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  1. K

    F-Close on Train

    Her number was 1-800-FOF-SH(T
  2. K

    Anyone else who's somewhat turned off by supreme beauty?

    You sound a lot like myself. I usually don't find these "extremely hot" chicks very attractive Similarly to yourself, i like girls that might slightly be over weight, or nerdy with glasses. Sometimes my friends think i'm nuts with my tastes in women. They'll tell me, "look at that babe...
  3. K

    Shy Girl Tips needed

    That's what i figured. So i'm gonna have to take things slower than usual; build trust in such a way that she still sees me romantically and not as just a friend. She is out of town this week, when she gets back I'm gonna take her out on another date....something where the two of us have a...
  4. K

    First Date...

    I'd CALL her and forget the text messaging. I say go play putt putt, shoot pool, bowl or do something with action involved AND then get something to eat.........movies and concerts in my experience have not been the best places to go on first dates, you can't talk and interact with the girl...
  5. K

    Shy Girl Tips needed

    Okay, I've met this woman that is somewhat shy and religious. Which i'm fine with. I'm almost 30 and looking at long-term with a decent girl; I'm not looking for the hot "easy" chick anymore. However, it's throwing a serious wrench into my game. I normally don't have a problem getting...
  6. K

    What would you consider you biggest help in picking up women?

    Every single woman i've ever picked up has been initially due to eye contact. Not some BS line i said or whatever. I'll spot a girl im attracted to across the room (usually not close to me), I'll get the girls eye contact and hold it till she looks away a couple times, smile, then flirt...
  7. K

    Popping the Relationship Question

    Thats what i was thinking...that i should just wait for the woman to bring it up. If she wants it to go there, she'll most likely tell me eventually. I figured if i asked it would seem like maybe i was desperate for a relationship....come off as somewhat needy. As long as i dont bring it up...
  8. K

    Cant quit GF because of fear

    I've been in your situation...The girl was crazy about me...i left the girl and within 6 months she met another guy and married him...LOL Its best you do it now than later...find someone you have a connection can't "make" yourself like someone that way...believe me, i tried
  9. K

    Popping the Relationship Question

    Okay, so ive been seeing this girl about 2 a week for just a little over a month now. I've been taking her on dates; dinner, amusement parks, games, drinking, etc. We slept together on 2nd date. She is always writing me telling me she cant wait to see me again. She went on vacation to the...
  10. K

    Woman Advice needed-no relationship

    Ok, I hooked up with this girl two months ago...I suppose it was only supposed to be a one night stand...we were drinking, etc. Anyways, i've been seeing this girl for two months...We have went to a couple concerts, museums and such...we've been sleeping together of course...She's smart...
  11. K

    Got a girl, Sex is overrated

    Well, for the last 3 years i've been single. Went through major bouts of depression...Single due to being confused about myself mostly now that i examine it...everytime i got someone i no longer wanted times i found myself not really caring if i was single or not AND then other times i...
  12. K

    Alright ****y guys lets here your best answers

    This is dumb as hell but i thought you would find it amusing and have a proper response: This is the second time ive gotten this from a girl i met on myspace...i posted the 6 questions bulletin thing Girl responds back: 1)"Would you have sex with me?".... 2)"Have you ever been with two...
  13. K

    Whoever thinks that a guy should pursue the girl is wrong

    This is the proper contains all the knowledge you need
  14. K

    Need a clever answer to this...

    Dang i hate when girls do that! I'd tell her, "I didn't ask your "mate" out...I asked YOU out" Change the date on her again...whatever works, but i wouldn't take a girl out with her co-worker stringing along...that sounds like an evening doomed for failure.
  15. K

    Getting a girl!

    Yeah you will need help because everyone is about to tell you to read the DJ bible and not post things like this :) Its hard to know what your problem is...either its conversing, body language, creating the right atmosphere in the womans mind, etc...we have to know more; you can't just tell...
  16. K

    Is this girl a user?

    What? I actually think this guy said the right thing...
  17. K

    Whoever thinks that a guy should pursue the girl is wrong

    Exactly, This only works on certain WILL NOT get every woman to chase your ass...some are too passive, unassertive, etc...
  18. K

    Confusing woman-Procede???

    Oh no, she didnt have my number not giving ANY woman my number on the first date (atleast directly...not much you can do if she has a cellphone)...woman could turn out to be a psycho and then you have to change the thanks...I did leave it in the voice message i left her...
  19. K

    Confusing woman-Procede???

    I be damned if i am calling her again. I called her TWICE, once i left a message AND i even after that i sent her an email. AND no i didnt wuss out...the only thing that was said after she told me she wanted me to call her again was "Have a good night"
  20. K

    I don't care if you got a man

    Yeah man, you dont wanna be THAT GUY. I've been THAT GUY once and once was enough. If a girl is into her boyfriend then just let it be...