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  1. S

    intimidated by white chicks.

    I think it is ridiculous to say Hot white women don't hardly date black men. WHere I am from, that is all you see. And, mixed race children. So, for anyone to say that, they are just being ignorant to the times. And especially crazy to say that HOT white women don't date blacks. Look at...
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    intimidated by white chicks.

    For some reason I thought black chicks were more intimidating than white....Anyone else think so?
  3. S

    intimidated by white chicks.

    What is it with all this race bull. A chick is a chick, a pvssy is a pvssy, whether it is white or black. There are chicks in every race that are hard to pull regardless or whether they are white or black..
  4. S

    Scared of Commitment..?

    Dead set. She doesn't come out and say it, but she drops litle hints here and there.
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    Scared of Commitment..?

    If I were to try to use that line she would get pissed. she is a smart girl and that like, witty stuff won't work on her..
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    Scared of Commitment..?

    Yeah, I think that is the question, and maybe the answer. Maybe I don't want any respnosibilty from her. And, I don't want to be commited. i don't want to take the risk of getting close to anyone...To much involved..
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    Scared of Commitment..?

    Something like that. I have issues with trusting people and getting close to people. I don't know. She doesn't deserve this, but, I can't do it now. Is it worth taking the chance..??
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    Scared of Commitment..?

    I want more than sex and less than a commitment?/ Is there an in between??
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    Scared of Commitment..?

    Already got the sex....
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    Scared of Commitment..?

    Make her hold out until Iam ready and risk losing or jump into it??
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    Scared of Commitment..?

    It is not that I don't trust her. I just have trouble trusting people in general...
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    Scared of Commitment..?

    Okay, so this chick loves me. I know she will always be there for me. but, right now, I am not ready for a commitment. I have trust issues. it is hard for me to get close to anyone. Should I risk losing her, which I doubt will happen....or make her wait until I am ready. She doesn't...
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    Scared of Commitment..?

    May be alot easier said than done..
  14. S

    Scared of Commitment..?

    Have you ever been in a situation where you risk losing a girl that you care about because you were scared of a commitment? If you really care about this chick, shouldn't you say Fvck that and be with her and work out your issues, with her..?
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    I got a pretty stupid problem... it's pretty pathetic, really... but I'm stuck.

    Boy, I feel so bad for you. I think it is all about self confidence. How was your self esteem before this girl? you may have already been unsure about yourself. I definitely think that talking to a professional is good. But, I think that you should analyze the situation. I think it runs...
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    Losing My Virginity

    How did this work out?? Did you plan a day and a time?
  17. S

    how would you all take this?

    This could turn out to be a sticky situation. It ias hard to date co-workers. Now you will have to see this chick everyday!!
  18. S

    Need some advice!!!!

    Since she is older than you, she will always feel she has the upper hand. You try being distant and let her come to you.