If a man REALLY want kids he knows the drill: get a gf and impregnate her.
That's what most of my friends actually did, but it's more like they were hitting a wall.
They felt pressure from the external environment, not from within themselves.
A friend of mine still jokes sometimes, telling me, "Oh, come on, you're going to be late for this."
This just reeks of another thing, which is what I see with my eyes: "My relationship doesn't work," "But at least I've had a child," "And you're still single" = "You're low value," "I'm high value and ahead in life."
And this is also what women will think of you because it's about preselection and social proof, no matter whether his relationship worked or he was in a good state of well-being.
It's about the "things" you achieve in life.
That's why we see married couples, with kids, fancy house and cars, big travelling, but you don't know they are in trouble everyday and have sex once a month and don't admire themselves.
Then it comes a point they will explode, go back to starting point "but at least they got ahead on life".
Preselection and social proof are so easy to obtain that you would only need to make a list of those "symbols," and no matter your well-being, just follow them, get them, and you're set for that.
But we, as mature men, really understand that those things are there for external validation, to show people "you've made it", but we know and learnt, all you need is inner validation.
I am just telling how I would handle business if I were in a different situation or could go back in time).
I have seen men like this have IDGAF attitude, claim respect from anyone, conquer good families, by being with their female son, and make them insecure and dependent, gossip and give them bad habits, I have seen them cheat on their wives, and do the worst things. They are powerful, attractive, but for what kind of women? They are successful, but are they attracting the wrong life to themselves?