You young guys are lucky.


Don Juan
Nov 17, 2002
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I was thinking about how lucky the young guys are on this board. I'm 33. When I was a teen, there was no internet. No, no David Deangelo, No Ross Jefferies, No Mystery or Neil Strauss, or similar people. Hell these guys were teens when I was a teen.

All us older guys really had was trial and error. And the advice the cool guys gave us. But guys like me were too hard headed to think that a girl would be better off with a "nice guy" like me. If she could look past the shy guy. She would see how great I was.

When I was around 13. I was super shy. My grandmother bought me a book written by Anne Landers. The advice columnist. The book was about making friends and getting people to like you. So my "dating guide" was written by a 70 year old woman. LOL. Talk about bad advice. Unless you were a 70 year old man walking around the mall picking up 70 year old women. This is what I had to work with. And numerous rejections. Fine tuning my "game."

So whenever any of you young guys here who complain, remember how lucky you are to have advice on here readily avaliable.


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
I have to agree to the TC,
If it wasn't for seduction stuff on the net, i damn well know i would still be in the dark in terms of limiting beliefs.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 2, 2007
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Deep South
jd782 said:
My grandmother bought me a book written by Anne Landers. The advice columnist. The book was about making friends and getting people to like you. So my "dating guide" was written by a 70 year old woman.
PFft...back in them days she was her age, you should have tried to hit it lol

How hard is it to get date with your walker...sporting the tennis balls on the front?

Just kiddin man


Senior Don Juan
Dec 12, 2007
Reaction score
33 is death for a man in America. The thought scares me. I am sure I would be locked on Web porn until the early morning hours. I feel for ya. Keep your head up. I could have grown up to be just like all the rest.

There was a ton of advice out there back then. These gurus that some of you pimp are simply rehashing the same stuff that guys like Carnegie, Hilton, Hill, etc. did almost a century ago. Nothing new. Maybe the guys didn't wear stupid looking hats and act gay, but the message was clear.

The biggest difference in the 80's was that the average girl wasn't arrogant. She was thin, stylish, wore makeup, and did her hair up when she went to the mall! God, it sounds like the country I moved to! American girls in the 80's were far superior to what you have now. They were better looking, more stylish, friendlier, and were not as spoiled. Lets not forget MUCH thinner. America was also a much happier and easier going place. The hippie generation has made America the least fun spot on our earth. What a terrible group of people.

If you keep an open mind, are flexible, avoid personal debt, and don't get married you can be a very happy man. Traveling is the American males greatest weapon. Few use it other than to go domestic or to Amsterdam or London. Bad choices.

Update**** I am into 80's pop music. Lame? Yes, but I kick it old skool style (with the "k" to show that I am down)! In another post I mentioned taking a girl for hot chocolate on Monday. Well, I bought her a fedora today! How freakin' sweet is that?! There is now a girl who is rockin' the 80's because of me.

33...Male...America. I think I could write a book with that title. It wouldn't be a pretty story.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2007
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Los Angeles
Carnegie and Hill didn't do anything for seduction. Try to apply their books to women - you're not gonna get anywhere. I have no clue who Hilton is though.

But I really think that anyone who puts the effort to go in field and gain experience will "get it" sooner or later. There's a downside to all this info being readily available. For one, it gets misapplied like crazy and all the misinformation about what you should do can make a guy regress. Second, a lot of guys mentally masturbate and KJ off this stuff. Their sex life sucks so they read the book of Pook and it makes them feel better. Then they go back to avoiding women.


Don Juan
Dec 17, 2007
Reaction score
I´m 20 so I guess I´m one of those you consider lucky. Though, no matter how old you are, I think you will always remember, and hate, the wasted years.


Don Juan
Nov 27, 2007
Reaction score
That's true. In my 4 years in college, there were gorgeous girls all around me, some of whom I am now told were interested in me. But I was so naive that I didn't see it and thus they probably assumed I wasn't interested. So I went through college without going out much (except to the odd small house party) never hitting on girls or anything. College is the time in your life when the most, best looking, available girls are there for the taking and I wasted it.


Don Juan
Dec 18, 2007
Reaction score
You are 100% right. I'm 20 and it was definitely a life-changing event in finding this community. But not for just the obvious reasons. Obviously, everything here gives you a much better understanding of women and how to attract them. You become more social. This is a good thing.

But by far, the best thing I learned in a community that is geared toward picking up women (ironically) is that life does not revolve around women (a concept that would have blown me away back in my AFC days). Because of the lessons I learned in this community, I wake up everyday and appreciate life. I don't take things as seriously as I used to and I think there's a lot to be said in that statement.

Also, as far as college goes, I'm there right now and most of the girls I've hooked up with recently, I didn't meet in college. Granted, there are clubs all over the place and you can easily open girls if they're in the same classes as you. But if you don't dorm, you're in the same boat as people not in college (I don't dorm). My AFC friends that no nothing are generally pretty successful simply because they dorm. They have 0 game, but if a hottie down the hall that they're friendly with gets bored one night, where do you think she goes?

- Kage

Mad Manic

Aug 11, 2007
Reaction score
Leeds, UK
jd782 said:
I was thinking about how lucky the young guys are on this board. I'm 33. When I was a teen, there was no internet. No, no David Deangelo, No Ross Jefferies, No Mystery or Neil Strauss, or similar people. Hell these guys were teens when I was a teen.

All us older guys really had was trial and error. And the advice the cool guys gave us. But guys like me were too hard headed to think that a girl would be better off with a "nice guy" like me. If she could look past the shy guy. She would see how great I was.

When I was around 13. I was super shy. My grandmother bought me a book written by Anne Landers. The advice columnist. The book was about making friends and getting people to like you. So my "dating guide" was written by a 70 year old woman. LOL. Talk about bad advice. Unless you were a 70 year old man walking around the mall picking up 70 year old women. This is what I had to work with. And numerous rejections. Fine tuning my "game."

So whenever any of you young guys here who complain, remember how lucky you are to have advice on here readily avaliable.
But in the past the dynamic wasn't as distorted as now, hence there wasn't as high a need for seduction gurus. Once things got distorted enough and men were desperate enough, gurus emerged to help, often being one of the desperate and then changing their ways themselves. We don't have it lucky, we are spending our youths in a period where the dynamic is more distorted and biased in favour of women than it ever has been.



Don Juan
Nov 17, 2002
Reaction score
Thanks for all the responses. My post was more fun than critical. But true. The young guys today have it tough in many ways. One problem today is. With all the dating guru's out there. The info can be confusing. With all the contradictions. I've read all the books by all the different Pick Up Artists. And until I disected and used some of it in the "field" I did alot of head scratching comparing the different ideas.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 26, 2007
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ready123 said:
Carnegie and Hill didn't do anything for seduction. Try to apply their books to women - you're not gonna get anywhere. I have no clue who Hilton is though.
Carnegie and Hill showed how you could change you and your life for the better. This makes people feel good about themselves and that attracts women.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2007
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Answers said:
Carnegie and Hill showed how you could change you and your life for the better. This makes people feel good about themselves and that attracts women.
Carnegie wrote about platonic people skills and Hill wrote Think And Grow Rich. Those books are related to seduction as much as getting a decent education or landing your dreamjob is - marginally. Some of the people who are pros at carrying out what Carnegie wrote, which is knowing how to deal with the fact that people are egotists, totally suck with women.

It's a whole different game