Confusing woman-Procede???


Don Juan
Jul 24, 2005
Reaction score
Okay, i went on a date two weeks ago...everything went some KINO in...
So, at the end of the date these were her EXACT words, "That was the most fun i've had in a long time, you HAVE to call me back...i mean it, you better call me...i want us to get together again"
So I drive off that evening thinking yay!...i did good

Well, i waited a week to call her back (i've been busy with job interviews and working two jobs) i finally have time to call her and i get an answering maching...well, i dont leave a message (she'll know if i called regardless because its a cellphone)
Then I wait another day and i send her an email with some pictures that were funny as hell kinda related to our date; didnt say much response...
So 2 days ago, i call her again and leave a message this time...i still havent got a phone call back...

Advice do i proceed (if i do)...has this girl just written me off?...if so, it makes no sense after telling me how much fun she had and getting all up in my face telling me to call her back (i mean i can tell when people are just talking BS...she appeared to be sincere)...she was literally adamant about it.

Im wondering, do i even need to waste my time calling her this point, im contemplating writing an email and telling her off for not responding to my email or my calls. Telling her how damn schwag it is to tell a guy you wanna talk and then dont return his messages. This girl is 30 yrs old too so its not as if im dealing with a high schooler.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2003
Reaction score
You've made 2 attempts to contact her - one by phone message and one by e-mail. No more contact until she replies.

Ignore what a woman says - you really can only know how things are going by what she does. It means nothing that she says call her so don't fixate on it. I know its hard.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
Might've depended on how you played it when she told you that she wanted to get back together. Is there a possibility you might've switched face and turned wuss? ANY?

The last impression is just as important as the first impression when you're looking to link up again... just another view...


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2003
Reaction score
Maybe she thinks you're playing games with her because she was excited to see you, and you waited a week to call her. You're never that busy to make a 5 min call....she could be punishing you or something

Anyways, don't tell her off or anything like that, just play it cool and see what happens, there shouldn't be any rules like "Wait exactly five days before calling her, NEVER leave a message, and NEVER call more than twice"

I'd suggest calling her once more and pretending to be concerned about her, and if she doesn't respond, she's a lost cause.


Feb 23, 2005
Reaction score
same thing happened to me like a couple of weeks ago. saw this girl at the bar the i saw like 1.5 years ago. back then my friend told me she wanted to fvck me so fast forward to a couple of weeks ago. i see her at a bar for the first time since seeing her a long time ago didnt say sh*t to her but could tell she wanted me to talk to her. by some chance shes at a bar i was at the next week. she grabs me and gets me a strong ass drink so we talk for the first time and she spills her guts telling me all this sh*t like she talks about me all the time wtih so and so i was like wtf. and she asked why i didnt talk to her the other time i said cause i dont approach girls and she says i act stuck up. we exchange numbers she says well im not goin gto call you you call me u better call etc. go in for a kiss kind of disses me so i start to leave grabs me and we kiss. i went home i was like sweet a girl to fvck (just broke up with my gf). I call her two days later. shes cold on the pohne and quick to get off i ask her to go and eat downtown she immediatley says no i already ate ill call you when i get home. she never calls. i wait another week. call her she answers say thing excpet shes watching a movie. she actually calls me back this time but i didnt have my phone with me cause i was out. i accidently dial her number like at 3am let it ring once before i noticed and hung up she saw it though cause it was a cell phone. so she hasnt called since and i deleted her number. someone made the suggestion to me that she is also punishing me for not going up to her and acting stuck up. but thats part of my game. oh well she could go fvck herself. my suggestion would be never contact her meaning initiate. girls do what they want if they want to talk to you she will it turns them on when you dont. this is the first time i ever called a girl first. usually a girl says the same sh*t she does and i fvck them pretty fast but i didnt make her call first. you shouldnt have called her first she wouldve called you eventually if she had your number if she didnt all well


Don Juan
Jul 24, 2005
Reaction score
I be damned if i am calling her again. I called her TWICE, once i left a message AND i even after that i sent her an email.

AND no i didnt wuss out...the only thing that was said after she told me she wanted me to call her again was "Have a good night"


Don Juan
Jul 24, 2005
Reaction score
Oh no, she didnt have my number not giving ANY woman my number on the first date (atleast directly...not much you can do if she has a cellphone)...woman could turn out to be a psycho and then you have to change the thanks...I did leave it in the voice message i left her though (had no choice)


Senior Don Juan
Jan 1, 2006
Reaction score
Get a calender and write down a month from your last call to her to give her a call ONE more time, and then that's that. I dunno about flexion's phone call rule, to me it feels robotic. Sometimes persistance helps especially if the girl is testing you..see below for more info.

Sometimes girls play phone games like this to : 1. test how desperate you are, 2. test how much you like her 3. test how your phone call pattern is.