Some Clarification about this girls actions


Don Juan
Jan 6, 2006
Reaction score
LONG so plz bare with me

Well me and this girl go to the same class in college, and this class is a volunteer prep course so all the people are really close, its a special program where all the volunteers bond with each other. There is this girl and I know she likes me. I found out about two months ago. I know because she told one of her friends in the program who told me.

So I talk to her and I just act myself and I felt that I was being pretty natural, making her laugh and just being confident. I honestly felt like I didnt even have to try to be those things like they where just there and I was being myself. I never thought of this girl as somebody I could never get or some girl who was better than me. This is very rare for me, but with this girl I didnt care to much.

So we talk over the course of the month, I never really wanted to date her or hook up. I dont know I just didnt feel it for her. We talk and what not.

We flirt from time to time over this month, I held her hands too while we waited for a bus at a us stop. She seemed a little afraid or reluctant though her hands felt tight and clamy. That got me worried, I thought I had it in the bag. She then lets her hand drop after a few minutes and I have to reach for it again. Then I try and just gently pull her next to me so this way I can ease in a kiss. She immediately looks at me and says in a serious voice "what are you doing?" this caught me off guard and scared me, she seemed like she said it in a wait a minute buddy I got you voice. I then acted like nothing happened I said "nothing" in a calm, relaxed tone. I contiued to chat but I didnt have as much intrest or desire to talk to her after that for the time we where there. I just made regular chit chat, a few laughs here and there.

Some time passes and I ask her to hang out with me, and I probably have asked her to hangout a couple of times even before the whole hands thing.

I get that she is busy and she tells me she works, which I know is true, but I ask her out a couple of times but for some reason or another things fall through and she always ends up not being able to come.

When I am online, I see her online, I always IM her and I stopped after I realized that she never IM's me. Even when she sees me online. I always IM first.

She called me a couple of times and I return her calls, but after she called me twice this month I didnt return them. I see her almost three times a week in the class at college so it doesnt matter if I return them or not.

During college me and her hang out at the cafeteria a couple of times and we chit chat for a few hours. We chat for like four hours, Idk but I thought that it was better than nothing. I hate having to talk for so long, but I never could get her to come on a date "date" with me, so I figure this would be the next best thing and we could TALK. Bah. We had lunch a few times like three times.

Anyway I was getting sick of not even being able to take her out on a date and while she tells me she has had three bf's. I wanted to go on a date and make my move.

Anyway I ignore her for a while and she even IM's me online and I dont really talk much, I just ignore her in school and online.

She seems to be making more of a pursuit that I ignore her. BAD sign. Attention ***** flag goes up. I had a feeling this whole time like she had some issues and she wasnt ready to be upfront about her sexual desires and she liked playing games.

So then I see her at the library studying for finals and she asks me to sit down and I do. She gets up to leave and she said she would come back after 10 minutes. Im thinking what would be something cute I could do to let this chick know I am serious. But Before she had gotten up to leave as we where talking she said after something I forget "so you always know what a woman wants" I said "yes" she said "so do you know what I want?" I said "yes but I dont feel like explaning it now" (i really didnt, I mean come on another BS question, we are adults we know what we want, stop being stupid)" she said "okay"

when she leaves I write down on a piece of paper "hey do you remeber when you asked me what you thought you wanted..well will you go out with me"

She came back and she like smiled and giggled and said "I am really flattered" BUT when women say that they are FLATTERED it means its over, from my past experiences.

She said "Your a real ladies man" in a serious sensual voice. I said "thx I appreciate it" she said "You should"

She said "okay what do you want to do"

I said "I know what we can do, but I will tell you later"

she said "okay"

I txt her and say lets go hang out and said she cant cuz she got back from work and she had family come over. If I understood her correctly she had siad she didnt work on Fridays the day I asked her out for like the 5th time.

So I was like "alright cool dont worry about it"

I havent spoken to her since.

What makes me really mad is that she never counter proposed tomy offers, since if she was a busy girl she WOULD find time or let me know when she was free. How did she have three bf's if she is this busy to even date me.

Right now I feel like telling her that we should only be friends and forget it.

Since I am going to see her next semster, i have to be nice about it.

But I really feel like letting her know where she went wrong with the whole being busy and not counter offering the date.

I am upset not because I didnt get the girl, but because I got disrespected like my time means nothing or hs no value, like I am just a fool who will keep asking her out. I am mad and feel like letting her know that wasnt cool. Then not talk to her again.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2005
Reaction score
what is the question?
ignore her for the time being shes playing hard tog et.


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
I am upset not because I didnt get the girl, but because I got disrespected like my time means nothing or hs no value, like I am just a fool who will keep asking her out. I am mad and feel like letting her know that wasnt cool. Then not talk to her again.

Guess what? Your time does mean nothing to her. And you are a fool who keeps asking her out. Let her know it wasn't cool. She'll care as much as she cares about your time. Why should she? She's not into you.

Solution? Next!
If you feel disrespected then stop being around her, period. Since when do you hang around people who disrespect you? And even if she does like you and really wants to go out why would you go out with a girl who plays so many games?

Get over her. Treat her civil yet cold. Avoid her as much as possible and don't apoligze for your behaviour. If she asks why and you *feel* the need to explain say, "sorry babe, I don't have time for a person like you."


Don Juan
Jan 6, 2006
Reaction score

I really want to let her know that she messed up. I want to get it off my chest. Should I do that or just ignore her?

I want to tell her she made a mistake and played too many games.


Don Juan
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
Ignore her, get on with your life. She's not gonna feel sorry for what she did. Next her!


Senior Don Juan
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Grovetown, GA, USA
Dude, get out, if you explain the whole situation, she is not going to feel sorry for you, just stop talking to her. In her mind, she obviously got what she wanted from you or she would not stop you at a certin point. You say you were holding her hand at a bus stop, but when you went in for the kiss she says "wat are you doing?" then you pussed out and said "nothing" sounds like you messed up just as much as she did