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  1. L

    Am I handling this well?

    My parents were out of town that night and I was having fun at the bowling alley.I was even bowling backwards just for the hell of it.It was after we finished bowling I told her lets go to my place and make dinner.She says no, it's too far(I only live 20 minutes away)Instead we went to her place...
  2. L

    Am I handling this well?

    Yup that's what I believed after reading corey Wayne's book.It just turned me into a hungry dog and messed me up.I know what you are talking about.Like he says two steps back one step forward.But guess what it didn't work.All this alpha male bs is really misguided.I even used his line to tell...
  3. L

    Am I handling this well?

    I understand that traditional dating gurus say you should have sex by the fifth date but too me it kind of assumes a one size fits all mentally whereas not all women are the same.Some will sleep with you within the first few weeks and some will take their time.At least that's what I thought.I...
  4. L

    Am I handling this well?

    Can't do it yet.Im pretty good at reading body language and the signals are not there yet.We made out heavy at her place a couple months ago and probably moved too fast.Definitely too much space invasion too soon.Some women just aren't ready immediately Although,i can tell she liked it that...
  5. L

    Am I handling this well?

    I would appreciate some words of wisdom from experienced members here. I have been on about 6 dates with this 37 year old woman.I am 28. -she pays for most of the dates and likes too. -On our last date two weeks ago she started tapping me on the shoulder and arm while talking to me at the...
  6. L

    Explaining yourself for responding late

    Cword says it not that they have no interest but less interest.If this was a woman that I just want a fwb with I understand just spin the hamster but I actually like this woman which is why I am thinking to disappear and then reappear.
  7. L

    Explaining yourself for responding late

    Thanks for the reply guys
  8. L

    Explaining yourself for responding late

    So in situations were a woman hasn't return your 1 missed call in a week and she has LOWER interest but not NO interest.Can you disappear for 2-3 weeks and try to setup a meetup and very slowly try to build attraction again?I mean this not just a fbuddy but someone i want a LTR with. @Cword I...
  9. L

    Explaining yourself for responding late

    Guys let me ask you an HONEST question about female logic if a woman has some interest in you and you accidentally butt dial her and she either gets the missed call or hears nothing on the phone if she has some INTEREST she will call back right?
  10. L

    Explaining yourself for responding late

    Yeah explanation isn't necessary
  11. L

    Explaining yourself for responding late

    Hey guys i think that the reason she hasn't contacted me may have been confused with the pocket dial i sent her the day after that text I sent...i think but Im no sure since I haven't heard from her since Monday I was thinking of sending her this."hey sorry for the pocket dial earlier in the...
  12. L

    Explaining yourself for responding late

    thanks for the reply here guys
  13. L

    Explaining yourself for responding late

    I think i made a minor mistake with a woman i have been on 4 dates with in my last text. We had a nice text conversation earlier in the day(yesterday) and 3 hour later she sends me this Her:Are you fan of Etta james.This was around 7pm last night I send this 5 hours later because i was out...
  14. L

    When should I call?

    Just called here about an hour ago phone rang once and went to voicemail?Do you think it's more likely that her phone is off or that she is upset i didn't text her the next day and chose to ignore the call?
  15. L

    When should I call?

    So you are saying its ok to contact her right now on a Friday evening?
  16. L

    When should I call?

  17. L

    Is this a legit blowoff?

    Wait till next week Wednesday or thursday and call her up and say hey when are you free for Xyz and then set a date and time to meet up?That will give you a good indication of her interest level.
  18. L

    When should I call?

    Today will be 3 days...Even though it is Friday do you think i can still call?She seemed to have a good interest level.What so you guys think?
  19. L

    When should I call?

    She said she was free Wednesday and that I should text her, I just said responded "I will call you" now I am hoping she didn't assume I was going to call her weds..Do you guys think she may of thought I implied I'd call her the next day and be upset that I didn't contact her yet?