The dating world especially on OLD is pretty brutal. You lack the experience, matches will be hard to come by for a non-chad novice, and I highly doubt you will have the balls to vouch/screen the few girls you manage to pitch to. Hit the gym, focus on school, try and interact with women at your school/get your friends to go out to bars or something where there's winter. Trust me, I am probably the biggest advocate of OLD on this site and I will confidently say that it is not a tool for the novice or weak. You will get your arse kicked and come back jaded and black pilled AF. You need patience my friend. If you need to touch a female right now then go to a strip club or something to empty the urge.
I know that its brutal. I posted a thread on here awhile back about that report which showed that 63% of men are single and only 34% of women are single and when you crunch the numbers, the top 37% of men are getting with 66% of women. When I was in Vegas earlier this year, I went on Tinder and uploaded one bad pic (a bathroom mirror selfie) and got about 5 matches, I didn’t
message any of them though and just wanted to see what would happen. I’m guessing by what you’re saying is that I also don’t have the knowledge on what to look for when vouching/screening girls from the apps and could end up coming across some pretty toxic women that guys who know what to look for usually filter out when using OLD.
I used to have a gym membership, but I never used it and I found it to be too inconvenient since you gotta make a special trip to the gym and change in and out of your workout clothes and go home and take a shower. For me, I’ve found that working out at home is a better option for me since there’s no special trip to make and its easier to make time to work out and I can do so before I would normally take a shower anyway. I first had weight loss goals that I was focused on since I weighed 218 lbs, but I’ve now lost 26 lbs as of my last weigh in and I’m now at 192. So I’m ready to focus on muscle building.
As for interacting with women at school and bars, I’m in community college and I know from experience that it really isn’t a social environment since you pretty much just go there to listen to the lectures and go home, there really isn’t much of a social scene at community college. When it comes to bars, I have no friends. My last friend moved away and I literally have 0 friends. I do like going to bars, but I think women would look at me as some weird loner if I was sitting in a bar and drinking by myself.