yeah dude, fvck it. Call her! One way or the other, get it over with!!
If she doesn't answer say hey, I've got a few hours free tomorrow afternoon, you should come meet me for some coffee.
Then if she gets back to you today, with a text or a call, great. If she gets back to you last minute tomorrow. Say, oh I didn't hear from you, something came up, how about this week?
Either way, the balls in her court now, good, you did you job. Now you get this chick off your mind for Christ's sake.
CaptainSaveAh0 said:
But since she is a bartender maybe it would be better if you contacted her in the afternoon since she is probably working at night.
right, exactly why I said to set something up tomorrow afternoon, she'll probably be getting up around 1 or 2 and getting some coffee anyway.
Dude, if you don't call this chick soon, your head's going to explode.
Report back with what happened,
after you call her.