No amount of therapy will change the fact I'd seriously end my existence over a pregnancy.Then it'd behoove you to get past that fear, isn't it? You've mentioned you weren't satisfied with your most recent shrink: Find yourself another one, preferably one who's been trained in the empirically validated approaches(I.E. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in all of it's formulations)and who doesn't hesitate to be brutally honest with his(or her) clients. Also, read some books on the subject, take notes, and practice everything you've learned on a regular basis
"That's why I prefer older (which comes with its own challenges, as a lot of older broads will immediately disqualify me solely based on my age)"
The primary challenge being that most heterosexual women find men decades younger than themselves less appealing than The IDF and Hamas find the thought of spending the day together at Disneyland right now. All the more incentive for you to get off this fever dream, and start rolling with reality, by pursing women your own age and younger
"Unreal. I'm 33; not 20. I shouldn't face ageism for being "too young" anymore"
And I, as a darker skinned man who's descended from immigrants, SHOULDN'T encounter racial/ethnic prejudice occasionally. Alas, everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, and there's little I can do to "fix" a restaurateur who ignores me when I walk through the door, yet greets every pale face with a smile. Thus, I leave and patronize establishments run by less ignorant and philistine operators
Older women don't typically find you/younger gents more generally attractive, because they want a leader they feel comfortable submitting to, instead of another child to look after? Start pursuing women who are more amenable to guys in your age bracket
Here at SS, we have more than a couple of regulars who are older yet successfully snagged 19 year olds... There's no credible excuse for you, a young guy who's apparently fairly attractive, NOT succeeding
That's what it all boils down to: My phobia of pregnancy is more intense than the vast majority of men because the stakes are a lot higher for me. The typical man who doesn't want kids would simply be displeased (but ultimately get over it) if he impregnated a broad.
Calling me "decades" younger than my preferred age cohort is a major exaggeration on your part (and I've explained this to you before). While I'm willing to go as high as 60s (which really is decades older than me), I'm only a decade and change younger than a 45 year old (the cutoff of where my preference starts)
To put it into perspective: A few months from now, there will be 80s babies turning 45. I'm an early 90s baby. The gap between myself and a 45 year old broad is rapidly narrowing.
To address your racism example, all races face racism. I have a pale complexion. I look like the type of man you'd find in one of those memes that glorifies the 1950s. The immigrants in my family were from my great, 2nd great, and 3rd great-grandparent generations (in other words, my family has been here for ages). Yet not only have I faced racism/disrespect for the color of my skin; I've even been in positions where I could have died for the color of my skin.
A woman wanting a leader made sense a few generations ago (because back then, a woman was extremely limited in terms of earning a living). With all the careerist broads in 2024, on the other hand, a woman no longer requires a leader. There's a reason the cougar thing, basically nonexistent in 1924, exists in 2024 (even if not as common as I'd like)
As for older men on here banging 19 year olds, @SW15 is probably very interested in hearing their techniques. I, on the other hand, have no interest in banging a 19 year old. There's a decent chance even a 19 year old's mom is younger than I'd prefer.