Starting out, need some input


Don Juan
Dec 17, 2007
Reaction score
Grand Wizzard Alamar said:
Get back at them. Do what they do to you back at them, but not in a mean way, just in an I-don't-care-I'm-better-than-you way.
An easy way to do this actually is to practice arguing with people, but be creative with it.

By not taking sh!t from these a$$holes who've been insulting you for all of your life, you're gonna start talking back and standing up for yourself.

Here are some things to remember:

1. You can act like it doesn't bother you, but you can't ignore it, because if you're silent it obviously bothers you. Start talking about something even if it's random.

2. Insult them!! You have a right to since they've insulted you so much. To start with this, observe something strange or weird about them, but you have to point it out as an insult strongly, but calmly and creative.

3. When you're ignoring someone who's trying to insult you, the best way to avoid it is to be talking to somebody else and they'll be trying to get your attention while you're busy with a conversation. They'll start trying harder if you do it right and you'll be able to be like "what do you want?" or "get out of my face, you're annoying" etc. I can't really give you lines cause you have to say one naturally that fits your situation.

One other way is to practice being a jerk to people (only girls or else you might get beat up) for no reason, but make sure it's people you don't know. When you're out somewhere, make some nasty remarks that will make you seem like a jerk and use the concept of "negging" and build up your vocabulary. Be as mean as you can without going too far, like swearing or going too close to the person. Actually heres a better word for it, just be a smartass :)

This is good so many ways beacuse you get practice talking out and thinking of things to say and you won't care what the other person's opinion is. So what if you're mean to someone? They don't even know you. You can learn a lot by their response. Be ****y with your smartass attitude, and be cool and relaxed like you don't care what they say anyway. Don't even let them get mad at you and try to come back... just say whatever, laugh, and walk away.

Builds confidence and toughens you up. This is the best way I can think of because you need to loose the nice guy attitude and actually become confident with your soon to be new tough guy attitute.
Thank you! That´s the first time somebody actually took the time to explain what it means to not taking **** from people.

I´ll start working on that!


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
Jesus Mary Joseph...

No wonder I stay away from this part of the forum.

My God, blind leading the blind...........

SO man males who have no idea WHO they are, What they Want, What to do, and MOST importantly How To Be a Man.

And these same children telling other Males what they 'should" do.


Don Juan
Dec 17, 2007
Reaction score
Interceptor said:
Jesus Mary Joseph...

No wonder I stay away from this part of the forum.

My God, blind leading the blind...........

SO man males who have no idea WHO they are, What they Want, What to do, and MOST importantly How To Be a Man.

And these same children telling other Males what they 'should" do.
Prove them wrong.

Grand Wizzard Alamar

Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2007
Reaction score
My bed, your girl.
Schizofren said:
Thank you! That´s the first time somebody actually took the time to explain what it means to not taking **** from people.

I´ll start working on that!
Yeah I have the exact same problem as you and this is what I've realized... but I actually haven't started doing it yet hahah I usually just don't even pay attention to em lol.

PM me your screen name and I'll help ya out with details.. like specific problems.

I expect some criticism on my advice though haha.


Don Juan
Dec 17, 2007
Reaction score
Interceptor said:
Why don't you learn how to 'lift a finger" and look up my posts.
You know, I have tons of material to go through. I figured you had some specific input on the stuff discussed in this thread. Since you bothered posting.