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  1. X

    Shutdown by femcvnt lunatics again.

    All those women: would not bang.
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    How do you justify getting married?

    In my opinion, this is the way it should be. Modern weddings seem like one big attention whoring **** show. "Oh look at her ring! She's so gorgeous!! WOW, that dress is beautiful!!!" Someone shoot me. A colleague of mine (woman) is getting married in a couple months to a lawyer ($$$$$)...
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    A bit ridiculous

    This is the worst example I've ever seen. I used to be bad, but I was never "I got a helicopter for you" bad. Although, I do dig girls that lift weights.
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    A bit ridiculous Quote from her: “Everyone thinks that we like each other, but it’s not like that at...
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    Favorite Comedian so far - Christopher Titus

    Kevin Hart is pretty good. ALRIGHT ALRIGHT ALRIGHT!!!! Also: -Bill Burr: saw him in NY, and I almost **** myself from laughing -Ron White: Thrown out of a bar in NY is hilarious -Ralphie May: Funny for a fat guy
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    Pregnancy Chances

    Had sex with a condom. Came inside her. About 5 minutes after withdrawal, I noticed that the condom had slipped off (not inside her, on the bed). There was semen (or fluid) on the bed in that area, and she had been laying there since we stopped. Her vagina was close to the area the whole...
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    Small signs that instantly turn you off with a chick

    1) doesn't exercise: I hate laziness 2) doesn't cook: not necessarily for me, but for herself. more laziness than anything. Gotta keep your body healthy for long-term wellness. 3a) always on her damn iphone/android: nothing is more annoying than being out with someone, male or female...
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    Hit her! fast forward to 4:30 mark.
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    Softball/Baseball Question

    That was my initial thought. Sorry about the Cubs. If it makes you feel any better, I'm a Bills fan. I had never seen it before, and was thinking "wtf is this guy doing not running?" I was thinking triple play, so I tagged him and stepped on second. Was going to throw to first, but...
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    Softball/Baseball Question

    Nope, definitely tagged him first, then stepped on 2nd. I was always taught that if the ball is hit on the ground and there no open bases behind you, you have to run. If it's in the air, you can tag if caught, then run. In this case, the guy on 2nd doesn't have to run and makes the...
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    Softball/Baseball Question

    I'm hoping one of you guys can answer this for me. This happened to me in a softball game last night. I'm playing shortstop. Runners on 1st and 2nd, no outs. Ground ball is hit to me. The guy on 2nd doesn't run, and stays on 2nd. I tagged him (thinking he was out), and step on 2nd to...
  12. X

    What do you think of women who can't cook?

    Most of the girls I meet do not cook, but love to bake. And honestly, only a couple I have met are really good at it. If she doesn't cook or exercise, she doesn't get a minute of my time.
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    Drop into my well of wisdom

    1. Follow your passions in life. Work isn't work if you enjoy what you are doing. 2. Never let a woman get in the way of your goals. If she doesn't support you in what you are doing, she doesn't belong in your life.
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    is there such a thing as workplace game?

    I had thought this too. I tried it, things didn't work out, and now things are pretty awkward. We have the same circle of friends too (all graduate students), and whenever they do something, I don't get invited because she is with them. And, I get to hear ALL about the new guys she is...
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    Summer Bootcamp 2012 Enrolling Now

    Finished my 50, ready for week 2!
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    Summer Bootcamp 2012 Enrolling Now

    I have done about 25. I'll be at the gym and store tonight, and hope to get them all done. I would say about 25% of the people I try to make eye contact with actually reciprocate and say "hi" back. Most folks just go about their day in their own little world.
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    Summer Bootcamp 2012 Enrolling Now

    I would like to join also. Is it to late?
  18. X

    Is it possible for a guy and a girl to be "best friends"?

    I've walked into this dynamic before. I would ask this girl to go out, and she would say "well we were going to do this." I would ask, who is we? Yep...her "guy friend". And yea, I'm pretty sure he is in love with her too. I'm sure that's been...
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    Entitled Much?

    I overheard a conversation between two women a couple of days ago. One was talking about a first date she had just gone on with someone when she said "On our second date, I would expect a dinner, but we did blah blah blah." I thought, wtf? Who does she think she is? She wasn't even that...
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    Seeing women who are married/have a boyfriend. How do YOU feel about it?

    married, and I felt like a total piece of **** afterward. Won't do it again.