Pencil Sharpners


Don Juan
Oct 11, 2003
Reaction score
Dallas Texas
Ok I need someone to clue me in on this. There is a woman I am friends with and she is friends with this other woman I liked. We all worked togehter but the woman I liked quit. Well this woman who still works with me always will tell me when the other woman who I liked comes into the store. She will say Jenny was here the other day. She has said this to me a couple of times. Now what I want to know is whether this is some kind of hint for me to say something or is this just conversation, because I can't figure this out.


Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2003
Reaction score
yea its hint and the girls probably are thinking something is wrong with you now.

Next time that happens say oh man i love when she comes in here. Her friend will repeat every fvcking word out of your mouth to her. Basically anything you want that girl to know about you, you could just tell the girl you work with, girls talk about everything and they both probably talk about you.

Wake up and start taking the hints before a guy like me comes along and steals all your women:D


Don Juan
Oct 11, 2003
Reaction score
Dallas Texas
Wake up and start taking the hints before a guy like me comes along and steals all your women
ALL??? Lol I am lucky if I can get one to like me.

I was not sure if this was just convo. So it is a Hint then huh? I know this is dumb but another time me and my friend came in to my workplace and we seen this woman and she asked what we was doing and we told her we just got back from eating at Pizza Hut ""MMMM PIZZA""" and she said oh me and Jenny is going to have Pizza Hut tonight then I realized Pizza Hut would be closed when she gets off. So is this also a hint? What should my response be? Is this something all woman do? All I know about woman is that my mom and my sister are woman.:D :confused:


Master Don Juan
Dec 7, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Water_Man
I was not sure if this was just convo. So it is a Hint then huh? I know this is dumb but another time me and my friend came in to my workplace and we seen this woman and she asked what we was doing and we told her we just got back from eating at Pizza Hut ""MMMM PIZZA""" and she said oh me and Jenny is going to have Pizza Hut tonight then I realized Pizza Hut would be closed when she gets off. So is this also a hint? What should my response be? Is this something all woman do? All I know about woman is that my mom and my sister are woman.:D :confused:
That would be a negative signal. She's giving a reason for you not to ask her out, even if you had no intention of it.


Don Juan
Oct 11, 2003
Reaction score
Dallas Texas
Ok first off I don't plan on dating or going out with this woman. I just am going to be friends with her because she has a boyfriend. Now this womans friend some how thinks I hate this woman. I have no idea where she ever got the idea I hate her..?? But anyway in addition to telling me everytime this woman comes into our workplace. This woman also brings up this woman I liked into alot of our conversations. So what is the point behind her bringing this woman up all the time, also what should I say? Is this something I should expect from other woman.


Nov 1, 2003
Reaction score

Maybe she thinks you go home and "sharpen" your "pencil" all the time so now its sharp but really really little


Don Juan
Oct 11, 2003
Reaction score
Dallas Texas

Originally posted by UNOWHO
Maybe she thinks you go home and "sharpen" your "pencil" all the time so now its sharp but really really little
Well maybe your correct there, but I am sure there is another reason.:D Anybody???????????


Don Juan
Oct 11, 2003
Reaction score
Dallas Texas
Originally posted by Water_Man
Ok first off I don't plan on dating or going out with this woman. I just am going to be friends with her because she has a boyfriend. Now this womans friend some how thinks I hate this woman. I have no idea where she ever got the idea I hate her..?? But anyway in addition to telling me everytime this woman comes into our workplace. This woman also brings up this woman I liked into alot of our conversations. So what is the point behind her bringing this woman up all the time, also what should I say? Is this something I should expect from other woman.
I know you guys hate these kind of questions, and I am sorry but this is making me wonder what is going on here. Plus you guys are the masters so please guide me in the right direction.

Now this woman called me 2 months ago and she gave me the "Do you know who this is?" line. I acted like I didn't know who she was. I think I have read here that woman using that line on you is some kind of test...? So the next day I see this womans friend who was at this girls house when she called and she said I can't believe you didn't know that was Jenny. I told her how was I supose to remeber her voice and she said you was so into her you should have her voice burned into your head. Now a few days later this woman says something about me and Jenny talking on the Phone and she said remeber when she called you it was the day you acted dumb like you didn't know who she was. This Jenny has not called me in 2 months but when she called she gave me her phone number but I have not ever called her. So could she have never called me again becuase I never called her or what?

Now I have seen this woman pick up my cell phone and look in the phone book I guess she was looking to see if I had Jenny's phone number in there???? Then another time she goes to pick up my Cell phone and I take it from her and she says what are you hiding from me. I told her nothing and she says"" you never minded me playing with your phone before I bet you have a picture of Jenny on it huh?"" So I thought WTF kind of comment is that. So please masters tell me what the heck is this woman doing here. Thanks:)


Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
She gave you her phone number.

She isn't going to undress in front of you man. She and her friend have dropped enough hints already.

Big Pappy

Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
your sister and mother?

All I know about woman is that my mom and my sister are woman
I made the big mistake of assuming my mother and sister were typical of other women. BIG Mistake

Here's the thing. Seems to me, this girl you work with would just come out and tell you or ask you if she knew anything about the way her buddy felt. I think this one you work with is sweet on you, though.


Don Juan
Oct 11, 2003
Reaction score
Dallas Texas
Re: your sister and mother?

Originally posted by Big Pappy
I made the big mistake of assuming my mother and sister were typical of other women. BIG Mistake

Here's the thing. Seems to me, this girl you work with would just come out and tell you or ask you if she knew anything about the way her buddy felt. I think this one you work with is sweet on you, though.
Oh MY Oh My I sure sure sure hope the woman I work with does not like me. She is a big big big girl. I heard a rumor she liked me once. I asked Jenny and she said No, and I asked the girl herself and she also told me No. Also after I asked her if she liked me she asks me if I know any guys I can hook her up with. Now as to Jenny she told me herself she had feelings for me. The co-worker of mine also told me Jenny had feelings for me and she use to tell her all the things she wanted to do to me but she didn't want to hurt her boyfriend. Yes she has a serious boyfriend. Now if in fact this big girl wanted me why would she always mention this Jenny to me all the time? Also when I talked to this Jenny she offered up her phone number without me asking her for it.

This situation is really taking its toll on me big time. I have been dealing with this since March. I really care about this Jenny I know its AFC to the max but I can't stop the feelings. Yes I have chased other woman but it always ends up back to me caring for Jenny. I hope to once and for all find out what this Jenny's intentions are and where. Please help me out fellows.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 20, 2003
Reaction score
Re: Re: your sister and mother?

Originally posted by Water_Man
Now if in fact this big girl wanted me why would she always mention this Jenny to me all the time? Also when I talked to this Jenny she offered up her phone number without me asking her for it.
Wow, I had a similar experience with THIS particular aspect to your situation.
This HB8 worked at subway, along with UG. I occasionally went in to buy food, and flirt with HB8. Sometimes when I went in, UG kept asking me about/telling me about HB8.
Me and HB8 talked about UG alone, and turned out she had the hots for me...big time (UG told HB8 that she liked me, and always would talk about me when I wasnt there).

So this is my take on it:

A) ugly big girl likes you and talks about Jenny out of jelous spite
B) ugly big girl likes you and talks about Jenny because thats one of the few things she has in common or doesnt know what else to talk about
C) ugly big girl likes to tease you about Jenny...and theres no hidden agenda
D) ugly big girl wants to help set you and Jenny up, so she can can feel like a matchmaker (pathetic)

Goodluck, thats all the help I can give ;)


Don Juan
Oct 11, 2003
Reaction score
Dallas Texas
Re: Re: Re: your sister and mother?

Originally posted by Jimbo2k
Wow, I had a similar experience with THIS particular aspect to your situation.
This HB8 worked at subway, along with UG. I occasionally went in to buy food, and flirt with HB8. Sometimes when I went in, UG kept asking me about/telling me about HB8.
Me and HB8 talked about UG alone, and turned out she had the hots for me...big time (UG told HB8 that she liked me, and always would talk about me when I wasnt there).

So this is my take on it:

A) ugly big girl likes you and talks about Jenny out of jelous spite
B) ugly big girl likes you and talks about Jenny because thats one of the few things she has in common or doesnt know what else to talk about
C) ugly big girl likes to tease you about Jenny...and theres no hidden agenda
D) ugly big girl wants to help set you and Jenny up, so she can can feel like a matchmaker (pathetic)

Goodluck, thats all the help I can give ;)
Thanks for you help. Now what does the Pathetic at the end of D mean? Is it that D is not a possible reason?

Now when Jenny worked with us I would go to Lunch with her everyday by ourselves. She had some kind of food fetish where she would feed me or want me to take bites out of her food. When we would go to this certain resturant she would order our food ahead of time and have it waiting at the table when we got there. Then one time I went down and she came down later and wanted to know why I didn't get OUR table.

Now the thing is that Jenny would Kino me come around me alot at work. I would see her looking at me when I was in the same room. She also remebered everything about us that happened in the past. A couple things I find interesting is the dumb things she remebers like she made some Pasta Months and Months ago and she put peperoni in it and I told her I liked it. So when she called me she told me she just made some and remebered how much I liked it. Then she asked me for my phone number a long time ago and she also mentioned that and she remebered where we was when I gave her the number. Now I know woman remeber everything but is this something or not?

Now I think Jenny may just like that I like her. Because she stays with her boyfriend,, but of course he supports her and I can't. Also when I asked the Fat ugly chick why Jenny told me she was crazy about me but stays with her boyfriend she said " She loves her boyfriend and all I can tell you is that all this happened when they where fighting"


Don Juan
Jun 6, 2003
Reaction score
Now when Jenny worked with us I would go to Lunch with her everyday by ourselves. She had some kind of food fetish where she would feed me or want me to take bites out of her food. When we would go to this certain resturant she would order our food ahead of time and have it waiting at the table when we got there. Then one time I went down and she came down later and wanted to know why I didn't get OUR table
I Had Something Very Similar Happen To Me With My X. I Think This Philly Is Warm For Ya Form.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 20, 2003
Reaction score
Sorry, I cant offer help on that...not enough experience with it myself.
I guess I can tell you that the HB8 in my story, sometimes would bring up past events that happened with me.
She also at the mall seen me and told me she seen a shirt with my name on it and thought of me..

In conclusion, HB8 had big interest in me. Those were back in my AFC days (last year :rolleyes:) so I screwed things over with her...(thats another story)

Goodluck with your situation, keep us updated


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
Get up off your computer, go outside and bang your head against a wall until you've got something more important to worry about than this girl. I don't think you're going to get your pencil sharpened any time soon.

I smell troll.


Don Juan
Oct 11, 2003
Reaction score
Dallas Texas
Originally posted by bp1974
Get up off your computer, go outside and bang your head against a wall until you've got something more important to worry about than this girl. I don't think you're going to get your pencil sharpened any time soon.

I smell troll.
If you are implying I am a troll I can assure you I am not. I am very serious about my question, and as for the thread title "Pencil Sharpners" I just did that to make it stand out.

I understand you guys think I should not worry about this situation but I really would like to know what is going on and what went on with this woman for 2 reasons one so I can learn what or what not to do next time and two so I can find out if she played me or what her intentions were. I have grown to never trust anybody and I am suspicous of everybody and the motives behind things. Thanks for you help.