I've been told I'm an 8 and a half out of 10 on the looks scale.
In my experience, when I've chatted with girls on dating sites, they're initially intrigued by my looks. Then in many cases, they quickly end up losing interest because of my social awkwardness.
Ok listen. Your problem is that you don’t have enough social experience to be able to “play ball” in an area that is uncomfortable to you. That is the essence of the problem. Because you are ASD social appropriateness is a learned behavior for you. It’s not something you naturally do. So instead of taking the shortcut and paying for sex (where the outcome is a known quantity) you need to study the dynamics of social situations where the outcome is an unknown variable.
First and foremost you need to understand something. If you are a handsome guy, women are going to be intrigued by you. That is to your advantage. Let me explain how:
1. Quit over analyzing everything. Stop. Take things at face value. If you miss a couple of cues, it’s Ok. Quit the analysis.
2. Go out more by yourself. When you go out pick a spot where you are at the bar and other people including women are around. When someone sits next to you, say “How’s it going?”. Then listen. You need practice conversating. Practice chatting.
THERE IS NO GOAL HERE other than to learn about other people. Ask follow up questions about what THEY talk about. You’ll be uncomfortable because there is no goal. The goal is to increase your comfort level and learn about a stranger you may never see again. Just do it.
3. For OLD. Quit trying to be cute in text and banter. Ask the girl out. Period. Here is a good text for that:
“Hey I think you are interesting. I’ve got a lot going on but I’m headed to (insert interesting popular place) tomorrow after work. Why don’t you come meet me?
Tell her you’ll be there by 6pm (or whatever time). If she accepts send her your phone number & ask her to text how to recognize her (brunette pony tail, blue sweater) or something like that.
4. If you are handsome then women will reach out to you and/or approach you in real life. They will assume you are arrogant rather than awkward. I’ve never understood this assumption but it’s there nevertheless. This is an advantage. If a girl talks to you? Be cool. Ask about her. Listen. Ask follow up questions. Be curious.
Your homework assignment is practice chatting. This will help you a great deal.