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  1. W

    Rate my looks?

    I can grow stubble slowly, with decent coverage, but I cant really grow a beard atm
  2. W

    Rate my looks?

    5'11 82 kg fairly fit, I have decent shoulders, and nice biceps, but body fat is like in 12-20% range. No 6 pack, but stomach isnt too flabby
  3. W

    Rate my looks?

    i know its irrelevant, but what do you guys think avg, ugly, or good looking?
  4. W

    My background, Me, and the future!

    Hey, my name is will, and im a recovering piece of **** afc. A few of you will have noticed a couple of my posts lately. Im australian, im intelligent and introverted (intj personality type in myer-briggs test). I dont really fit in with most average people in my culture. I am not ugly, despite...
  5. W

    Would you lose your virginity ?

    yea thanks, that helps.. I think I will continue to invest in myself until I can **** a girl I want
  6. W

    Would you lose your virginity ?

    If you would allow me to give you some advice.. You need to disentangle yourself from religion but retain some sort of faith in something at the same time. Religion supports illusions and false promises, and controls people through negative emotions mostly. My problem was, when I realized what...
  7. W

    Would you lose your virginity ?

    lol ty for all of your replies, some were hilarious and some were well thought out. My afc mate who is currently engaged to a damaged girl is constantly trying to give me his bad limiting beliefs; that im only attractive to girls when im drunk, and that my standards are massively too high. Im...
  8. W

    Would you lose your virginity ?

    yea shes not morbidly obese, besides, I remember someone telling me that fatties are horny... I wouldnt want a relationship with her do u signal that you only want sex....:)
  9. W

    Would you lose your virginity ?

    oh yea I made like a marginally inappropriate/funny status update, and her comments are like shes mock offended: " -_-", and then she calls me 'crazy'
  10. W

    Would you lose your virginity ?

    lol I feel like if she was fit, then I would want her badly. But then it would show and I would probably self sabotage. In a cruel ironic way, my indifference is giving me a better chance
  11. W

    Would you lose your virginity ?

    idk, Ill tell you how I met her, I cold approached her with her 2 friends. Had a long convo, while handling her ***** friend easily. I left with my group, I found her later at a different club. I danced with her, and madeout with her on the dancefloor, held her hand, and lead her around...
  12. W

    Would you lose your virginity ?

    she has a nice face, but she is like 10-20 kg overweight. I just dont feel that attracted to her, maybe thats my fault. I need to lift more weights and watch less porn too. my mate tells me my standards are too high but hes an
  13. W

    Would you lose your virginity ?

    I am 23, a virgin, been afc shy, nice guy my entire life. If I could choose to lose my virginity to a chubby girl, that im marginally attracted to, should i? I remember hearing the idea that virginity is a feminine concept, in the sense, that males should **** everything and shouldnt worry...
  14. W

    I think im crazy

    just an update. ive been bush camping this week with my mate for 4 days. Been active all-day, everyday. Rockfishing, spear fishing, cricket, relaxing, reading, beers on the beach. I havent been near a computer in all that time. I feel alot healthier and more calm in general. Havent used...
  15. W

    I think im crazy

    I should mention, at the airport, we were together for like 5 hours. It definitely felt like we were bonding. I told her alot of stuff she never knew about me, and she was surprised and interested. I made her laugh a fair bit. And we were people watching together and joking about them. She was...
  16. W

    I think im crazy

    The high school girl that ive known for years (6-9 years +) whom I have been sort of an acquaintance/ not close friend, but never heaps close with. Shes been single for about 6 months or so, after she was in a LTR. I have no idea how she sees me. I know she likes me, but I dont know if she is...
  17. W

    I think im crazy

    yea I do feel like that...I know I have it backwards. Im supposed to fix myself first, then get the girl. not get the girl to fix myself... I havent used porn or alcohol since I started the thread
  18. W

    I think im crazy

    yea, I tell myself all the time that regret > rejection, but they are words. The truth is, I need a higher tolerance for rejection. I feel very lonely. I mean...I have friends but its not enough. They're good friends too, they constantly hit me up and they really like me. But I care less and...
  19. W

    I think im crazy

    Thanks for all of the replies, there was some helpful stuff there. It appears im becoming a sad drunk. Im giving up porn and binge drinking for at least a few months, or until I see a difference in my life. It will be a challenge. Im going to work out more, and im getting involved in a soccer...