What is up with me and this girl?


Don Juan
Dec 2, 2005
Reaction score
This is kinda long but please bear with me......I really need some serious advice on what is going on with me and this girl.

Okay, there is this girl that is in my college english class who had caught my eye from day one. I wanted to try and converse with her but I lacked the balls and confidence to do it (she sits right in front of me). Usually the only things I would talk to her about was academic related crap. One day though I manage to say "to hell with it" and talk to her (after weeks of self-frustration because of my fears of embarrassment and humiliation). Heck, that day I even gave her a ride to her car which was parked really far away. As she was getting out I asked her if she wanted to go get something to drink or something. She said she would have loved to but she said she had to work. It seemed pretty genuine that she had appreciated me asking (I don't think she was just trying to get rid of me). I do remember her body language in class up to that point was somewhat interesting and perhaps aimed towards me (she did sit in front of me).

The next couple of weeks though I didn't talk to her much because for some reason I felt some bad vibe.

I got to talking to her again some and last Monday (Nov. 25) as we were walking out to our cars I asked if she was doing anything that night and she said she was busy. I asked if she was busy friday or saturday. She said she didn't know and she without me even having to ask gave me her cell number. I was going to give mine but I had just gotten a new cell but I didn't have it with me and hadn't remembered my number yet. I told her that I would call her later that day so I could give her my number. Later in the evening I called her and gave her my number like I said I would.

On Wednesday (yesterday) as we were walking out again to the parking lot (I like talking when we are alone ourselves, not in a classroom) I asked if she wanted to have lunch today (Dec. 2). I asked if she like italian and her face lit up and said "My Favorite!"
I was going to ask her if she wanted to meet at the local place or meet on campus then go but she was in a hurry and told me to call her on her cell. I told her I would.

Later that evening I called her but she didn't answer her phone and I left a message.

This morning I called before her only class of the day was to start and again she didn't answer so I left another message asking about lunch. Around the time she told me her class was to end I called a second time but this time her phone was off (it rung once then proceeded to leaving a message). I didn't leave a message that time I just hung up.

So far I haven't gotten a return call or anything.

I want to know if she is playing a game or is just trying to blow me off.

Once she had noticed I showed interest in her a month ago, she seemed to show some in me and it's easy for me to make her laugh and stuff. She seems interested like me perhaps but sometimes I wonder if I'm being too persistent or maybe she doesn't like me any or something. I really like her especially she is the first girl I've really tried to pursue.

My whole life I've been a closed up person and it took alot out of me to get myself to come this far and to man-up and ask her out.

I've come so far, and I fear that maybe it's been futile. I want something to come out of this after all the frustration with overcoming my fear of rejection and lack of confidence (you have no idea how far I've had to come) and want this to yield some results. I want to forge a relationship. The semester ends tomorrow and I fear that I may not ever see her again even if I have her number.

I'm confused after this whole whirlwind experience. Especially since she is the first girl I have ever asked out (NO KIDDING).

Any comments are welcome. Please DO NOT hold back on criticizing me for mistakes you think I have made.


Don Juan
Dec 2, 2005
Reaction score
Well I told her I would give her my number so I thought I should keep my promise.

But yeah the other two calls I did have hesitations on doing but out of my stupidity I called anyways. I really do recognize alot of my mistakes considering a few weeks ago I read pretty much every article on sosuave.com.

Some others I've discussed this with (in a whole other forum site) agreed that the ball is in her court and I need to be patient.

But maybe I think she might just be playing "the game" and is testing me.

Thanks for being critical on what I had posted.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2005
Reaction score
United States
No offense, but I think you came on a little too strongly, like borderline desperate. Maybe lay off a little and let her make the next move. In the meantime, go on with your life.


Don Juan
Dec 2, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by dementia
Sounds like you have oneitis a bit.

They sounded like oneitis calls. That is you sitting at home thinking about it non-stop and pacing back and forth near the phone cos u got nothing better to do, and then doing the WRONG THING and calling her for no reason.
Right on. I had my phone with me at all times today.

I dont think shes playing any game. Shes just being herself and protecting herself. You havnt attracted her yet, you havnt made yourself out to be the prize and you havnt made her WANT to pursue you. So now shes just at home watching tv, and youre probably not even in her thoughts. If someone was to ask her about you, youre just some dude in her class who keeps asking her out.
You're probably right. I need to calm down about all this and quit worrying about it. But to make her want me.........hmmmmmm.....
.......I need to go read up on that some.