Would you lose your virginity ?


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2011
Reaction score
I am 23, a virgin, been afc shy, nice guy my entire life.
If I could choose to lose my virginity to a chubby girl, that im marginally attracted to, should i?

I remember hearing the idea that virginity is a feminine concept, in the sense, that males should **** everything and shouldnt worry about losing their virginity.

Is beliving virginity has value is a feminine value ? Im coming from a completely non-religious perspective. Is it best to just get it out of the way, since it may be inhibiting me from being a man?

I know its ultimately my decision, and no one can make it for me.


New Member
Feb 15, 2012
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I would say that virginity only has what value you attach to it. Even the value of virginity for women is going downhill because of the very large percentage of them that have sex. Since you are on this site, and you want to be non-religious, I would say go for it. I probably would depending on how chubby :rolleyes:

Either way, good luck :)


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2011
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she has a nice face, but she is like 10-20 kg overweight. I just dont feel that attracted to her, maybe thats my fault. I need to lift more weights and watch less porn too. my mate tells me my standards are too high but hes an afc...lol


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2011
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Toronto, Canada
The problem is that you attach too much to the notion of virginity. It's got an entirely abstract significance, especially to a man, who doesn't have a hymen that will break.

The question you should ask yourself is: if you had already f*cked 9 women (of varying degrees of attractiveness), and this was the potential 10th, would you have sex with her? If yes, then go for it now. If no, then no.


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2011
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idk, Ill tell you how I met her, I cold approached her with her 2 friends. Had a long convo, while handling her ***** friend easily. I left with my group, I found her later at a different club. I danced with her, and madeout with her on the dancefloor, held her hand, and lead her around.

This was the third time I had ever kissed a girl and the first time I 'picked up' at a club. I was very drunk... but she looked extremely into me, but her ***** friend was pissed and started ****blocking. I got her ph number and said goodbye. If I had a place of my own, I probably would have tried to defuse/avoid the ***** friend, and just taken her home for the lay, and not thought about it.

Anyway, I called her a few days later. I met up with her for coffee. It was awkward but it didnt go badly. She probably thought I was weird but attractive. I told her I would call her to hang out again sometime, I didnt because I got busy and I wasnt interested enough. Ive bumped into her a few times while I was out now, she was with her same friends. The second time, I made a joke about her stalking me or something with a smile. The third time, I just slightly waved and smiled, but didnt approach as they were leaving a club.

She commented a few times on my fb status recently. So I think she still has some interest. Im a bit conflicted though. If I had been alone with her the first night, I would have tried to **** her. But when I met her the next day, I wasnt blown away and I can be a picky...

But maybe its an opportunity to turn her into a **** buddy or something, and lose my virginity and learn, instead of being the afc pos that I currently am.


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2011
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lol I feel like if she was fit, then I would want her badly. But then it would show and I would probably self sabotage. In a cruel ironic way, my indifference is giving me a better chance


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2011
Reaction score
Go ahead and fvck that fat bvtch dude. You won't regret it. I was quite concerned with the first girl I screwed being someone I loved (in the end that didn't happen lol) but after you have boned a few you will be thinking, why the hell was I bothered about that? You're a guy. It really doesn't matter. Just rubber up and ride that whale.


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2011
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oh yea I made like a marginally inappropriate/funny status update, and her comments are like shes mock offended: " -_-", and then she calls me 'crazy'


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2011
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yea shes not morbidly obese, besides, I remember someone telling me that fatties are horny...

I wouldnt want a relationship with her though..how do u signal that you only want sex....:)


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2011
Reaction score
Wildebeest said:
yea shes not morbidly obese, besides, I remember someone telling me that fatties are horny...

I wouldnt want a relationship with her though..how do u signal that you only want sex....:)
When you're done say "I'm done, get the fvck out of my apartment". That should make it pretty clear.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2011
Reaction score
I never thought I would do a fat chick but I gave it a try last year. Just do them doggie style cause missionary with them its disgusting. All that fat flub. I couldn't handle it in the end and told her thats it. But from behind isn't too bad, you get your rocks off and a little experience? Thank god it wasn't my first time though lol.


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2011
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LoneWolf said:
I never thought I would do a fat chick but I gave it a try last year. Just do them doggie style cause missionary with them its disgusting. All that fat flub. I couldn't handle it in the end and told her thats it. But from behind isn't too bad, you get your rocks off and a little experience? Thank god it wasn't my first time though lol.
Wildebeest this is good advice. Also when she's really into it, hold her as tight as you can, then whisper in her ear 'You fat fvcking bi*ch' and see how long you can hold on for before she throws you off. Will make your first time especially memorable.

And to anyone thinking this is appalling behaviour fat chicks are disgusting and deserve to know it.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 5, 2012
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to be honest I wouldn't do it... if I'm not completely attracted to that women then what's the point... I wouldn't have sex with anybody just to have sex...


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2011
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Yo'Mama said:
Wildebeest this is good advice. Also when she's really into it, hold her as tight as you can, then whisper in her ear 'You fat fvcking bi*ch' and see how long you can hold on for before she throws you off. Will make your first time especially memorable.

And to anyone thinking this is appalling behaviour fat chicks are disgusting and deserve to know it.
LOL, that made me crack up bad. Funny as hell.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
I would get it done. The sooner you lose your v card, the sooner you can get your confidence and game up and move on to better looking chicks.

I don't think she's gonna expect a relationship because you met in a club. But understand you should b@ng her soon so it seems like an extended club hookup, not a 3 month relationship where you developed feelings for each other.

Too many guys want their first to be the prom queen. Mine was a chubby 6 at best. But I don't regret it at all. Actually, my only regret was not losing it MUCH sooner, regardless of her looks.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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I don't get this brew-ha-ha over virginity. I think it's just something popular culture and the media push a lot, and i don't in honesty see why first time sex is so important. IMO, it's one of the downsides of a sexualised society.

That said, I would say do your own thing, and frankly don't give a damn what others think. If she is chubby, well go for it. are you afraid people will scorn you for ****ing her?


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
The only downside I can see is that, very worst case, you can't get it up for her. If that happens, it's no big deal. Just get a (soft) bj and call it a night. She'll be too turned off to call you again anyway, so there is little risk of her stalking you.

I mean having standards is OK, but don't waste too much time. If your centerfold dream girl doesn't appear by say year-end, just get it done with whoever. Then you can get in the game and upgrade.


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2011
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lol ty for all of your replies, some were hilarious and some were well thought out.

My afc mate who is currently engaged to a damaged girl is constantly trying to give me his bad limiting beliefs; that im only attractive to girls when im drunk, and that my standards are massively too high. Im currently working on making friends with naturals, so I can watch them work.

As for the girl and my virginity. Ive had a few chances now, but my standards or values or inhibitions have gotten in the way. I dont actually fully understand myself at times. It probably is better to get it out of the way and work my way up the ladder, but I respect myself for not doing it too...

I am inhibited by how I believe people percieve my actions; if my friends saw me **** a 6.5, would they think less of me, or would they make fun of me, etc.

As for the girl, shes not ugly, she'd be like a 7.5 or 8 if she dropped 15kg in my eyes.

Is waiting for a feeling of certainty for losing my virginity, bad?

For me to think like this, I think I have too many feminine values in my system or something:
Roughly how I think I think:
- I want to lose my virginity to someone I actually like and who may have some patience...
- I dont want to **** a girl and make them think its a relationship when it isnt...

Also I was out the other night and I noticed I had this value:
- I hate taking advantage of girls....if a girl is drunk, I wont want to **** her because shes incapable of decisions at that point.

So have I been pussified by social programming? if so, how do I dump it and become more masculine while retaining a few shreds of dignity and integrity. :)


Senior Don Juan
May 21, 2009
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OP I'm kinda with you...I'm 23 and am still a virgin.

But the kicker is I'm a virgin by choice. I had the opportunity to bang two different girls over the last 6 months, but in each instance I pulled back at the last second and didn't actually go the distance. These were both girls I would rate as being a 7 and a 7.5

I guess for me the biggest thing is it being a moral/spiritual thing. I've been brought up in a very conservative Christian home where the idea of saving yourself for a perfect wedding night is the way to go. I know it's kind of a dumb pipedream to think about losing it to a hot, virgin Christian girl, but it's nice to know that I guess it still could happen. I didn't want to just bang these chicks I was seeing casually and feel like afterwards that it ultimately didn't mean much.

The other thing is that I am really terrified of STDs and pregnancy. Obviously I know how to take the necessary precautions, but it's still frightening to me.