Dealing with dry spell

Giovanni SouthSide

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2022
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Tijuana, Mexico
Yeah, i used to think that.

But you become more picky as you get older and experience more.

Best to settle down young, i think
Cosign. As I have gotten older I have no patience for deranged women. She says some slight of disrespect and I’m dropping her quicker than a bad habit. I have also become more cautious to any woman with red flag traps. “Trust but verify”.

If your gut instinct says "don't trust her" listen to it. Don't show it but absolutely listen to it. It is easier to trust people and girls when you are younger but the older you get the more careful you become.

The hard part is the balance between being cautious and having fun, that's why young people get more hurt and older people seem more cynical and distanced and in some cases more desensitized.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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"Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.” - Marcus Aurelius
Everyone experiences adversity, but their reaction shows the type of man they are. That's why I don't care about the specific adversity, but how it's been handled.


Master Don Juan
Aug 30, 2020
Reaction score
Cosign. As I have gotten older I have no patience for deranged women. She says some slight of disrespect and I’m dropping her quicker than a bad habit. I have also become more cautious to any woman with red flag traps. “Trust but verify”.

If your gut instinct says "don't trust her" listen to it. Don't show it but absolutely listen to it. It is easier to trust people and girls when you are younger but the older you get the more careful you become.

The hard part is the balance between being cautious and having fun, that's why young people get more hurt and older people seem more cynical and distanced and in some cases more desensitized.
This is normal,once a man builds up his experience you become more pickier about who you will give your time and attention let alone fvck.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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What you'll eventually ask yourself after enough casual lays is 'what is the point?' It makes no difference how hot they are, what would your life become if you spent four hours a day having random casual sex?

Time is valuable, and if you're spending it having sex with a woman you see no future with, then what are you doing? I'll tell you, you're taking time away from more valuable pursuits. The only consolation you can really give yourself is to treat casual sex as an artistic hobby where you express yourself for a short-term release. But that's just it, a consolation, anything more significant is built outside the bedroom.

You'll become pickier with your time, and not care about fumbling baddies. If she understands your world and you genuinely enjoy each others time then she'll stick around.

Whilst you make valid points on a wider spectrum of philosophy we are on a pickup forum and OP is asking how to deal with a dry spell

Objectively theres not going to be a boat load off difference between say a 6 & 7 which is the range the majority of men are going to be interacting with

these women probably aren't the types a man dreams of conquering but often living a normal lifestyle this is all he is going to come across and most men struggle to even get these into bed because they lack the experience of being with women and in turn this repels them

I think I saw a statistic the other day that the average man in the UK has sex about once a year

I talk to a lot of women their number one complaint about men is always the same ..... men saying or doing something stupid which turns them off because fundamentally men do not spend enough time with enough women to understand them.

The female mind must be stimulated before her body will submit to sex you can't stimulate her mind when you have no idea how it works


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
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Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2020
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Truth I did have couple of opportunities with 4s,5s but I promised myself I wouldn’t bang just anything.
Is a “6” anything ?


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
Cosign. As I have gotten older I have no patience for deranged women. She says some slight of disrespect and I’m dropping her quicker than a bad habit. I have also become more cautious to any woman with red flag traps. “Trust but verify”.

If your gut instinct says "don't trust her" listen to it. Don't show it but absolutely listen to it. It is easier to trust people and girls when you are younger but the older you get the more careful you become.

The hard part is the balance between being cautious and having fun, that's why young people get more hurt and older people seem more cynical and distanced and in some cases more desensitized.
I Went on a date this Friday night, and the woman said something and this instantly happened

As you get older and more experienced you can ask certain questions and depending on how a woman answers the red or yellow flags will present themselves. If you get really good at it, you will be able to qualify/vet women to a point that you'll know on the first date or even before if the woman you're dealing with is even worth your time or if she is looney


Senior Don Juan
Dec 23, 2021
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The one thing a woman thinks she can control me with, sex, is something I'm constantly fine with abstaining from because I've developed healthy outlets for that energy, and those outlets only make me more attractive. While I prefer that she spread her legs, I really could not give a fuuck if she pulls away.
Have the same mindset, good mindset. Had a date with a woman older than me with great rack at my place, and she basically tried to coerce me into paying for a dinner before we'd play more. What the hell does she think? She's into some kind of commerce. Also odd that some women don't see sech as pleasure, but, as in this case, a tool for manipulation.

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
Reaction score
. Also odd that some women don't see sech as pleasure, but, as in this case, a tool for manipulation.
This is a litmus test for me and I watch for it very closely in the beginning while courting a woman, I’ve mentioned it in other threads.

If she doesn’t like having sex enough to do it for the pleasure of it she’s not for me because I’m a horny heathen that would rather be inside an attractive woman over most other things. It’s usually not a problem with gals that are in great shape and workout frequently, they love their bodies and are healthy. Protip: Xfit gals are the horniest women around as are most female athletes. My prey of choice.

They usually out themselves fast, so thank the heavens she did. I’d count it as a blessing, cause homie don’t play dat.

In an hour or so I’m headed out to my second date with a cute little pixie, and I’ll be watching very closely for the signs. If I can’t get some lubbinz, at least a passionate kiss and a little groping, she gets relegated to second class, backburner, time waster status. Might* message her again if I’m coming up snake eyes some random day in the future.

Often after you turn back the attentiveness they reach out and ask to meet again, knowing they’ve got to do better or be benched.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
Reaction score
I Went on a date this Friday night, and the woman said something and this instantly happened

As you get older and more experienced you can ask certain questions and depending on how a woman answers the red or yellow flags will present themselves. If you get really good at it, you will be able to qualify/vet women to a point that you'll know on the first date or even before if the woman you're dealing with is even worth your time or if she is looney
I don't know if this is a good reveal or not lol, but I can tell the loonies and time wasters within a second of looking at their main profile pic on OLD.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
I don't know if this is a good reveal or not lol, but I can tell the loonies and time wasters within a second of looking at their main profile pic on OLD.
Ha ha it's funny you say that cause some girls you look at their profiles and the can't hide the crazy, ever wonder why you see a hot a$$ chick yup cause they crazy. I know from the first convo if a woman is serious about meeting or not. I also text a women certain questions that let me know if she is worth my time or not. Recently matched with this 28 year old who lost her virginity to her recent ex she couldn't stop talking about him so I had to block
Women have no holds attitude when it comes to disqualifying men, men IMO would be better off doing the same within reason or their standards, will you lose out on a lot of chicks? sure but If a woman is wasting your time, only seeking attention cause her siuationship is on time out etc you never had them to begin with!


Master Don Juan
Aug 30, 2020
Reaction score
This is a litmus test for me and I watch for it very closely in the beginning while courting a woman, I’ve mentioned it in other threads.

If she doesn’t like having sex enough to do it for the pleasure of it she’s not for me because I’m a horny heathen that would rather be inside an attractive woman over most other things. It’s usually not a problem with gals that are in great shape and workout frequently, they love their bodies and are healthy. Protip: Xfit gals are the horniest women around as are most female athletes. My prey of choice.

They usually out themselves fast, so thank the heavens she did. I’d count it as a blessing, cause homie don’t play dat.

In an hour or so I’m headed out to my second date with a cute little pixie, and I’ll be watching very closely for the signs. If I can’t get some lubbinz, at least a passionate kiss and a little groping, she gets relegated to second class, backburner, time waster status. Might* message her again if I’m coming up snake eyes some random day in the future.

Often after you turn back the attentiveness they reach out and ask to meet again, knowing they’ve got to do better or be benched.
I think it has to do more with natural libido. I also can’t stand sleeping with girl who don’t like sex in generally. It means you’re not sexually compatible and therefore the sex would be miserable most of the time.