Girl deleted my profile after date.


Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
Yes. I thought Ok., this must be efficient. I went on 3 dates from OLD (out of the hundreds of men who reached out to me via OLD.)

Each of the 3 men was blown away because I am *MUCH* prettier in person than I am in photos. Each became visibly nervous & commented thusly (that I was more attractive in person). While each of these 3 guys were worse looking in person than in photos (2 of them saying they were 5'11" when reality was more like 5'7", which means I towered over them in 5 inch heels.)

I thought Jesus. What a bunch of false advertising. So I blew off OLD after a sum total of 2 weeks (1 week each, 3 years apart.) I also found wading through a sea of mediocrity to be time consuming and much more investment than it was worth. My time is valuable. Why waste it sifting through OLD duds for hours when I can be out in an environment where I can enjoy myself and potentially meet someone who is both attractive and charming?

I mean even now, men hit on me like crazy. There is something about me beyond looks, perhaps confidence & sass, that men find beguiling. None of that comes across really in photos, and my face can look more angular in photos than in person, I'm very attractive, but not as photogenic as some women.

So for those reasons I ditched OLD. I've always gotten great results IRL so stick with what works.
Guys have it way easier on OLD. Women mostly meet creeps, weirdos, sex freaks, jailbirds, lame or boring men that can't hold convos or ones that have no job/car/anything going for them.

Most women on OLD at least halfway have their sh!t together...plenty of easy ways to screen out fraudulent pics or baby daddy/other drama issues quickly.

Kinda sad actually that women would get so excited after meeting me that they would literally thank me for "being normal". The bar is so low for men right now that you could almost crawl over it.

Being "normal" and able to handle your end of a conversation has never taken you further as a man as it does today.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
Guys have it way easier on OLD. Women mostly meet creeps, weirdos, sex freaks, jailbirds, lame or boring men that can't hold convos or ones that have no job/car/anything going for them.
Yes, whereas guys only have to deal with psychos, borderlines, attention wh0res, scammers, and (OnlyFans) sex workers.

OLD is a cesspool of broken people trying to find some kind of glue to get themselves fixed.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
Reaction score
Agree @SW15 about 300 options on OLD versus 10 in real life. But those 300 options are garbage because they are not pre-selected. Too much time doing the selecting, and without meaningful context.

Contrast that with 10 IRL options who can afford to be in the venue where I am, and who I can conversate with to elucidate intelligence, achievement, personality and values. Of those 10 perhaps only 1 or 2 are attractive enough to take seriously.

Still. My experience tells me I only need one. So if I meet lets say 2 per month who are of interest?

Well that's 24 a year. Only I've never in my life made it that far....some gorgeous man always locks me down quickly.

Remember. I had been single for 2 hours when I met my husband. TWO HOURS.

So I like my IRL results, OLD is a shjt show although I do know couples who met that way.