Would you lose your virginity ?


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2011
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JCballin88 said:
OP I'm kinda with you...I'm 23 and am still a virgin.

But the kicker is I'm a virgin by choice. I had the opportunity to bang two different girls over the last 6 months, but in each instance I pulled back at the last second and didn't actually go the distance. These were both girls I would rate as being a 7 and a 7.5

I guess for me the biggest thing is it being a moral/spiritual thing. I've been brought up in a very conservative Christian home where the idea of saving yourself for a perfect wedding night is the way to go. I know it's kind of a dumb pipedream to think about losing it to a hot, virgin Christian girl, but it's nice to know that I guess it still could happen. I didn't want to just bang these chicks I was seeing casually and feel like afterwards that it ultimately didn't mean much.

The other thing is that I am really terrified of STDs and pregnancy. Obviously I know how to take the necessary precautions, but it's still frightening to me.
If you would allow me to give you some advice..
You need to disentangle yourself from religion but retain some sort of faith in something at the same time. Religion supports illusions and false promises, and controls people through negative emotions mostly. My problem was, when I realized what a load of **** religion was, I slid into existential nightmare of the nihilist. I became depressed. After a year of feeling this way, I can feel myself coming out of it. My faith? It isnt in humanity or God, its mostly in myself. I know what I can do and become if I dont give up.
Is it potentially still meaningless? No, not if I say it isnt.

As for pregnancy and STDs, im scared too haha. Ive never bought condoms and I dont know how to put them on. I am actually 23, and scared to go somewhere and buy condoms. Ive never done it, and I expect them to look at me weird.


Don Juan
Dec 28, 2011
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Wildebeest said:
I am 23, a virgin, been afc shy, nice guy my entire life.
If I could choose to lose my virginity to a chubby girl, that im marginally attracted to, should i?

I remember hearing the idea that virginity is a feminine concept, in the sense, that males should **** everything and shouldnt worry about losing their virginity.

Is beliving virginity has value is a feminine value ? Im coming from a completely non-religious perspective. Is it best to just get it out of the way, since it may be inhibiting me from being a man?

I know its ultimately my decision, and no one can make it for me.
I think it can be really nice to have the V if you meet a girl that is also a V and you can share that exp and that can lay a foundation for a very secure LTR and it fits in well with what we grew upi to think of as the perfect relationship - its almost a dream for some girls so you could make a dream come true. HOWEVER - sadly you'll realise that most girls dont even care about all this and then you'll look like a ***** to most (not all - which is why its something to think about) of them.... - dont hold out too long - you'll prob find a good girl that has had sex and then you'll feel a bit insecure about not having anyone else while she has - so yeh I wouldnt do the fatty but its up to you


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
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I do warn you though that if you bang a woman you are not attracted it might haunt you for the rest of your life. It's always better to bang women YOU ARE ATTRACTED TO which doesn't necessarily mean they are 9 or 10s. She could be a 6 but if she attracts you physically or mentally her rating doesn't matter. It's all about the animal magnetism she gives off to you.

Animal magnetism is the most important thing. If she happens to be chubby but she gives off strong animal magnetism to you then go for it. Let your attraction for women be the deciding factor and like I said some women don't have to look like models to give off a sense of attraction. Some can be very charming, flirty, great personalities etc.

Banging a woman you are not attracted to while you may get your nuts off once it's all over and you look back at the moment in the future it will make you throw up in your mouth a little.


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2011
Reaction score
yea thanks, that helps..
I think I will continue to invest in myself until I can **** a girl I want