Right, then so should be sex robots, AI, or NON-HUMAN based copes that don't require seduction either. Discussion about GEO-maxxing or meeting women in other countries like the Phillipeans, can be argued to not require seduction either, especially if the guy is white and throwing money at her. Also Sugar Baby arrangements can't be talked about either. Porn and no fap should not be discussed either as it's also not related to seduction, The list goes on and on....
At least if you are going play that card then apply it across the board.
Oh, and BTW, for the record, even prostitutes require game, just ask
@Gamisch. Therefore based on that logic, saying that a prostitute requires no game or seduction skills, is for the record, debatable. Even
@Hamurabimbi incel friend got REJECTED by a stripper. Again, how can you get rejected if no seduction is involved? Unless it's sex-robots or something that's not human, then seduction is always going to be involved.