Going to be another brutal summer for much of the US it appears...

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
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What an immature reply. The moment you tried to strawman with Alex Jones and all that other anti-callout, I knew it was bs.

He's right about what he said. We talk about being better men who work on our own and do not let the feminine world influence us, but then you have people like yourself that march to the voice of the very people that created the state of weak men and feminist women today.

There are some things I align with the wingnut on, but he’s a shock jock, and way off in conspiracy world 99.9% of the time. You’re entitled to your opinion broheem.

p.s. can I get a side of fries with my Bilderburger?
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Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
Reaction score
There are some things I align with the wingnut on, but he’s a shock jock, and way off in conspiracy world 99.9% of the time. You’re entitled to your opinion broheem.
His post literally was:

We all miss the days when The Red Pill was simply short hand for "Don't be the sort of moron who just blindly buys into everything you see, hear, and read. Dig into that s-it for yourself"

Then you strawmanned a valid point that he was making about the fearmongering that I see several culprits do on this forum, specifically in the Anything Else subforum. For some reason, the tips we give on how to navigate the world of women suddenly shouldn't be used for navigating the other parts of the world also affected by women:

  • increased marketing to women
  • increased attention to women's needs
  • more emotional decision making
  • fear of security (a female trait)
  • lack of stoicism and calmness (if men ruled the world, covid would have been ignored)
And a bunch of other things. That's why I see all this as feminine as sh*t. Cause it is.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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For example, it can be true that climate science has been riddled with false panics and unfulfilled prophecies, but also that modern man affects the climate in a way that's detrimental to his own survival. It can also be true that some science is proven incorrect over time and other studies are proven correct. Still others can be undecided.

Of course science changes over time and sometimes scientists are wrong and yes even admit it. That's the idea.
Exactly. Science is generally about trying to test and prove things wrong. So it’s a bit weird that people who hate science always point to past conclusions that were eventually proven wrong. That’s the whole point!

It becomes a law when it appears to not be unproven. I.e. planetary motion, thermodynamics, newton, etc.

You are one of the biggest contrarians and argumentative people on this board. It’d be a major shocker to see you ever acknowledge a differing opinion from your own.

And now you’re claiming that we have 800,000 yrs of ice samples that backs up your genius level of knowledge of man’s extreme impact on earths climate? Or sorry thats 799,800 yrs of ice samples?



Feb 14, 2024
Reaction score
His post literally was:

We all miss the days when The Red Pill was simply short hand for "Don't be the sort of moron who just blindly buys into everything you see, hear, and read. Dig into that s-it for yourself"

Then you strawmanned a valid point that he was making about the fearmongering that I see several culprits do on this forum, specifically in the Anything Else subforum
For whatever consolation it may bring us all: I(The author of that quote)didn't perceive the reply in question as "strawmaning"

Vending Machine Veteran

Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2024
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NWS has just released their hurricane forecast and it's has the highest forecast for "named" storms since they have been doing it with 39 forecast...

A named storm is any tropical storm or higher with sustained winds 39 mph or stronger.
I learned recently that they 'quietly' lowered the standards for named storms, hurricanes etc. Have you heard about this?

Last year was supposed to be a record year for storms, but I believe it let the forecasters down.

You should be more worried about our politicians starting a nuclear war

Vending Machine Veteran

Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2024
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Exactly. Science is generally about trying to test and prove things wrong. So it’s a bit weird that people who hate science always point to past conclusions that were eventually proven wrong. That’s the whole point!

It becomes a law when it appears to not be unproven. I.e. planetary motion, thermodynamics, newton, etc.


Meteorologists can barely predict the week ahead, and you expect me to believe their decade long predictions?

How about you go back and look at the scientists' predictions from 35 years ago lol

Doom and gloom is good for their business. Always has been.

You should question anyone that makes a living off of making predictions.

Vending Machine Veteran

Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2024
Reaction score
Science once said that dietary fat and cholesterol were bad for you and that you should eat a high carb diet lol...

...Oh yeah, sunscreen and deodorant, the things we recommend everyone use, may actually lead to cancer

...those pesticides we said were ok, yeah, they probably cause cancer

...studies now show that plastic particles are in your testicles. How long before they learn it leads to cancer

Oops, my bad. Science!

Vending Machine Veteran

Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2024
Reaction score
The problem is many of you can't hold competing thoughts in your head. It's common with humans as they would rather be "right" than think critically or consider other possibilities. Too much ego investment.

For example, it can be true that climate science has been riddled with false panics and unfulfilled prophecies, but also that modern man affects the climate in a way that's detrimental to his own survival. It can also be true that some science is proven incorrect over time and other studies are proven correct. Still others can be undecided.

Of course science changes over time and sometimes scientists are wrong and yes even admit it. That's the idea.
I'm not religious, but it's obvious to me that as belief in a higher power has dwindled amongst the masses, new religions have been created. Science being one of them; equalism another.

People have "faith" in the science. They believe their prophets, and will not hear otherwise, because science has the ultimate say...

Until it's ultimately proven wrong, which it often is. But the believer will find justifications for it. As they always do.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
Reaction score
Meteorologists can barely predict the week ahead, and you expect me to believe their decade long predictions?
Meteorologists and climatologists are not the same.
Science once said that dietary fat and cholesterol were bad for you and that you should eat a high carb diet lol...
They are, and you should eat predominantly carbs as your largest macro. That hasn’t changed.

...Oh yeah, sunscreen and deodorant, the things we recommend everyone use, may actually lead to cancer

...those pesticides we said were ok, yeah, they probably cause cancer

...studies now show that plastic particles are in your testicles. How long before they learn it leads to cancer

Oops, my bad. Science!
You clearly don’t understand science. Who concluded that these probably cause cancer? What method did they use to determine? Who created the method?

Vending Machine Veteran

Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2024
Reaction score
Meteorologists and climatologists are not the same.

They are, and you should eat predominantly carbs as your largest macro. That hasn’t changed.

You clearly don’t understand science. Who concluded that these probably cause cancer? What method did they use to determine? Who created the method?
Who concluded that commercial pesticides cause cancer?

Or who concluded that ingredients in sunscreen and deodorant cause cancer?

Or are you asking about the micro plastics in your body?

Be specific

And be sure to look up those "climatologists" predictions from the late 80s, early 90s


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
Reaction score
Who concluded that commercial pesticides cause cancer?

Or who concluded that ingredients in sunscreen and deodorant cause cancer?

Or are you asking about the micro plastics in your body?

Be specific

And be sure to look up those "climatologists" predictions from the late 80s, early 90s
I was pointing out how irrational your greivance with science is. The people who conclude any of these can potentially cause cancer are scientists using the scientific method. It is a scientist job to research and test. Scientists are the ones proving each other wrong. The people bvtching about science being wrong are not doing anything other than bvtching about not liking the results.

Vending Machine Veteran

Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2024
Reaction score
I was pointing out how irrational your greivance with science is. The people who conclude any of these can potentially cause cancer are scientists using the scientific method. It is a scientist job to research and test. Scientists are the ones proving each other wrong. The people bvtching about science being wrong are not doing anything other than bvtching about not liking the results.
Ok, bro

"You're right. Maybe carbs shouldn't be my main source of sustenance"

Do you think?

Millard Fillmore

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2023
Reaction score
I'm not religious, but it's obvious to me that as belief in a higher power has dwindled amongst the masses, new religions have been created. Science being one of them; equalism another.

People have "faith" in the science. They believe their prophets, and will not hear otherwise, because science has the ultimate say...

Until it's ultimately proven wrong, which it often is. But the believer will find justifications for it. As they always do.
A research paper does not care about some yokel's personal beliefs. The new cult leaders are dopey politicians and media types who love outrage, most of the general public couldn't name a scientist or study. If your argument is that people are mostly ignorant, I agree.

Vending Machine Veteran

Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2024
Reaction score
A research paper does not care about some yokel's personal beliefs. The new cult leaders are dopey politicians and media types who love outrage, most of the general public couldn't name a scientist or study. If your argument is that people are mostly ignorant, I agree.
You're a covid bro, i take it.

Keep your mask on, bruh


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
Reaction score
Ads are everywhere right now!


Anyway, to the topic, the science is currently hoarded in resources by those with the most money, so of course it is going to always be biased for their purposes. The average person lacks the time and money to pursue their own studies, so "science" can easily be monopolized. Watch how during covid, the science was being questioned so heavily, that the powers that be ended up making doctors and research disappear while censoring anything that questioned the "settled science."

Being a man not only means being skeptical, it means being able to smell bs from a mile away. Not saying that every man has to be a detective, but having some kind of survival instincts separates the wheat from the chaff. Some people are meant to teach and others only follow.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
Reaction score
Ads are everywhere right now!

View attachment 12698

Anyway, to the topic, the science is currently hoarded in resources by those with the most money, so of course it is going to always be biased for their purposes. The average person lacks the time and money to pursue their own studies, so "science" can easily be monopolized. Watch how during covid, the science was being questioned so heavily, that the powers that be ended up making doctors and research disappear while censoring anything that questioned the "settled science."
Research disappeared yet the covid vaccines were created in under a year? Curious…

Being a man not only means being skeptical, it means being able to smell bs from a mile away. Not saying that every man has to be a detective, but having some kind of survival instincts separates the wheat from the chaff. Some people are meant to teach and others only follow.
Most people who think the can smell BS are terrible at it. That’s why social media grifting is the number 1 job right now.

“Your doctor / scientist / government is lying to you. Only I have the truth. Subscribe at the link below!”