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  1. W

    Retaliate Help Me

    Ok I read here that its bad to retaliate against a woman for rejecting you. I of course would never do that. My situation is very different and I wonder what have you guys done in a situation like this. I met this girl last year and we messed around. Then all of a sudden she cut contact with...
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    Woman Questions

    I have some questions about a couple different woman I am trying to date. 1. I go to this resturant bar all the time and alot of people mention to me at work. Well this 1 woman I dig at work has been around several times when people mention this place to me and she always pops in saying "I...
  3. W

    Get 2 for the price of 1

    I am!!! Thats what I tried before when I called her and she talked to me for a while then came up with some lame ass excuse to get off the phone. She is the one who called ME and told me to call her sometime then I do and she pulls this.
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    Get 2 for the price of 1

    Ok please humor me and answer anyways. I really do want to want to know!!!
  5. W

    Get 2 for the price of 1

    Ok This is a limited time offer where you can help me Analyze 2 things for the price of 1 thread. I was working on this chick that use to work with me. She quit and I talked to her after she quit a couple times then she quit talking. So I hadn't seen her in several months. Then On Christmas...
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    Are You Curious!!

    Yeah I would LOVE to know the answer to that!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anybody??????
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    Tried somthing new today

    Geeeeezzzzz So maybe mirroring may not be a good idea? I wanted to try this tommorow at work to see what happens, but I don't want to creep anybody out.
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    Tried somthing new today

    Doesn't anybody have anything to say?
  9. W

    Attraction Factor

    Do most smaller woman like big guys or is it just me? I never was attracted to smaller as in height not weight but I was with this 5' 2" woman and I thought maybe I would have better luck with smaller woman. I guess they feel protected that girl use to tell people I was her bodyguard since I am...
  10. W

    Dealing with oneits STILL!!!!!!

    I need some Help getting rid of my oneits. I quit getting to see my oneits back in July. I was told back then give it time try to get with other woman etc. Well here it is 5 months later and I am still in the same boat now as I was back in July. I did follow the advice and met other woman but I...
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    Because I never had one talk then decide to blow me off and I WANT to know why.
  12. W


    I don't get this. I had a woman show interest and gave me her phone number without me asking for it. I call her she talks for a while then decides she has another call which I am sure she didn't have. I can understand maybe lose of interest or whatever. But why in the heck would she talk to me...
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    She is 22 Why do you think she may be a nut case?:)
  14. W


    I understand this but I still want to know for her and any other future woman whom may act like this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. W


    So if a woman acts Jealous about you talking to another woman is that a sign of interest? There is this woman I want that works with me. So one day some other woman calls me on the phone and I am standing there talking to her while the woman that I want from work is next to me. I notice...
  16. W

    Getting Mad? ?

    No I am not dating her. As to me getting mad I don't really get mad mad. I just basicly let her know I am upset, instead of her just thinking I will let her piss me off and say nothing.
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    Getting Mad? ?

    Anybody>>>>>>>> ?
  18. W

    Getting Mad? ?

    Does she like to fight or something?
  19. W

    Getting Mad? ?

    Whats Up world. I have a situation i am curious about. I know this girl and I work near her workplace and we talk well every time She does something to make me mad I let her have it and yell at her. Which I think is the correct thing to do right?? anyway whenever we get into a fight she will...
  20. W

    Help Help Quickly Help Help

    Well Thanks guys but I already called back. She would not answer!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now WTF She was all nice to me heck she gave me her number I didn't even ask for it. This is really upsetting me.