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  1. M

    possible to gain 10lb in a month?

    I think my body is at a good stage to start packin on some mass. I would like to gain ten pounds in a months time. I plan on eating 6-8 times a day and working out 4 times a week. minimal/light cardio. In your experience whats the best supplements to take? I have some whey tech protein I started...
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    How To get a Model like Build?

    thanx Skilla. could u give me some links for some more indeph info? I appreciate your help.
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    AcesDJD Is way off base. 5'8 isn't a small build its medium. If you put on 20 Lb. of muscle and carry yourself well people will notice. according to you a guy has to be over 5'10 to reap the positive effects that go along with weightlifting. ...its like this "Bro" you are not the body you build...
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    can i grow our my hair?

    yeah your right its cool to switch it up. most the guys in the world cup had shaved heads and it looked really good to me at least. I had vary long hair a fews years back then i cut it down to a norm. guy cut now i shaved it to a # 2. Its a summer thing i guess. Not having to think about my hair...
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    How To get a Model like Build?

    I just started getting back into the gym after a fews years off. I'm not vary tall but I'm lean with naturally big lats. I have a vision of what i want my body to look like and I think its vary possible to do but i'm not sure how to go about it. I guess a model build what i'm lookin to get in a...
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    can i grow our my hair?

    ... Guess you don't get out much. Shaved head is cool, girls dig it and its no fuss. Did u watch the world cup? didn't think so
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    can i grow our my hair?

    scissored on a buzz? like a #2 or 3?
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    Ann Arbor, MI

    This sounds like a great idea. I'm In.
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    UFC 61 ...predictions?

    haha ufc sux.
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    What celeb gives you motivation

    pitt is 5'10-11 max. i too like the lean cut look
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    Beware Of Weightlifting And The False Sense Of Accomplishment

    what if your built like a model? i'm not but i think i would rather have a yoga body but thats me. i don't like the stocky look on me that much
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    guess what untill i was 18 or 19 i never thought about it at all. I don't mind having a smaller build. I think its a mental thing, I've met alot of tall baby b!tchs. if your short you've had to earn to it, if your tall its given to you so your mind is weeker. its not every tall guy but i can...
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    could someone find a e-book or site on growing taller?
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    Good colognes

    is it good to go with old classics that girls know or new smells that girls haven't heard of yet?
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    Developing Inner Confidence

    "cool" is an illusion
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    It's lonely at the top.. very very lonely

    THIS IS IT! after reading these post I'm now going to take compleate action and rid the paththic, energy sucking, two faced snakes outta my life for good. I'm a bit confilcted as how to go about it. I have no problem with confronting them in person but I really don't want to see there ugly mugs...
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    It's lonely at the top.. very very lonely

    This sure hit extremely close to home, like backbreaker I experienced a massive amount of negative “hater” vibes and comments from my so called friends/acquaintances and like DevanE I “dumbed” myself down…It became hard to keep up the act after awhile, I started getting vary depressed (this is...