Gal on the net


Don Juan
Jul 17, 2005
Reaction score
Guys about 6 month ago, started talking to this gal who lives ages away on the net, shes turned into a really cool friend, havent met her yet but will do in a couple of weeks! For me shes only a friend, but her friends say she likes me and might want more but not here to talk about her

Anyway shes given me some of her friends emails, and past couple of months been talking to one of them, and shes always been hot but started off with a bf so i took no intrest! Anyway shes broke up with her bf and apparently "i cheered her up" and she "knows who to come to when needing cheering up" which is cool!

Anyway the other night asked her what she was up2 that evening, she is jokingly said "what you dont remember? your taking me for dinner!" so i played along and said oh yeh were going to burger king! she said she wanted a 4 course meal, so i said yeh you can have one, onion rings, a whopper, garlic bread and a ice cream if ur lucky you can have a milkshake!

Anyway lots of joking going along, then i asked her what her surname was and after about 5 mins of her jokingly saying "you mean you cant remember! how much does our friendship mean to you!" she told me it and i said cool, now all i need if your number to go with it!

she said if you remember it next time we talk you can have it! Fair do's

Next day say hi "full name here" and she said joking "is that enough for forgiveness? u didnt turn up for our meal" so i said well yeh i had a better offer but ill give ya a 2nd chance tomorrow night, a meal of your choice, we joked about that, and i said cool ill pick ya up at 7, she said u know where it is? i said ill find it but just incase il have ya number, she said "is this a big scam to get my number? coz you could of just asked" so i said yeh i culd of done but this is more fun, so she eventually gave me her number and said dont be late tomorrow!

so tonight is when the fake date is happening, normally i would wait a couple of days before texting her but would it be good to text her saying something like "hey you still on for out date tonite?"

Then say that after dinner were gonna go walk by the beach before having to get her home coz shes daddys little gal!

the extreme text i could send would be "hey how about forget the meal, lets just have the fone sex now lol"

BTW Before you guys say it, i know its only the interent and all that, and im with gals in real life, but this is just a lil fun im having with her! anything else is a bonus!

Ta for any help!


Don Juan
Jul 17, 2005
Reaction score
You dont understand, we live way to far away for the date to actually happen, altho were gonna be meeting in a couple of weeks!

This date is purley fake and only a laugh!

We joke about these kinda things all the time on msn and i thought that now i have her number why not take the joke a little further!


Senior Don Juan
Jul 17, 2005
Reaction score
There is this one chick I met through an art thing online. She introduced me to one of her friends who was really hot and had a webcam :D

But then one day a tiny person walked into the room.
She was a single mum and held up her 2 year old daughter for me to wave at.

I RUN AWAY!!!! :eek:


Master Don Juan
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
Louisiana, USA
Originally posted by PooMan
BTW Before you guys say it, i know its only the interent and all that, and im with gals in real life, but this is just a lil fun im having with her! anything else is a bonus!
Pardon my skepticism, but I've never heard of a guy with girl(s) in real life that would go on an online date with someone and have phone sex with them afterwards. After reading your post, I threw up a little in my mouth.


Don Juan
Jul 17, 2005
Reaction score
Umm mate youve took this way too seriously, its only a laugh, i know this and she knows this!

The fone sex thing was a joke!

Shes a friend, ive known for a while now and its all good fun!

Not a potential lover - ive never met her, altho i will be in a couple of weeks, and theres the slight problem that im 19 and shes 15!

For god sake guys, its only a laugh, and im sorry if youve taken this post way too seriously!

Anyway its going fine thankyou, weve texted each other a couple of times this evening and its all good fun!