That was ugly.
I did the following: (nicely)
I said let me see your text message from your colleague who you were going out with on that trip (who knew exactly who I was, and what I had done early for them, and who had grimaced in the summer at my gf’s actions)- the following was in the text from the trip “hey, so and so was cute” with a sexy wink, and then my gf goes “oh he’s cute but not my type” not great.
second, the DM from the ‘innocuous’ guy that there was never any history with was missing. We went down for literally years of DM’s that were in existence, that one is just mysteriously gone. I said okay, show me the one from the guy that you used to hook up with before we met that wished you a happy birthday, mysteriously that’s gone now too.
i get up, I walk in the kitchen for a second and I simply say, you have to go.
She turns on the water works and all the rationale about being in a relationship for the first time in forever etc and I’m simply like … you need to go. Please leave my keys.