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  1. W

    Help Help Quickly Help Help

    Ok guys I need help real time it's 9:40 P.M. eastern time. I called this woman just a few minutes ago and we talked and she just pulled the fake call waiting thing I am sure she didn't get another call but she said call back in 15 minutes do I call back or...
  2. W

    Pencil Sharpners

    If you are implying I am a troll I can assure you I am not. I am very serious about my question, and as for the thread title "Pencil Sharpners" I just did that to make it stand out. I understand you guys think I should not worry about this situation but I really would like to know what is...
  3. W

    Pencil Sharpners

    Can somebody please please help me with this new info I posted Please.......................:o
  4. W

    Pencil Sharpners

    Re: Re: Re: your sister and mother? Thanks for you help. Now what does the Pathetic at the end of D mean? Is it that D is not a possible reason? Now when Jenny worked with us I would go to Lunch with her everyday by ourselves. She had some kind of food fetish where she would feed me...
  5. W

    Pencil Sharpners

    Re: your sister and mother? Oh MY Oh My I sure sure sure hope the woman I work with does not like me. She is a big big big girl. I heard a rumor she liked me once. I asked Jenny and she said No, and I asked the girl herself and she also told me No. Also after I asked her if she liked me she...
  6. W

    Pencil Sharpners

  7. W

    Pencil Sharpners

    Ok so ALL of those things are hints then??????:confused:
  8. W

    Pencil Sharpners

    I know you guys hate these kind of questions, and I am sorry but this is making me wonder what is going on here. Plus you guys are the masters so please guide me in the right direction. Now this woman called me 2 months ago and she gave me the "Do you know who this is?" line. I acted like...
  9. W

    Pencil Sharpners

    Re: MY 2 CENTS! Well maybe your correct there, but I am sure there is another reason.:D Anybody???????????
  10. W

    Pencil Sharpners

    Ok first off I don't plan on dating or going out with this woman. I just am going to be friends with her because she has a boyfriend. Now this womans friend some how thinks I hate this woman. I have no idea where she ever got the idea I hate her..?? But anyway in addition to telling me...
  11. W

    Pencil Sharpners

    ALL??? Lol I am lucky if I can get one to like me. I was not sure if this was just convo. So it is a Hint then huh? I know this is dumb but another time me and my friend came in to my workplace and we seen this woman and she asked what we was doing and we told her we just got back from...
  12. W

    Pencil Sharpners

    Ok I need someone to clue me in on this. There is a woman I am friends with and she is friends with this other woman I liked. We all worked togehter but the woman I liked quit. Well this woman who still works with me always will tell me when the other woman who I liked comes into the store. She...
  13. W


    Well I am 28 she is 22. I guess I shouldn't have used the term yelling. I think really meant to say is I told like it was even though i like her. since i have read in the bible ""if a woman pisses you off let her know it"" I know one of the times I just said get away from me. What do you mean...
  14. W


    Whats Up world. I am trying to study woman along with all you guys and I have a situation i am curious about. I know this girl and I work near her workplace and we talk well every time She does something to make me mad I let her have it and yell at her. Which I think is the correct thing to do...