No, but apparently you need permission from prostitutes to stuff your weenie in any of their holes.
So, you mean a black guy would have to game a racist prostitute who doesn't want to be fvcked by a black guy. You need 'game' to fvck some racist 'escort'?
All you need is more money. None of these racist escorts you're talking about would have a problem fvcking Kanye West.
You underestimate how deep the racism problem is in North America then. It's not as free and liberal place like Amsterdam in that way.
For the record, I did reference
@Murk and
@Gamisch but THEY are not dealing with North American prostitutes. They are dealing with European prostitutes. I don't think Europe, or Amsterdam as a whole has the same type of social issues like America or Canada (ie especially Quebec, Canada).
AmsterdamAssassin said:
The only thing a prostitute cares about, and that includes racist 'escorts', is how much green you put down. They don't care about your colour as long as there's enough green on the table. And maybe if you're a weird person, you may have to put more green on the table, but prostitutes fvck for money. If they reject you, you simply didn't pay them enough.
How would you know how things work in North America?
AmsterdamAssassin said:
Don't lecture me about prostitutes, boyo, I live within walking distance from one of the most famous legal prostitution districts in the world and you're going to lecture me on prostitutes refusing 'weirdoes'?
Right, and if I were in Amsterdam and was under that climate then I'd probably agree with you. Amsterdam is a more progressive and inclusive country as a whole than North America is. (To be fair, there are also a number of non-racist normal escorts here who only care about money rather than the race of the client, so I'm not saying ALL escorts are like that, but definitely a significant number that would make someone who is Black, or have Black-in-their-blood, feel uncomfortable when searching out for an escort, and may end up dealing with someone other than the one they really want because they are not racist, which puts the experience too much like you are looking for a date with someone who likes your race enough to deal with you rather than really searching for an escort as a customer. That should not be on a mind-set of a customer or it adds a level of trauma being "othered" even in that process). Thus, the experience of using prostitutes vastly differes from the country you are using them in.
If I went to Thialand, the Domenican Republics or Mexico/Columbia then using their prostitutes would be different because the whole country and culture is different. Same thing with India. Each country has their own independent unique culture of how these things operate.
AmsterdamAssassin said:
Prostitutes make their money from weirdoes. From people who go to a prostitute for 'services' their own women will not provide.
If you see the type of guys who use prostitutes, then that would kill the appetite of wanting to use them, that's for sure.
AmsterdamAssassin said:
But please, go ahead, lecture me some more about these prostitutes who reject you.
I doubt Amsterdam has any local incel population.