Seeing women who are married/have a boyfriend. How do YOU feel about it?

Have you ever been involved (beyond friends)with a woman who was married or had a BF?

  • No, and I do not even intend to do it.

    Votes: 5 21.7%
  • Yes, I regret it and do not intend to do it again.

    Votes: 4 17.4%
  • No, but I would do it if given the opportunity.

    Votes: 4 17.4%
  • Yes, and I would do it again if given the opportunity.

    Votes: 10 43.5%

  • Total voters


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2009
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I wanted to create a thread for our community that enlists the countless reasons why seeing a woman (beyond traditional friends) who is married or has an official boyfriend is wrong. Please add reasons to this thread of why you believe seeing a woman who has an official BF or is married should not be done. On the other hand, if you have an argument in favor of sleeping with these women--although I disagree--you may also state your argument and have it heard. The purpose of this thread is to make it clear which of the two choices is the best.

Let me begin by arguing against the topic: messing with girls/women who are married or have boyfriends says things about the character of guy who is stealing the girl:

-He lacks integrity and empathy for other men. He, who sleeps with another man's woman, cannot see how this situation would damage the woman's boyfriend/husband. Most of the time, the boyfriend/husband is oblivious to the fact the woman is cheating or--in the event he is beta--how beta he is. You are defecating on your kind by stealing another man's girl and contributing female promiscuity and deception upon men. You do not know through how many things the other male went to get his girl attracted to him and how much you will devastate him. Let someone else be the bad guy, not you.

-He takes advantage of situations so that he invests as little as possible because he is lazy and afraid of rejection. Although there are many single, free women out there, he, who sleeps with a woman in a relationship, goes for the woman who shows interest in him, regardless of her committed status. He does this because he feels there is a much lower probability of being rejected and feeling pain in girls who already approve of him. In other words, he is a coward when it comes to rejection and an opportunist when it comes to being lazy. He could be approaching single women anywhere, but his anxieties and insecurities make them a slave to find the easy way out. This kind of man may also miss out on highly attractive and intelligent women who do not display IOI's until you approach them first/make the first move and show value.

In conclusion, do not sleep with women who are married or in relationships. Instead, get your life together, develop interests/hobbies and become a greater human being (but not for women; do it for yourself). Most of the time, women will notice and cling to the interests you have and translate them to qualities. This is also the same reason women leave men who become obsessed with them and give up on their hobbies. Women want a man who is is well-rounded and who will not be clingy, yet will have time to spend with them. It really is not that hard to be successful with women. Your mind is your own worst obstacle--believing you are not good enough, which causes insecurities, approach anxiety, and nervousness when you actually approach--between where you stand today and where you would like to stand tomorrow, which brings me to my next point.

Stop trying to find a perfect/magic formula that will bring you instant success with women because it does not exist. Do yourself a favor and focus your energy on your family, hobbies, and community. Once you have your life together, women will gravitate towards you and give you subtle signals--to which we refer as "IOI's" in here--without you even moving a finger. The secret to being successful with women is in conveying your amazing personality and all the things you have to offer without trying to impress anyone, but because they are the blocks that make you who you are. You getting an amazing wife/girlfriend/friend with benefits, or any other goal you have all starts with a glance. How many glances do you miss during the time you are reading threads on this site? Get out there and make it happen for yourself. You are a grown man and no one will do the work for you. Be a DJ with integrity.
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Master Don Juan
Dec 23, 2011
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A real man doesn't go rooting around in another man's garden.


Master Don Juan
Oct 21, 2010
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The Wild Wigga From the West
i'd do it. if i never saw her again.

to be honest, guys don't give a fook about me. so i don't give a fook about me. if i have a hb10 you can't tell me ANY guy wouldn't want to fook her and given the chance. i know he would.

it ain't like it was back in the 40's no one gives a fook about them selfs. money, pvssy , weed.

that how it is now. get used to it.


Master Don Juan
Feb 22, 2010
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1 married - didn't know the dude - for a couple of months

1 with b/f - a couple of times - I knew the guy and actually still work with him...still see her sometimes as well, she acts like she hates me, but can tell she doesn't since she always blushes and looks down when I laugh at that...haha

1 with b/f - one off - didn't know the dude.

All of them I fvked in the raw.

At least I'm honest....this sort of stuff happens all the time, and its scary how often the guy has no clue.

It happens, and actually, if I saw another chick with a b/f or was married who was down to fvck, I'd do it again.

Not preferred obviously for starting a relationship, but if you're not looking for that, nothing wrong with it if the chick is chasing your boner...just be careful!


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
I don't do married women ever.

Regarding women with boyfriends, they all have someone, and sometimes they don't tell you about the other guy until you're already involved for a few months. Then they downplay it so you assume you have the upper hand. Then things can change and they can get serious again with their other and you'll be out overnight. But knowing what you know, would you rather be him?

Also, never talk about the other guy and watch out if she starts using the word "boyfriend". It's up to her to dump him.


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2006
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I have done this a few times. One time I plead ignorant and the other time I was wrong!!! Besides her husband wanting to kill you, you will have your own conscious to deal with it. The worst part for me is the KARMA I got from it. Bottom line, simply NOT worth the trouble in any shape, form or fashion.

One I really regret, but in my defense the woman lied and said she was going through a divorce and separated. I found out otherwise when her husband called me. I wanted to believe her when she said, "He is only saying that because he doesn't want the divorce." Things started to add up she was lying and I should have bailed.

The other one I was involved in NOT so much. He husband was a drunk, and mistreated her very badly... Funny that has been about 4 years ago, I am still in contact with her... and she is still with him. I live over 450 miles away from her and NOT that kind of contact fellows.

It is just bad business... DO NOT DO IT!!! KARMA WILL GET YOUR a$$. It got mine and I deserved it!!!


Senior Don Juan
Apr 22, 2012
Reaction score
I would do it if given the opportunity, i don't care if her boyfriend tries to instigate a fight with me, which is why i started working out again lately, to make myself physically stronger and intimidate a girl's boyfriend, if i was more physically stronger, i would love to say this in front of a girl with her boyfriend:


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
Yes, and I don't really care if she is married or has a boyfriend. It just shows the dude doesn't like quality broads to be in relationships with. This girl will be my jump-off and nothing more and I definitely won't be kissing her. and I will definitely have my third eye open.

and yea I've been with girls who have had boyfriends and husbands.


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2011
Reaction score
married, and I felt like a total piece of **** afterward. Won't do it again.

OC Speedball

Don Juan
Mar 8, 2011
Reaction score
Tictac said:
Married vs. BF are two very diffferent things.

BF - no problem.

Married - you're effing up a family. That's for chumps.

A boyfriend is nothing more than a friend that she kisses, bangs, and hangs out with a lot. They're not engaged and they're not married, therefore it's fair game.

A husband is someone she is commited to for her whole life. Most likely she has (or will have) kids with him. You DO NOT mess with that.


Nov 4, 2010
Reaction score
Ihateinitiatingalot7 said:
I would do it if given the opportunity, i don't care if her boyfriend tries to instigate a fight with me, which is why i started working out again lately, to make myself physically stronger and intimidate a girl's boyfriend, if i was more physically stronger, i would love to say this in front of a girl with her boyfriend:
sounds like some deeper issues going on here, what are you really getting off on?


Senior Don Juan
May 8, 2012
Reaction score
Like others have already said, boyfriend and husband are different scenarios.

If a girl has a boyfriend and she wants me I have zero problems or regret getting with the girl or stealing her away from her boyfriend. After all, if he was alpha enough and satisfying her wants and needs then she wouldn't be looking elsewhere. Also, dating people is the time to find right and wrong matches. It's a game of trading up when you find something better.

Husband is a whole other animal though. Considering they've made a commitment that according to the church is supposed to be "until death do them part" the girl has hopefully chosen the man she can see herself spending and wants to spend her life with. Messing with that, with or without kids, is messed up.

I'd be mad either way if another guy was doing it to me but that's how the game works. Alphas are capable of getting the girls they want and making the girls they have stay. If you're confident in your abilities you shouldn't be worried about another guy stealing your girl from you, if another guy does, it's time to elevate your game.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 22, 2012
Reaction score
betheman said:
sounds like some deeper issues going on here, what are you really getting off on?
prove to her that i'm more of a "Man" than her boyfriend is, that i'm more "Alpha"

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
I've done both several times..


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
I would never pursue a married woman. But if a girl is coming on to me strong and I see a wedding band I would still hit it with vigor and zeal but that would be it.

If i'm in a scenario where a girl is spoken for but really likes me and denies me of sex meaning she simply likes me more than him I would entertain that also in the forum of a sincere relationship provided no potential major trust rules are broken between her and him that I can see with the exception of her romantic alignment. It's just a fact of life that someone in a relationship is capable of finding someone else they like more, accept it live with it. I know that the last thing I want is to have a woman by my side who is not really into me. A far greater horror to me than finding out she banged someone else.

I justify this attitude because this is what I am willing to accept for myself also. I cannot stop my girl from banging some random dude in a bar so therefore I will bang random women in bars or take the steps to make sure it doesn't happen to me. I would not stop my woman from liking another guy more then me so therefore I am willing to entertain that also from another woman. I honestly don't care, I know i'm awesome and if she's too stupid to see that, then good riddance, her values are obviously not where mine are and I would just hope it happens sooner than later. My relationships are super open door policy, as soon as you think it's better out there GO! and stop wasting my time/money so I can pursue different poon. I do worry about disease and that is one of my driving concerns of having a loose woman, not any breach of trust. I don't trust women in general anyways and I have definitely met women I trust so I do not have trust issues i'm just realistic.


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2011
Reaction score
2 married.
1 with a boyfriend she was living with.

It doesn't trouble me. I'm not the one who took the vows. The integrity of the relationship is her concern, not mine. If she doesn't value it enough not to cheat why should I?

Rock and roll. Deal with it.


Don Juan
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
Would do it and tell the guy how slooty and disloyal his wife/gf is. If he's beta enough to get upset with me instead of her, dude is a waste of a human being.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
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konmai said:
Would do it and tell the guy how slooty and disloyal his wife/gf is. If he's beta enough to get upset with me instead of her, dude is a waste of a human being.
I saw this happen one time. The dude got pissed at the (good guy?) that warned him for supposedly lying about his girl then proceeded to totally hate the guy and make his life impossible. While believing the lies his girl told him about her being faithful.

I have a couple rules I live my life by and one of them is not to do any favors that might backfire and cause me problems.

I don't pick up lunch for people at work. Because if there is a mistake they look at you like it's your fault.
I don't fix peoples computers for free. Because if it breaks they want more free service or blame you.
I don't warn people about their significant other. Because they will always believe their mate over you.