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  1. J

    Advice for getting this really hot girl in my class

    There is absolutely gorgeous girl in one of my classes that sits next to me. A solid 9. In the last few weeks I finally started to talk to her and she seems to like that I do. She's a freshman and seems like a party girl. I'm 24 so I hope I can use that to my advantage. Any advice for how...
  2. J

    Got a phone number, make out, but still feel insecure and lack confidence

    UPDATE: Ran into the same girl again on tuesday. She told me to come shoot pool with her, we had a really good time, I wound up taking her to some dive bar to play shuffleboard at (she was all about playing it). There was light contact and I knew she felt comfortable around me, and actually...
  3. J

    Got a phone number, make out, but still feel insecure and lack confidence

    From the stories I've heard she's not a girl with class and values.
  4. J

    Got a phone number, make out, but still feel insecure and lack confidence

    I met a girl about 2 months ago through a girl I work with. HB 7.5-8, and she's a dancer for our arena football team :up: Anyway, she would always talk to me when i'd see her out, and I got her to leave the bar with me one day but nothing happen (I was ****-blocked by one of my "friends"...
  5. J

    What's with all the male virgins?

    That sounds like a lot of my friends from high school. People like that are absolutely brutal to be around and I totally understand why a girl would want nothing to do with them
  6. J

    What's with all the male virgins?

    A big problem with me was with the people i was surrounding myself with. I'm 24 and just lost it (and it was terrible and didn't last long). I was (wrongly) told I had Asperger's in 8th grade, and a part of me gave up on life. I also grew up Catholic and went to catholic school my whole life...
  7. J

    Was America better off when women were expected to talk, dress and act like ladies?

    There's nothing wrong with women acting more sexual, hell i'd by lying if i didn't say I love seeing two chicks make out with each other. There's nothing wrong with equal rights either, women deserve the same jobs as men do. The problems lies with feminism, which is not the idea that women...
  8. J

    A bouncer gets laid every night. True or false?

    Not the bouncer's I work with, lol.
  9. J

    Need advice from people who know their shyt

    He smashed a beer bottle over my head and my leg got caught in a wheelchair when i fell, million to one shot. He's looking at 1-3 years.
  10. J

    Need advice from people who know their shyt

    I he smashed a beer bottle over my head and my leg got caught in a wheelchair when i fell, million to one shot.
  11. J

    Need advice from people who know their shyt

    I like what you said (except for number three, that was kind of depressing). I know all the stuff you've said and it's happened before, hell i've even given that advice to people, i just can't seem to apply it to my own life. It's been a really tough couple of months for me, I was assulted...
  12. J

    Need advice from people who know their shyt

    Okay, I've been an AFC for quite some time now, and am looking to improve my life. I've had limited success but can't seem to make the jump. I have major confidence issues that i've been trying to work on. There's this really cute girl that I work with who I think likes me, but I have no...
  13. J

    Advice for getting a girl in class?

    There's this girl in my class who I thought was pretty hot (about an 8) since my first day of class. I'm working on a project with this week, so I got the phone number already. Any advice on how to pick her up?
  14. J

    Are negs more effective with more attractive girls?

    I have to agree wtih you, I don't really find it to work. I know that I don't feel natural doing it. It works a little better with someone you kind of know. But I've learned to stay away from it.
  15. J

    Paying for the first time

    On a good day, I'm actually pretty good at talking to women. Of course I have my bad days and usually don't fare well, but now on those days I just don't bother approaching. I'm good at making women laugh, and I can even do good a cold approaches, the problem is, when they go well, I'm often...
  16. J

    Paying for the first time

    Igetit!, would you recommend going to a bootcamp
  17. J

    Paying for the first time

    Good point. Believe me if I do it, it won't be for a while. I live in a small town so the "professionals" here aren't women any self-respecting man would want to get anywhere near. So it would be in a big city. I've been laid up with a broken leg for the last 2 months, so I've had a lot of...
  18. J

    Paying for the first time

    That doesn't bother me. I used to believe in waiting for "the one," and that's what put me in the position i'm in today. I may not find "the one" until I'm 40 years old. The reason for the question is to get my obsession with sex out of my head, girls can tell that I want it too much and I...