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  1. E

    i don't chase. they come to me. how about you?

    Getting chased by girls is all well and good if they are the kind of girls that you like. I was in a nasty LTR with a girl that asked ME out. Now, my motto is, "If I didn't talk to you first, BYATCH, get the FVCK outta my face" or something like that. :p Eyes_Of_Fire
  2. E

    wished girls would be more assertive

    WAKE THE FVCK UP!!! STOP VOMMITING ALL OVER THE BOARD!!! You are sounding like an AFC and if you don't get your act together, chances are you'll remain one. At least you are getting numbers, thats a start. But stop whining about how you are just "too shy" and do something about it. If you...
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    im 16Hrs away from cheating, Am i ?

    Its only cheating if you feel guilty about it the next day. Well how the hell do you know if you're gonna feel guilty about it tomorrow if you don't go ahead and do it today! :D Eyes_Of_Fire
  4. E

    Need help with something.

    I'm using a similar approach and it seems to work for a few reasons. First of all, before I decided on my style, I reviewed a few fundamental things in my head. 1) Be seen talking to lots of people. When you are by yourself, this can give you the social proof you need. If you are talking to...
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    FR: animalcrackers and GodsGiftToWomen: Pickup as it is supposed to be.

    Hell yeah!! Fvckin' up IS FUN!!!! Eyes_Of_Fire
  6. E

    Ladies Night! Field Report....

    Oh man, what an awesome night! So I'm sitting around last week and I decide to go through my phone list and call every girl that I hadn't talked to for a while. Supposedly I was set up for a date tonight, but the girl said she'd call, never called back :D Better for me! So tonigt I walk...
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    This is F-d up!!!!!!!!!

    IF SHE DOESN"T TRUST YOU SHE DOESN"T TRUST HERSELF!!!! What happens when you are away and some sexy DJ rolls up and seduces her, what would she do? Well you can tell from her actions already so you have to decide what you are going to do from there. Eyes_Of_Fire
  8. E

    dating older women...pros / cons ?

    First off, an older women (in the age range you are talking about) is going to know more about what they want from a man. Second of all, if things get serious, they are may want you to stick around. At your age, things may be fine for a while, but once you realize that the whole world is open to...
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    Bed/sex etiquette question:

    I'm with you, don't use the shorts and not the sheets. If she doesn't want to swallow, use her clothes (i.e. panties, shirt, sox, etc.) just make sure hers are closer than yours. If she gets fired up, then be c+f and keep doin it, either she'll come around or she'll spit (lmao, i'm so very...
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    She was giving me attitude, so I drove her home...

    Re: You played it right... I read a lot of posts about, "thats no way to treat a lady!" and "that wasn't nice!" Well haven't we learned anything? First of all, training a women can sometimes be like training a dog; rewarded for good behavior, punished for bad. You did a few things...
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    complex girl?

    Hah! Super blinker. Give her some C+F and make fun of her about it. Find out what it means and then let US know. Maybe she's into you, or maybe she blinks fast cause she was so into the strobe light at the club the night before she wanted to make the effect a permanent fixture in her reality...
  12. E

    complex girl?

    Hey here's what you need to do. 1) Read the DJ BibleDJ Bible 2) Once you are finished, read your original post, and write down all of the reasons you came across to her as an AFC. 3) Write down what you can do better next time the situation arises and 4) Write down how you can step up...
  13. E

    ONS question

    Chances are she just wants to fvck too. If you were good the first time, then she prolly wouldn't mind doin it again. If you got no chance. Call her up, chat, maybe talk a little about sex related stuff (that way if she's isn't interested you might be able to tell) and see if she...
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    I'm super shy and I don't know how to get over it

    :cool: Sounds good! Eyes_Of_Fire
  15. E

    I'm super shy and I don't know how to get over it

    Alright, I was cruisin' this site and I found something pretty inspiring. I read this, then the same night I strolled up to this HB8.5 in King Soopers and got her number (High IL and she was super excited to give it to me) Good...
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    The Secret....

    Alright all you keyboard jockies out there. First of all, I haven't been on this board too long but I can already see a trend. There are a thousand experts in here, with a thousand posts each, and yet I still read how they are too shy to do a cold approach, then they say they are gonna just do...
  17. E

    Ha My girl is gonna get it!!

    Hell YEAH! :woo: Don't mention the phone bill, ask to use her phone, charge up $50 and if she mentions it, tell her it was an important call that couldn't wait. If she gets pissed, tell her to take a hike. If you let yourself get used now, it will only get worse down the road. Eyes_Of_Fire
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    Aggressive Girls

    Leave it alone! You get two positives with this: 1) No more worries about her having STDs 2) You boost your confidence in that you get to turn women down. This puts you into the DJ mode becuase YOU choose who you want, not the other way around. Eyes_Of_Fire
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    The Reason Men are AFCs

    Sounds like the woman that wrote the piece is trying to make AFC's even more AFC so it's easier to pick out the real man; like it isn't easy enough already ;) Eyes_Of_Fire
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    Why do you want to be DJ???

    As an aspiring DJ, I am looking to ever expand my social circle, and become excellent at it. That way, no matter where I go, who I meet, etc. I can meet new connections and make friends. For me, being able to bag women after I befriend them is a bonus. In aspiring to become a DJ I realize that...