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  1. 2

    What should I do?

    what was I thinking, I see the light. I want to zoom zoom in her boom boom. She just wants control. We do go out once a week.
  2. 2

    What should I do?

    I've been dating this girl for 3 months now, we recently talked she said the relationship was going well and she likes it but "we have too much sex". I always convince her to come over about twice a week to my place since she lives with her parents. She said she likes it but she thinks it's too...
  3. 2

    how many of you have gotten back with an ex? how did you do it?

    I am going through the same sh*t, I bumped into a girl I recently broke off with and still have some feelings for her at a party recently but ignored her, it's gets her attention. I have urges to call but it just leads down the wrong road. Make it short and simple when you see her, but Move ON.
  4. 2

    Are this IOI's

    Try reading body language. Not everything out of a woman is an IOI.
  5. 2

    Some Clarification about this girls actions

    Ignore her, get on with your life. She's not gonna feel sorry for what she did. Next her!
  6. 2


    Sounds like your already into this girl. Don't waste your time sending the letter. If she doesn't call, call her again. If she doesn't pick up or return, next.
  7. 2

    would you be pissed at this friend or not

    Would you not hang out with the girl if you were in his shoes?
  8. 2

    wtf help me

    Take her to bowling or pool, teach her how to play hands on approach. Take control and tell her place and time. If you hugged her for a long time, go in for the kiss when you're hugging, always works for me. Personally, I would take her to dinner, gives me more opportunities to connect. So...
  9. 2

    walk away or be more understanding?

    if their interest level is high, they will reschedule with you. You have a better chance with girl 1.
  10. 2

    What can you say aboout this girl?

    you lost me buddy.