I think im crazy


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2011
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so...been asking myself what is the point alot lately
im almost 24, im a porn addict, a virgin, a 'nice' guy, and my existential crisis is never ending. what is the ****ing point. its all meaningless. it doesn't matter how hard I try, I never get anywhere. And if I did get 'anywhere', then anywhere is ****ing pointless any ****ing how. The odds seemed to be stacked against me. I would never kill myself but I constantly fantasize about how people would react to it. Btw, I dont believe in God, because im not a ****ing moron. My life could end randomly at any point, and it would probably be a ****ing relief, but if I were to take my own life, it would be a ****ing 'tragedy'. Why am I forced to play this ****ing sad game we call 'life'. There is no fairness, there is no justice, there is no happiness, and there is no ****ing meaning...

btw I have been drinking... peace out



Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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The problem is not what others think of you, its what you think of yourself. Prople who don't know you tend to believe what you believe about yourself, so with this type of mental state, what you are projecting is extremely negative. The good news is you can decide to change it if you want to badly enough. Impossible is nothing.


Nov 2, 2011
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Yea you feel like this, then you do something fun and you happy. Feed your needs. You want drugs? Get 'em. You want party? Go party. You want girl? Get one. You want to socialize? Go socialize.

The point is simple, go do ****.


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2011
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I would give anything to be completely uninhibited all of the time. Also, I dont know how to change my own negative self beliefs...they persist.


Don Juan
Jan 14, 2012
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Wildebeest said:
I would give anything to be completely uninhibited all of the time. Also, I dont know how to change my own negative self beliefs...they persist.
your beliefs haven't got u laid read the dj bible


Don Juan
Feb 3, 2012
Reaction score
Go hit the gym and start LIFTING. Yes, pump those arms, shoulders, chest. That will boost your confidence in yourself and also it will get you attention with girls. It takes less then one year to see real results. This is the best advice I can give to anyone trying to improve their confidence and game w ladies. When you workout you take your mind of negativity it will make you feel great.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
Wildebeest said:
so...been asking myself what is the point alot lately
im almost 24, im a porn addict, a virgin, a 'nice' guy, and my existential crisis is never ending. what is the ****ing point. its all meaningless. it doesn't matter how hard I try, I never get anywhere. And if I did get 'anywhere', then anywhere is ****ing pointless any ****ing how. The odds seemed to be stacked against me. I would never kill myself but I constantly fantasize about how people would react to it. Btw, I dont believe in God, because im not a ****ing moron. My life could end randomly at any point, and it would probably be a ****ing relief, but if I were to take my own life, it would be a ****ing 'tragedy'. Why am I forced to play this ****ing sad game we call 'life'. There is no fairness, there is no justice, there is no happiness, and there is no ****ing meaning...

btw I have been drinking... peace out

You're depressed because you're self-absorbed. You talk as if you're the only one in the world who faces unfairness, injustice, unhappiness, etc.

Also, I've found out conclusively, in my own life, that porn is a massive depressant. When I started giving it up, went a while without it and came back to it for a single session, I would get get a strange general depression hours later every single time. There's something about porn that sucks the very soul out of a man, and it's like heart disease, completely unnoticable as it does its damage.

The sentence you used with the word, "moron" in it was the most moronic statement you uttered. You are declaring certainty over something you have no facts whatsoever about. It is intellectually honest to call oneself an agnostic (to be unsure), but declaring an esoteric "knowledge" that God does not exist is foolish.

You're right, the odds are stacked against you. They are stacked against everybody in one way or another. Are you in a wheelchair? Have you recently had your face blown off in Afghanistan and several men have recently? As long as you are above-ground you still have every chance to improve your life.

I know it looks overwhelming to you. And looking at the big picture, it is. But how did mankind perform the greatest engineering feat in history in sending men to the moon and returning them safely? When that dream was announced by Kennedy, people looked at each other in disbelief. It was pure science fiction back then. Truly an overwhelming task. The fact is that they broke the task down into tiny little steps that had to be accomplished in order to acheive the impossible. When full attention is placed upon the baby steps along the way to success, success no longer seems unobtainable.

You can't fix yourself overnight. But you can start by identifying the areas in life where you need change. You can then take little baby steps, one at a time until your efforts reach the critical mass necessary for permanent change.

Start looking at others who are in need and help them in order to stop fixating on yourself. Notice the struggles that others are going through behind the masks that they present to the world, and you might see that you have every chance to fight your way out of your depression.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
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Way too much negativity, bro. You are what you think, so stop beating yourself up over it, and start making changes in your life. Everything can be improved if you have a more positive outlook, and start addressing these issues. Sitting around hating yourself isn't going to accomplish anything, and will just keep the vicious cycle going. You have to put in the effort to change... No one else is going to do it for you. Also, alcohol is a depressant, and doesn't help.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2011
Reaction score
Listen up.

There's a huge, huge difference between knowing what you're supposed to change, and actually changing.

The first part is really easy. The second part is one of the hardest things you may ever have to do, especially if your habits have built up over a long period of time.

I'm not going to beat around the bush; it's going to be hard. The process to change will be very hard. However, it will be worth it.

Step 1: Stop watching porn. Stop drinking/binge drinking. Both are depressants.

Step 2: Start working out. It does wonders for your mental state as well as your physical state.

Step 3: Identify who you want to be as a person, and what your ideals are. What do you stand for, and what do you love?

Step 4: Slowly implement that. You can't change overnight, it will be a slow process. However, the longer it takes for you to successfully change, the harder it will be for you to revert back to your old state once you successfully change.

Step 5: Upgrade your self-esteem. There are three rules of confidence. 1) Be confident in yourself. 2) Be confident in your surroundings. 3) Be confident in interacting with other people.

Step 6: Live life fully. Just enjoy the process. You'll have your ups and downs, but remember...so does everyone. You only have one life. Wasting your time moping around wastes the precious minutes you have, and when they're gone...they're gone.

Step 7: Do something that is extreme. Kick start your plan to change by going skydiving, bungee jumping, or backpacking or something. Something that will kickstart your journey.

Step 8: Build better relationships with the people that matter. Call your parents. Genuinely talk to them. Even if y'all aren't close, make them feel like they are still somewhat in your life and that you still think about them.

Step 9: Just do it. Now. No more fuxing waiting. Seize the day.


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2011
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Thanks for all of the replies, there was some helpful stuff there. It appears im becoming a sad drunk.

Im giving up porn and binge drinking for at least a few months, or until I see a difference in my life. It will be a challenge. Im going to work out more, and im getting involved in a soccer compeitition soon.

im going to reply to some comments that I related to.
"...I think you're placing wayyy too much pressure on yourself" - Ive always have had huge expectations for myself, having 'perfectionist' and 'obsessive' personality traits. Im like to be in control.

"you're thinking too much" - I always have thought about things too much. I consider myself intelligent. Its how I validate myself, I use my mind to solve and analyse problems. Im very introverted. I get lost inside my thoughts. I drink too much socially to turn off my brain. My mind has to analyse everything, it takes meaning and negative meaning where there is none.

"Stop comparing yourself to others..." - I have social anxiety about how im perceived by others alot of the time that im sober. More reasons I drink too much.

"what would you change and why" - I dont want to be a 'ladies' man', I just want some intimacy, someone who can appreciate me, and is on my level. Most girls are so average in every way, they cant appreciate how I think and my perspective. Limiting belief: Im not attractive to the average woman, because im not an average man. (just realised this). Even now, I self-analyse; do I sound feminine in what im looking for? is it masculine to just want to **** any girl I can? Ive had a few chances, I didnt find them attractive enough, so I rejected them. No girl I have ever wanted, wanted me back. No girl who wanted me, have I wanted.

"stop philosophizing about life until you live it" - Using my mind, its how I believe I can solve everything, but I can't. I must be stuck in a loop. I act as if I keep asking unanswerable questions, I will get somewhere, but in reality, I am banging my head against the wall. How do I find peace? I want peace of mind.

"There's a huge, huge difference between knowing what you're supposed to change, and actually changing" - Very true, I perceive constantly what errors im making, but I keep doing them. The hardest part of change is persistence. I dont know how to stop regressing back. How do I keep moving forward. I have become consumed by apathy and fatalism. I must be depressed. I need passion for something.

"Step 5: Upgrade your self-esteem..." - I have constantly thought about ego vs self-esteem. When I first understood what ego was, I began attempted to dismantle mine, but it didnt work. I have found that I cannot suppress my ego, and no matter how I think of it negatively, it must be useful for a healthy mental state. I suppose its all about balance.

"Do something that is extreme..." I want to. But I feel trapped by laziness, apathy, other people's expectations and beliefs about who I am. Sometimes I feel like running away from everyone and everything that I know. I have never felt more free than when im in a new place, unknown by all.

"You're depressed because you're self-absorbed" - Yes I am

"The sentence you used with the word, "moron" in it was the most moronic statement you uttered. You are declaring certainty over something you have no facts whatsoever about. It is intellectually honest to call oneself an agnostic (to be unsure), but declaring an esoteric "knowledge" that God does not exist is foolish."
- I dont want to turn this into a debate but im a betting man. I know better than anyone to never declare certainty in any situation. So you're right, it is wrong to declare certainty in almost any situation. However you can assign a probability to any future event based upon information. I belief that we have enough information and that the said information points to a very small probability of the event (that god exists). You will obviously want to dispute either the premise that we can assign a probability to the event that god exists, or you will more likely dispute the assertion that we have information that is valid or voluminous enough to base a probability off. Yes, all of this is subjective, and so is the probability since the underlying criteria for information is. My dislike for the major religions sometimes causes me to make overstatements regarding the existence of god.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
Don't bite off more than you can chew at once, or you'll just revert back.

In my life, I found that baby steps were the key. Also definite goals. "Working out more" is not a goal. I don't know how much you actually work out, but let's assume for this discussion it's close to zero. You can acclimate yourself to working out by doing one single exercise with very moderate weight 3 times in the first week. Then add one more the following.

Building up to most endeavors in tiny steps bypasses the feeling of overwhelm and self-doubt and brings you to critical mass in a surprisingly short amount of time.

It seems to me that your primary need is to get involved with helping others with no chance of payback. If you find someone who needs your help (perhaps a family member?) and you reach out to them, you will start to rise to a new level of freedom.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2011
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Stop thinking about what others think about you.

Who the hell cares?

When you lay on your death bed later on in life, you will not say, "damn...Billy Smith thought I was douc**bag for randomly going skydiving...how can I make him think highly of me again?

Instead, you'll be saying:

I wished I took the opportunity to sky dive and do more things. I regret so much.

But by then, it'll be too late. Your life will be over.

Don't wait. Take action. Stop caring about what people think. Honestly, it does not matter at all. People who want to be in your life will make the effort to be in your life. People who don't want to, will not.

Simple as that.

And when you say you are not satisfied with the average woman because they don't think the same way as you...maybe you're just not searching in the right places.

I wouldn't expect to find a high percentage of very intellectual thinking women whose favorite hobby is to stargaze and talk about life at a bar.


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2011
Reaction score
yea, I tell myself all the time that regret > rejection, but they are words. The truth is, I need a higher tolerance for rejection.

I feel very lonely. I mean...I have friends but its not enough. They're good friends too, they constantly hit me up and they really like me. But I care less and less about my friendships...I need a relationship with a girl. It just never seems to happen. I just dont have enough potential girls passing through my life. I have no sources.

My standards are probably a bit high too. I picked a girl up when I was drunk, but I didnt like her when I was sober. She was a bit chubby but had a nice face. Her personality was a bit bland on the surface too.

I just dont feel like I have any chance of becoming happy. I feel like im in pain alot of the time.

I feel really stuck in my life. Like im waiting for something that will never come. I have no patience. I am a bit impulsive sometimes.

btw, lately, every night b4 I sleep, I think about this girl I know, but have only made weak attempts to hit on. I thought we had a connection, but she never sent me any obvious signals. Shes never sent me signals to stop either. Ive known her forever, but we're not heaps close friends, we're friends with the same people. We were in the same year at high school. graduated 6 years ago. Shes single recently. I think I may have a small chance. I promise myself to have a shot at her whenever I feel regret seeping into my soul, then the next day, I do nothing. I feel like rejection would be a relief...

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
What do you have to offer a woman? What would a woman truly value in meeting and getting to know you?

Is there anything that needs improvement?


May 13, 2009
Reaction score
go cognitive

buy DAVID BURNS BOOKS ON COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY or check out ALBERT ELLIS A B C D E F method for beating depression and get your self esteem back ( google wikipedia )


Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2011
Reaction score
He has the hopeless signs that come with thinking that having a relationship will fix all his problems and make him incredibly happy.


Don Juan
Feb 8, 2012
Reaction score
BigSmooth said:
He has the hopeless signs that come with thinking that having a relationship will fix all his problems and make him incredibly happy.

Yeah, OP needs to focus on himself first. Even if you're lazy OP, just get out there and start lifting or find a club to join. Hell go buy a couple grams of weed even if you don't smoke.

Just NEVER use it as a way to escape reality or an excuse for depression. Alcohol is the worst. It makes you feel good at the time, but its a depressant, you'll be extremely down and insecure the next day which causes you to drink again. Its a constant loop. I've been there.