good relationship with them.
10.) I can ussually talk to people well and connect with them, often using humor when Im in a good mood.

Like someone else said, shame its only ten things - Im thinking of a few more.
Last edited:


-I'm a very musical/artistic person (though I cannot draw) and can play just about any convention (and some non convention) instrument a person could throw at me... but I prefer people to hand me instruments.

-In that same vein (not vanity), I also consider myself a talented songwriter.

-I like the way I look, especially after losing almost 60lbs and maintaining a regular exercise program.

-I'm a funny guy. I crack myself up all the time.

-Believe it or not, I don't always like this about myself, but I'm very intelligent.

-I'm willing to take action and change my life/behavior in order to improve my overall life.

-I'm very ambitious.

-Even though I'm young, I'm a leader in my local community.

-I'm a good ballroom dancer (and can thus, handle a woman appropriately. I prefer "soft leads" and never knew how to handle "hard leads" until I began dancing. Now I can handle them with ease).

-As I continue to learn how to be a better man, I have not lost sight of my compassion for others or my sense of spirituality. I've also realized that a better man is not someone who memorizes routines and magic tricks to sleep with women.