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  1. P

    Im such an ass!

    So ive been chatting to this gal online for a couple or weeks or so, seen her on webcam shes hb6/7 but great tits! Shes seen me on webcam and stuff, we live pretty close but not walking distance and neither of us drive, shes 15 im 19! Yesterday she says to me! "Come to mine tomorrow and get...
  2. P

    is it just me?....

    do this all the time! gals with bfs are definatly ppl i get too into! i love the challenge! when a gal says " i like you" or whateva i think "job done, cant be arsed now if theres no challenge, next" really pisses me off! but ahwell! have my eye on the neighbour right now, shes...
  3. P

    How can you become more than a friend???

    Has anyone realised that this person is mucking about?
  4. P

    How can you become more than a friend???

    Im no genius but i reckon the reason these gals dont get you into bed is because wait for it they think you gay! p.s nothing wrong with wearing pink!
  5. P

    Convo with gal i met off myspace

    Haha, this is funny stuff, so i spoke to her again (i was bored something to do) pissed her off just kept bringing it back to her 7/10 and thought i took it to far coz i made her say "leave me alone lol" so i was like fine, dont talk to me just coz i rated your pride and joy! she said i wont...
  6. P

    Convo with gal i met off myspace

    Just found this gal on myspace who lives quite nr me, shes pretty fit = hb8! anyway contacted her on there and as we both have pics of our bums and i checked her comments out and they were all like "wow nice ass" i decided to say "my bum is better than yours hehe" she didnt agree and i...
  7. P

    A Bit of a laugh

    theres another gal im intrested alot more than this gal! trust me! this gal im using for a bit of a laugh, and testing things on her and trying to help myself out by trying things out on her, which is why i asked what should i say? anyway im gonna reply to her email with what i said in...
  8. P

    A Bit of a laugh

    look up!
  9. P

    A Bit of a laugh

    Up again
  10. P

    A Bit of a laugh

    Only problem with that is im busy most of the weekends coming up coz of my football team, and she works during the week - altho i reckon if she was keen enough we could make it happen! - plus she is a bit of a AW and ive asked her out in the past and arranged things but shes cancelled coz of...
  11. P

    A Bit of a laugh

    now i have an email from her saying "omg you complained i didnt text you, now ive text you, you didnt bother texting back! can ya hear my anger? lol hee hee luv (her name)" haha!
  12. P

    A Bit of a laugh

    your mum aint funny either but you dont see me posting about it do ya? loser i could say "i have something long, hard, and someting you would enjoy sucking on........ a stick of rock ofcourse!"
  13. P

    A Bit of a laugh

    Just been on holiday, had an email from a gal i know, shes hot but nothing serious going on, the email said something like "have spoke to u in ages! dont ya like me ne more? why arnt you online! gonna text ya coz im bored" she didnt text me that was like a week or so ago, replied to it...
  14. P

    Gal with BF using me for an ego boost

    Wasnt expecting these kinda replys, but let me point some facts out for you This gal maybe using me for fun, but im just using her for fun too, theres another gal im alot more intrested in for a start! The reason i posted was because i was wondering if anyone knows any ways of changing...
  15. P

    Gal with BF using me for an ego boost

    So theres this gal who is using me as a ego boost coz she has a bf but we flrit all the time when we talk (usually texting/msn as we live to far away to meet much) she got my number off a freind and i think theres a chance i can change it from a ego boost to genuine intrest, ive been coky and...
  16. P

    Told AW with bf where to go!

  17. P

    Told AW with bf where to go!

    Something like "Theres something intresting about you, thats why i still wanna talk to you even tho i shouldnt" What does everyone tink about that? Good idea for him to send him that message if hes gonna send anything?
  18. P

    Condom kinda slipped off....need advice asap

    Put it back on?
  19. P

    Gal on the net

    Umm mate youve took this way too seriously, its only a laugh, i know this and she knows this! The fone sex thing was a joke! Shes a friend, ive known for a while now and its all good fun! Not a potential lover - ive never met her, altho i will be in a couple of weeks, and theres the...
  20. P

    Gal on the net

    You dont understand, we live way to far away for the date to actually happen, altho were gonna be meeting in a couple of weeks! This date is purley fake and only a laugh! We joke about these kinda things all the time on msn and i thought that now i have her number why not take the joke a...