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  1. M

    Voice determines who we're attracted to

    Funny considering one of my friends in high school had a kinda gay sounding voice (he is straight) and the girls would clamor all over him.
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    LR: Italian Teacher

    DAMN! Kudos to you.
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    FR: Dance

    It only takes a noob to see that you were way too ****y and over exerting yourself on these girls. You got to be confident ****y, not ****y as "I'm so great I'm better than everybody. They wish they were me!"
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    When she's "too busy" to talk

    Oh ****, I hope the girl I like isn't trying to blow me off. Then again, SHE GAVE ME her number, I didn't have to ask for it.
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    check this out

    ROFL!! LMAO!!!!!
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    FR: Dance

    LOL you came off as way too damn ****y. You where just plain stupid if you ask me.
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    need some advice

    Seeing your from London (not London, Ontario I suppose), the girls here would go crazy for your British accent.
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    need some advice

    His situation isn't all that bad. I'm 18 Never made out Still a virgin of course Never been out on a date. I think I'm a pretty good looking and well dressed guy. Was just afraid and fearful of rejection / humiliation. Although now I'm beginning to break out of that shell and starting...
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    vicodin to ease nervous jitters b4 a date?

    Drugs are just an interim solution to a greater problem.
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    The Basics Behind The Basics

    This guy has earned his "Master Don Juan" status. Great post.
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    Don Juan thing to do?

    I have nothing to lose really. There is no real way I could embarrass myself. I even have what I'll first say to her in mind already. Carpe diem right?
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    Don Juan thing to do?

    Tomorrow I have my college pre-cal final exam. All semester there was this hot girl who sat right near me, yet I never started a single conversation with her since I had my mind set on another chick in another class. Even though tomorrow is the last day, would it be okay to actually get...
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    Runnig Shoe

    I have two pairs of Nike Free 5.0s. One pair I run in even though they are the cross training version and another pair of cross trainers I got to replace the older pair when they wore out but I still use the older pair for running and lifting. I've logged hundreds of miles of running on them...
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    How to Treat a Girl

    God I hate how there is this whole "fine line" of truth and lies in a relationship. You can't just lie but you just can't tell the truth either.
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    Yeah we have a problem

    This why having a friend with benefits isn't a good idea. Something always comes up in a later relationship.
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    Refusing to wack it works

    My success has had a major boost since I quit whacking it so much. Having all that build up in your system makes you really want to go after that girl.
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    How did you get over your shyness?

    I read many of the numerous articles on and got alot of help from my e-friends. At that point I told myself to quit worrying about rejection and "carpe diem". You don't know unless you try and the regret of never trying is a whole lot worse than any rejection.
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    Hottest woman in the world

    It's gonna take a lot more than that to get me to not dislike the French.
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    What is up with me and this girl?

    Right on. I had my phone with me at all times today. You're probably right. I need to calm down about all this and quit worrying about it. But to make her want me.........hmmmmmm..... .......I need to go read up on that some.
  20. M

    Need help on this girl

    Then touch her boob. Just kidding he's right. Be ready for that b*tchtest, I'm going through one perhaps right now.