Schizos road to success!


Don Juan
Dec 17, 2007
Reaction score
I´ll use this thread to write about my attempts to get rid of my AFC-behaviour and become a master Don Juan!

For years I´ve been very shy and anxious in social situations, especially around strangers. Today I decided to finally do something. For months I´ve been reading about all the techniques and stuff, without trying anything! Knowing all this stuff and not geting anywhere was just making me frustrated so today is the beginnning of the new me.


I decided to go downtown. The goal was to talk to three people, and use the line "I´m conducting an experiment on mindreading. Think of a number between 1 and 10". Now, for those of you who haven´t read The Game, this is something Mystery does. Most of the times, the answer is 7. The objective was to get rid of my fear of approaching, and to talk with strangers.

Anyways, I decided to focus on girls in my age walking alone. Because I wanted to emulate a situation when I´m trying to get a girls number. And alone because otherwise the experiment would be kinda difficult. Asking a group to think of a number would be too hard.

I armed myself with a confident smile and a good body language and began.

I followed the main street and after 5 minutes, I spoted a HB 6 walking towards me. Forcing myself to the 3 second rule, I immediately went up to her:

ME: Hi!
She stoped and returned the smile.
ME: I´m conducting an experiment on mindreading. Think of a number between 1 and 10.
HER: Umm, okay.
Then I just looked at her pretending to read her mind an said:
ME: Seven...
She bursts out laughing and looks amazed.
HER: How did you know that??
I just smiled and said:
ME: Mindreading. How come you chose seven?
HER: Because that´s my lucky number!
ME: Ah okay. Did you know that seven is a religious number? Six is for satan and seven for god.
HER: Nah, I didn´t know that.
ME: Well, thanks for participating!
HER: Okay!

I shook her hand and went off. This girl smiled all the way from start and it completely blew her mind that I "knew" what she was thinking. This is the first time ever I´ve talked to someone like this and it was just what I needed.

I kept on going and after some time, I saw my next target. A HB 5 carrying some bags.

ME: Hi!
First off she wanted to keep going but then she stoped to hear me out. She was not smiling.
ME: I´m conducting an experiment on mindreading. Think of a number between 1 and 10.
HER: Okay (I could tell she wanted to keep on wherever she was about to go, but the question seemed to interest her enough to answer)
ME: Have you decided?
HER: Yeah...
At this point I kinda rushed it a bit.
ME: Seven...
HER: No.
ME: What number did you choose?
HER: Three.
ME: Okay, how come you chose three?
HER: Because that´s my lucky number.
Now she turns to get going but when I reach out my hand and thank her for participating, she stops, shakes my hand, gives a nervous laugh and says "okay".

Now, that didn´t go well. I kept going for at least 15 minutes but didn´t find any good targets so I just called it quits and headed home. Even though I only talked to two people.

Overall I´m very happy I did this! However, it turned out to be a lot more difficult than I first though. The day before christmas is a pretty bad time. Those who were out were either out buying last minute gifts, or were couples.

Also, bear in mind that I live in sweden. Here in sweden, anyone who approach you on the street is presumed either a mental case, a drunk or someone handing out flyers and such (I´m not kidding here). So the most common reaction is suspiciousness or just to keep going.

This was the icebreaker for me. I´ve never done anything like this before and I feel like I have finally done something to get rid of my social problems.

Wish me luck!


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score

tell me about your experiences just going up to a woman you fancy and saying something like:

"Hi, I couldn't help but notice you. You have a great smile, and I wanted to come up and meet you. You seem like someone I would like to get to know better."


Don Juan
Dec 17, 2007
Reaction score
Interceptor said:

tell me about your experiences just going up to a woman you fancy and saying something like:

"Hi, I couldn't help but notice you. You have a great smile, and I wanted to come up and meet you. You seem like someone I would like to get to know better."
I don´t understand your question. I have never done something like that, if that´s what you are asking. Or are you refering to the fact that the conversation should be focused on the other person and not myself?


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
It's ok, you answered my question. Thanks.


Don Juan
Mar 27, 2007
Reaction score
Don't be so harsh and cryptic on him man, he's doing great considering his main goal first is to get rid of shyness in front of strangers. Success with getting numbers isn't important at all right now.


Don Juan
Dec 17, 2007
Reaction score
godofanxiety said:
Don't be so harsh and cryptic on him man, he's doing great considering his main goal first is to get rid of shyness in front of strangers. Success with getting numbers isn't important at all right now.

Geting numbers was never the point of this thing. The purpose was to have an excuse to approach and talk to someone without caring about any numbers or anything.


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
No one is being harsh or cryptic, gentlemen. Please refrain form projecting insecurities on to me or my post.

I was attempting to help you see that it seems like you are bypasing yourself , and instead offering up some sort of gimmick to people rather than having the courage and confidence of presenting yourself.
That is, in order to benefit fully from your SELF development, and SELF improvement, you are doing it in a roundabout manner by offering up something that is gimmicky and non congruent.
In other words, instead of developing confidence form develoeping an IDENTITY , you seem to be offering a somewhat cowardly, gimmick.

This is just my opinion, that's all. You don't have to pay attention to it.
I'm not being negative, harsh, or destructive here at all.

Continued good luck, and success to you. If I can be of any help to you feel free to ask.

Carry on.


Don Juan
Dec 17, 2007
Reaction score
Interceptor said:
No one is being harsh or cryptic, gentlemen. Please refrain form projecting insecurities on to me or my post.

I was attempting to help you see that it seems like you are bypasing yourself , and instead offering up some sort of gimmick to people rather than having the courage and confidence of presenting yourself.
That is, in order to benefit fully from your SELF development, and SELF improvement, you are doing it in a roundabout manner by offering up something that is gimmicky and non congruent.
In other words, instead of developing confidence form develoeping an IDENTITY , you seem to be offering a somewhat cowardly, gimmick.

This is just my opinion, that's all. You don't have to pay attention to it.
I'm not being negative, harsh, or destructive here at all.

Continued good luck, and success to you. If I can be of any help to you feel free to ask.

Carry on.
You are completely missing the point, mate.

Grand Wizzard Alamar

Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2007
Reaction score
My bed, your girl.
Haha I bet the girl who said 3 was a big lair :p