article: Perspective: Where have all the good men gone?


Master Don Juan
Aug 21, 2022
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Despite this hardwired belief I ALSO realize that in this era its hardly impossible for a man NEARING 40(!!!) to want a virgin.
Dane Cook 51 just married a 24yrs old, they've been together since she was 17. Zan Perrion got together with his now wife when he was 48 and she was 22. Paul Walker (rip) was 40yrs old and his girlfriend was 23 and they had been together for several years.
These are just examples off the top of my head.

Don't even start with the argument that 2 of the above happened because money/status because there are many more examples of money/status that got into relationships (take Will Smith or Chris Hemsworth) which are not at all inspiring.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2022
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I dont think the "virgin thing" has to be taken litteraly in many cases.

It's not the physical act itself to change a woman but the amount and quality of experiences she has been through.

A woman with a spoiled or messed up past is hard to deal with and there are good chances that she is broken mentally.

A guy in his 40s that looks for virgins in my opinion is wrong for two reasons.

The first one is that even if he finds one she is either messed up in her head if she is 25+ or she is way to young to conscioulsy decide to stay with and him and create a family...I dont believe an18 yrs old girl should be robbed of her life and be paired with an old man.

The talks about insecurity are ridicolous when thrown at a man that has -reasonable- standards wheter it comes of body count or social status.


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2023
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Dane Cook 51 just married a 24yrs old, they've been together since she was 17. Zan Perrion got together with his now wife when he was 48 and she was 22. Paul Walker (rip) was 40yrs old and his girlfriend was 23 and they had been together for several years.
These are just examples off the top of my head.

Don't even start with the argument that 2 of the above happened because money/status because there are many more examples of money/status that got into relationships (take Will Smith or Chris Hemsworth) which are not at all inspiring.
"Let me give you two outliers so I can prove my point"

You're not either of those 4 guys with the money & status, and never will, so lower your standards miss.


Master Don Juan
Aug 21, 2022
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A guy in his 40s that looks for virgins in my opinion is wrong for two reasons.

The first one is that even if he finds one she is either messed up in her head if she is 25+ or she is way to young to conscioulsy decide to stay with and him and create a family...I dont believe an18 yrs old girl should be robbed of her life and be paired with an old man.
I tend to agree with the first reason ... actually I found a black influencer on YouTube, forgot her name, claimed to be virgin at 31 back in 2017 or so (although she mentioned a boyfriend when she was in college :rolleyes:), married a guy after a year of dating without them even kissing (!? o_O) ... they're still married now and she's pregnant.
But the counterargument is that unless you find a widow (a situation which carries its own kind of baggage), all the relationship/casual sex miles of a woman 25+ have messed her up just as much if not more. So bottom line, don't commit to a messed up woman, virgin or not.

Second argument, about being too young to consciously choose a man, I also agree with, actually I said recently in your thread:
Well said. Consequently, I think the best age for a woman to enter a LTR with is 22-25. You want her to have some life experience in the real world, that's why I think fresh out of high school is too young. Based on how she handled those few years, you can decide if she meets your standards for a relationship.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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I dont think the "virgin thing" has to be taken litteraly in many cases.

It's not the physical act itself to change a woman but the amount and quality of experiences she has been through.

A woman with a spoiled or messed up past is hard to deal with and there are good chances that she is broken mentally.

A guy in his 40s that looks for virgins in my opinion is wrong for two reasons.

The first one is that even if he finds one she is either messed up in her head if she is 25+ or she is way to young to conscioulsy decide to stay with and him and create a family...I dont believe an18 yrs old girl should be robbed of her life and be paired with an old man.

The talks about insecurity are ridicolous when thrown at a man that has -reasonable- standards wheter it comes of body count or social status.
Hmm. The reason why this virgin thing is so much sought after imo is due to the OPPOSITE effect of a woman whose "been around the block". In a worst case scenario ;

" you have the smallest schlong she ever encountered and thus she craves other sausages ".

So iirc a virgin provides the OPPOSITE of this. A woman who never had another man so all of her experience when it comes to physical contact, feelings, orgasms ect is linked to __YOU__ and thus she'll only lust after you.

Now we know this simply isn't true.

What's the end goal of having a virgin? Having LESS headaches and typical "male/female issues "? Because I can tell you from experience that it doesn't work like that. I had a virgin, when I was 18. And long story short: she ended up like every other woman, with a "azzhole" who beat the feck out of her on a regular basis.

Again, we ALL HAVE HIGH STANDARDS. All of us bro. Lets say that all participants in this thread would prefer a woman with: are you ready?;
-low count, well spoken, cool, pretty, funny, loyal, obedient,responsible, good cook, freak in bed, friendly, nice, yet not to be fecked with, good with family, good mother and a thousand more great traits yadiya.

None of us want a sub hb5 with a bad attitude who makes our lives harder. We ALL want a hb7,5 virgin/ 2 boyfriends who only got missionary and handjobs.

But in the REAL world I don't know how a ,I'll repeat, man nearing FORTY can even think about this as a serious thing.

Having high standards is great. But its not any different from woman having "300 reasons why NOT to go on a second date with a man". Its equally ridiculous.


Master Don Juan
Aug 21, 2022
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You're not either of those 4 guys with the money & status, and never will, so lower your standards miss.
You can draw whatever conclusion you wish from the example I've given. My conclusion is that like (at the core being) attracts like. Therefore no need to lower my standards ... I am who I am and I'll attract someone on the same level. In the case there's no one, I'm OK with that. It's not like I'm longing to commit to a woman like Jada Smith. :eek:

But in the REAL world I don't know how a ,I'll repeat, man nearing FORTY can even think about this as a serious thing.
Just gave you some real world examples above, yet you're still talking as if I'm thinking about marrying an alien with 2 heads and 5 arms. Funny thing is that you can't imagine a man nearing 40 thinking seriously about a virgin, I can't imagine a man nearing 40 (with all the life wisdom accumulated and all that) committing to a woman who is NOT a virgin. ;)


Master Don Juan
Aug 21, 2022
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We ALL want a hb7,5 virgin/ 2 boyfriends who only got missionary and handjobs.
That's what I was debating with myself about a year ago, actually I wrote about it on here. The argument was that she learned after 2 relationships and now she'd be much wiser than a virgin. Also, assuming those were average guys, and you a graduate from SoSuave, you'd be seen in that much better light.
But my conclusion is that line of thinking wouldn't work for me. The 'much wiser' argument is highly debatable and very individual dependent. The second argument is actually BS when you think it through ... on one hand she can watch a bit of porn and there goes the idea you're this unique, lean, mean sex God. On the other hand, how does it make you feel as a man knowing that 2 saps fvcked her and went merrily on their ways, and now you, the suave guy, committed to her? Doesn't it actually make you dumber than the 2 other guys? :rolleyes: :D

Most importantly though, the thought she's already done all the love related stuff with two other guys, makes me unable to take her seriously and actually invest in her. It would feel like turning my life into role playing in a bad movie ... she'd say: oh I love you (my inner voice would immediately say: yeah right, like you loved the other 2 guys).


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2022
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That's what I was debating with myself about a year ago, actually I wrote about it on here. The argument was that she learned after 2 relationships and now she'd be much wiser than a virgin. Also, assuming those were average guys, and you a graduate from SoSuave, you'd be seen in that much better light.
But my conclusion is that line of thinking wouldn't work for me. The 'much wiser' argument is highly debatable and very individual dependent. The second argument is actually BS when you think it through ... on one hand she can watch a bit of porn and there goes the idea you're this unique, lean, mean sex God. On the other hand, how does it make you feel as a man knowing that 2 saps fvcked her and went merrily on their ways, and now you, the suave guy, committed to her? Doesn't it actually make you dumber than the 2 other guys? :rolleyes: :D

Most importantly though, the thought she's already done all the love related stuff with two other guys, makes me unable to take her seriously and actually invest in her. It would feel like turning my life into role playing in a bad movie ... she'd say: oh I love you (my inner voice would immediately say: yeah right, like you loved the other 2 guys).
Thats why it gets hard to "commit psychologically" after a certain point, it's not even about money since you're paying for a service anyway.

At our age, you dont have relationships, you have agreements.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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The article has an interesting perspective. It is co-written by three academics affiliated with the University of Virginia, a public university that could be called a "party school" per our famous party school thread.

Median age at first marriage is rising for both men and women.

The most desirable men who women want to marry have greater vaginal abundance than they had 20, 30, or 40 years ago. That gives them less of an incentive to settle down with one woman. Meanwhile, middle tier men who were considered marriageable 20, 30, or 40 years ago are more ignored. A lot of these middle tier men are good men who women are ignoring as they are chasing Chad Thundercoccks.

I think there are plenty of good men out there and men with potential. A lot of these good men and men with good potential are middle tier men getting ignored by women and then they eventually turn to porno tube websites, OnlyFans subscriptions, alcohol, drugs, and video games.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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Guys that want virgins to that degree are afraid because they don't compare well in the bedroom to other guys and want to eliminate that by finding a woman that doesn't know that they suck in bed.
This is why cultures have developed stories about women learning things that they shouldn't, causing chaos in the world - e.g., Eve, Pandora.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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The most desirable men who women want to marry have greater vaginal abundance than they had 20, 30, or 40 years ago. That gives them less of an incentive to settle down with one woman. Meanwhile, middle tier men who were considered marriageable 20, 30, or 40 years ago are more ignored. A lot of these middle tier men are good men who women are ignoring as they are chasing Chad Thundercoccks.
It's OVER for VaginalShortageCels. :mad:


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2022
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The article has an interesting perspective. It is co-written by three academics affiliated with the University of Virginia, a public university that could be called a "party school" per our famous party school thread.

Median age at first marriage is rising for both men and women.

The most desirable men who women want to marry have greater vaginal abundance than they had 20, 30, or 40 years ago. That gives them less of an incentive to settle down with one woman. Meanwhile, middle tier men who were considered marriageable 20, 30, or 40 years ago are more ignored. A lot of these middle tier men are good men who women are ignoring as they are chasing Chad Thundercoccks.

I think there are plenty of good men out there and men with potential. A lot of these good men and men with good potential are middle tier men getting ignored by women and then they eventually turn to porno tube websites, OnlyFans subscriptions, alcohol, drugs, and video games.
Those men probably get so annoyed or emotionally hurt from such thing that they probably make a point not to commit at all later on once women "realize that they exist".

Also they get quite capable to recognize genuine interest toward them personally compared to random interest in just settle down from women.

While this situation is everywhere in the western world, it started in Italy way earlier compared to other places where hypergamy was on roids since mid 20th century...needless to say that italians begun marrying late or not marrying at all decades earlier than other.
Many even went to seek wives abroad mostly in eastern europe.

Needless to say its a messed up demographics with a single pandemic since mid 80s.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Women often say "Where Have All the Good Men Gone?" when they are in their 30s/40s and not getting attention from men they deem as most desirable? Women's words are meaningless.

Watch how women act. Women ignore plenty of good men when chasing top tier men often called "Chads".

Women don't want good men when they are in their primes and even post prime. They want exciting men who make their vaginas tingle.


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2023
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On the other hand, how does it make you feel as a man knowing that 2 saps fvcked her and went merrily on their ways, and now you, the suave guy, committed to her? Doesn't it actually make you dumber than the 2 other guys? :rolleyes: :D
You're the incel that has the impossible standards, say you know what you want, but in reality you don't bring any value to any woman, therefore you has those standards as a cope.