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  1. S

    Schizos road to success!

    Huh? What makes you think that?
  2. S

    Schizos road to success!

    You are completely missing the point, mate.
  3. S

    Schizos road to success!

    Exactly. Geting numbers was never the point of this thing. The purpose was to have an excuse to approach and talk to someone without caring about any numbers or anything.
  4. S

    Schizos road to success!

    I don´t understand your question. I have never done something like that, if that´s what you are asking. Or are you refering to the fact that the conversation should be focused on the other person and not myself?
  5. S

    Schizos road to success!

    I´ll use this thread to write about my attempts to get rid of my AFC-behaviour and become a master Don Juan! For years I´ve been very shy and anxious in social situations, especially around strangers. Today I decided to finally do something. For months I´ve been reading about all the...
  6. S

    Countering neg-hits?

    Thanks for the replies! I think my biggest problem will be not leting it get to me.
  7. S

    Countering neg-hits?

    I read that if you neg-hit a girl, she will most likely try neg-hit you back later on. So, to pass that test, you have to answer it the right way. So my question is, how do I react when a girl tries a neg hit? As an example. This happened to me recently: HER: "Why do you have your hair in...
  8. S

    Working against my self. Got to stop being negative

    Personally I found much success in a certain technique. Every time you think something negative, immediately counter it with a positive one. Always, never stop, no matter what. I did this for a couple of months a year ago and it worked great. Instead of automatically thinking negative, my...
  9. S

    You young guys are lucky.

    I´m 20 so I guess I´m one of those you consider lucky. Though, no matter how old you are, I think you will always remember, and hate, the wasted years.
  10. S

    Starting out, need some input

    You know, I have tons of material to go through. I figured you had some specific input on the stuff discussed in this thread. Since you bothered posting.
  11. S

    Starting out, need some input

    Prove them wrong.
  12. S

    Starting out, need some input

    Thank you! That´s the first time somebody actually took the time to explain what it means to not taking **** from people. I´ll start working on that!
  13. S

    Starting out, need some input

    That´s a huge problem for me. Building a tough skin. Everytime people say stuff I don´t like, I walways try to ignore it and just shrug it off but it really gets to me every time. Any ideas how to actually do this? That is true. I´ll keep that in mind.
  14. S

    Starting out, need some input

    The hair IS a change in my life already. I´m doing something that I dreamed of but didn´t dare to actually do earlier. I´m really into heavy metal, and I play lead guitar in two bands so I really want the hair. And when it comes to girls. One of my friends has long hair and he is extremely...
  15. S

    Starting out, need some input

    Yep, in a few months I will go and get it trimmed again to neat it out a little bit. Though not too much cause I want to avoid the bobble-head-haircut. Once it reached my shoulders I´ll be able to trim it so that it looks neat. :)
  16. S

    Starting out, need some input

    Thanks for the replies! About the hair, yeah it´s not the best looking atm. I´m growing it out so it´ll look a lot better once it gets long. Oh, and that´s not up for debate though. ;)
  17. S

    Starting out, need some input

    First of all, hey all! To make a long story short. My childhood was a huge mess, I´ve never had any girls and haven´t even kissed one. So, until a year ago things were pretty ****ed up. I was very insecure, depressed etc etc, you know the drill. Anyways, I started working on my confidence and...