Jesse Pinkman's approach/field reports thread.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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Let's talk about my crazy day. I had a date lined up yesterday night (as in Wednesday) but then realize the day of she didn't like my tone and said she was having second thoughts. I told her whatever, bye. Still end up going to the spot I take my dates to and had a few drinks. Drunk a bit too much and then woke up mostly hungover. Napped a lot when work breaks happened and then went out to a bar that has opened near me, the same one I had been going out to in the recent week or so.

Told myself that I am just going to go out, chill, and definitely try to do some approaches. Arrive at first and just grab a beer. Sit around, it was a really chill vibe with decent weather despite the heat wave.

Chat up two girls that sit next to me at the bar and have a decent chat with them but they seemed to be a lesbian couple.

Walk around and then post up next to these two girls who seemed chill. Chatted them up a bit and we talked about the vibe of the bar. Both girls tell me about what they think the vibe is but then the blonde kind of wants to drop the convo.

Next I chat up these two dark haired girls as a Dua Lipa song is playing. My game was weak here as I came at them with them dancing because they get told they look like Dua Lipa. They entertained my approach but I did little with it.

TBH, I was a bit hungover still so had a quick hair of the dog. I have started to get pickier in terms of asking for numbers since I want to screen the girls better. Somehow, the girls were a lot nicer than they were the past Friday night where the rejections were brutal. My strategy is to see if I can crack into the bar for Happy Hour tomorrow and just stay the whole time if I can. I mean why not, I can practically walk to the place if I want to but this heat wave is just awful.

My thoughts are if I get the number, I want to see if there is a spark when I am approaching her rather than trying to close left and right for a number. What do you all think?


Mar 6, 2017
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My thoughts are if I get the number, I want to see if there is a spark when I am approaching her rather than trying to close left and right for a number. What do you all think?
Yes, sounds like it will save you a lot of time in the long run.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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7/14/23: A wild weekend begins, new friends made?

So there is a bar that opened up near where I live and I will surely become a regular there because the Ubers are dang cheap, like 6 bucks, and some of the bartenders already recognize me as they worked at a previous restaurant I was a regular at. I went tot his bar, earlier than usual, on Friday. I did not do much at first but was in somewhat of a social mood since I lifted my spirits up before going out.

Line up at the bar but this dude above me has a massive tab. I tell him "whoa, massive tab for just two drinks". Usually, I don't even approach dudes at bars but I felt like being social. The guy and I chit chat over it and then he buys me a shot. I chat with him and his friend. Soon, four girls are next to us. The guy's friend tells me he is Colombian despite looking as white as Ivan Drago, go figure @SW15 lol. I turn to the 4 girls next to us and quiz them on what they think dude's ethnicity is.

We have a great conversation but the guys are blown away at me opening the 4 girls. We chatted with the 4 girls for a while. One of the girls I was hitting it off with was engaged but still gave me her IG to "see where it goes". WTF! Miami is a strange place. I mean I have been to clubs with women taking off their rings when they see guys with tables. It goes for a bit and then the guys are blown away. I approach some more sets with them.

However, one goes awkwardly even though it had potential. I saw this hot brunette with white pants and it was going well with her and her friend. Dudes come in from my group and they mess it up. The brunette was an Italian girl from Boston and quite classy too, looks like only Italian women from NY are trash.

Then the Colombian dude has to go but he tells me about this crazy exclusive event they have going on, even invites me. The other guy, let's call him Nick, easily got a table at the spot. Apparently, he knows the owner really well and the owner urged him to come when he first got there.

What ensued next was me bringing about 8 different sets to the table. I don't even remember writing down my game report as much or documenting my approaches, I was just having fun. Did not get any serious closes but did approach a ton of girls. It was a great warm up for sure.
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Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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7/15/23 - A crazy night with an even crazier ending.

I thought that I was going to daygame but slept in more than anything, had to workout too since I am getting back into that these days. By the time I thought about it, it was already close to evening and I wanted to get in earlier than usual. I went and initially walked around a bit, having a beer. Then, I noticed this two-set and said screw it and approached. It went really well and they were hot too. One was a cute brunette and the other a cute blonde.

Nick told me earlier that he is getting a table so I use that as leverage but in hindsight, I thought it was a dumb move. Even looking at it now, I think I overpitched the table the night before. Girls came for the free drinks but that was all. Nick and his crew found it impressive since they have never had a guy do that but I kind of got the game. We are getting a good vibe going and these girls both give me their number.

However, Nick is like 30 min late to arrive and I told the girls he would be there 30 min earlier. Some awkward situations happen where the girls get a few chairs with me but then they get up to get their drinks. Soon after, some older woman asks if they can have the chairs and the gentleman in me says yes. Then the girls come back, brunette is pissed at me but she has been busting my balls the whole time. Blonde has ignored me while brunette is aggressively toying with me.

Nick arrives with some black dude as his friend, I sit the two down with chairs with the two girls but they really messed that set up. Brunette went from messing with me and aggressively busting my balls to going super cold and not even making eye contact when she saw me again. The night is dry but Nick does get his table soon, there was a delay since the people at the table would not go away.

Meanwhile, at the table right near ours, we get the Florida trash type of people. One dude who is super tall in a Hawaiian shirt and khaki shorts keeps bumping into our table. It was annoying and the bar was much slower too, way less sets this time than the night before. I did some approaches but I was landing dry a lot.

However, I kept my head up and my attitude positive. Way less women were going for tables than the night before too, that line was not sticking. I had a few crappy blowouts but hey, welcome to Miami nightgame. I kept at it and then brought a two-set to the table that the black dude liked even though Nick didn't. Nick entertains them but after a while. I notice he isn't having it.

Then I approach this super cute blonde in a nice dress and she tells me it is her birthday. We take her to the table and surprise surprise, she is there with 8 FEMALE FRIENDS yo. Like it was INSANE. However, I did not realize that until 30 minutes in when I was out there doing approaches. Got like 2 numbers and then went back to the table when I had realized that there were 8 friends and at least 5 of them were solid 7s!

I then hit it off with one of the blondes and am making out with her. At this point, it is close to 1 AM and I have to use the bathroom.

I got to the bathroom and then it happens....

Some dude vomits in the urinal and it lands on my jeans and shoes, at least the left hand side... A good bit of it lands on some big black dude's face and there is a brawl. I dodge it but there was the brawl. Meanwhile I also have my own piss on my shirt and shoes since I had to go that bad.

My night ends, I was so close to pulling but it freaking ended.

That has been my luck.

This has been the summer in Miami for me so far.

That kind of luck :/

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
7/16/23 - Daygame

I knew I had to daygame today but with no real expectations. My goal was simple, just survive. It was pouring rain so I had to game at an indoor mall. Did two-sets for the first two approaches and then I approached a hot blonde with a dog. @SW15 here is what I did man and this one is for you.

Me: "Beautiful, Belgian Malinois for sure"

Her: "Yes!"

Me: "Nice, how friendly is he or she or they?"

Her: (laughs) "He is friendly"

Me: "I bet you gave him a fancy Euro name"

Her: "Well I am Czech, his name is Tomas"

Me: "Oh nice, and Tomas must be friendly because he knows if he isn't, he has to deal with the wrath of (pointing my hand in her direction as I give her a questionable look)"

Her: "Natalia"

Me: (switch to talking about her and making assumptions)

I ended up getting the close and DMing her. Pitched her on my neighborhood and why it is better than Brickell. Now we are planning a date so I did get something out of it. I doubt a date will happen but I came in with low expectations.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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Reflections on the weekend and the end goal.

I have made it a commitment that I will game at least 4 days a week and leave the rest for dates. I want to get good at this and want this coming Fall to be it. What I have found is that when you game as a habit, your game improves and goes to great heights because it is a habit at that point. When you do not do it, it tends to get worse and it tends to be like starting over.

My only worry as I look ahead is the fact that Miami is long overdue for a massive hurricane. I know when that happens, it knocks 2 weeks off of my game time so I need to be weary of that and just know that I need to get back on. This hurricane season in Miami is going to be well beyond crazy so I need to mentally prepare for at least a handful of weeks that will throw a wrench in my process.

Either way, that is stuff I cannot control.

The way I see it, the summer is all about training camp and getting my process down pact. I want to be a full speed train come this fall. I feel like I have eliminated all of the garbage, including trash wings, that was in my way.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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No approaching today or so far this week but thought I'd add some notes to this thread on what I need to do to keep improving and what I can work on from the past weekend.

1. Have to go out consistently every week. I am keeping it to 4 days a week which is a mix of daygame and nightgame.

2. Table line was weak. I realized how simpish it came off and how weak it came off at the bar. Instead, I need to be judicious and strict with how I use it. Must focus more on polarizing and building sexual chemistry in the cold approach rather than just the small talk.

3. Big thing, keep a positive attitude and keep my head up through the rejection. The past weekend was brutal. This means no browsing this forum (which is a relatively positive place) or any negative places on the web that talk about how game is dead and how dating is dead on the day I am going out.

4. Limit drinking, no more than 3 drinks if that.

5. Take care of chores and everything the day before going out, been slacking big on this one but meal prepped a mean meal for the week today.

6. Less hesitations and more approaches in nightgame. I want to hesitate less and approach more girls at the bar. I've second guessed myself too much when doing approaches and it has been the case since I started game, need to fix this.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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So I spent some time reading this thread from page 1 onwards and realized it was not until page 16 that I have a success story of a lay I can be proud of. For anyone looking to see the kind of grind it takes, there you go. A caveat here is that I am in a very competitive market where the average dude is swole and good looking and the average woman stuck up. Maybe if I was in a typical big city it would have happened more frequently and a lot sooner. It has been quite a great time looking back at it though.

I don't see it as a waste of time, I see it as a beautiful growth. I see this as the truly transformational and developmental journey it has been. After looking at where I am now, I can confidently say that I have come far from 2022 when I had serious approach anxiety and would stumble during a daygame approach. It's been an unreal experience reading back on this thread.

Then page 23 came and I realize just that as I pulled off a win for the ages in NYC. Then there was a big big lul as I dealt with unemployment and serious health problems at which point I used my thread as a diary. After that, page 31 happens and that is where the Kendall Jenner lookalike story takes place. This thread for sure had its highlights and I feel like it kept getting better. However, I did waste a lot of time on here as well with irrelevant topics and made it a personal journal as opposed to just a field report thread which is what I want to improve on.

How do I see this thread and my future with game?

I see myself as a coach running a sports program, let's say at a college level. It sucks that @Jake_Gyllenhaal69 is no longer around but some might get the reference, I know @Bible_Belt and @BackInTheGame78 will. Year 1 was a rebuilding year. In game, I was dealing with a losing program called my life as it relates to women and dating in terms of what I want. I knew Year 1 was going to be tough and you can even say that I played in the toughest conference and with the toughest competition as @MixedMutt00 will mention about the girls in Miami.

As the thread went on though, I am amazed at my progress and how good I got every 10 pages. I had way less moments of being pissed off and dealt with rejection a lot better. Most importantly, Year 1 was a great time to learn what needs to be cut out and what needs to be fixed so I can actually hit the ceiling I want to hit with game and women. There was quite a lot of baggage (toxic wings, negative beliefs, and being way too in my head) that held me back from improving with women and dating. I am glad to have a good bit of that resolved.

I feel like I had a few situations that could have been wins but were not.

Year 1's theme has been simple, it is just a rebuilding year where we are finding what needed to be fixed and there were quite a lot of things from how I processed rejections, opened women, ran my dates, did approaches, and company I kept to just my setup and venues I picked. I am feeling a lot more confident when I approach now.

Do I regret starting this thread?

At first, I was fearful of posting a thread like this. I was fearful of posting my day to day doing game and being easily identified. However, I don't really care because I want to get good at game and get results.

I do feel like ever since this thread started, I have gotten better and more self-aware. I feel like if it was not for this thread, I would be mentally masturbaiting, wasting time, and engaging in a ton of theory nonsense (which I have on some nights). This thread has helped me stay level-headed and been a great accountability log for me. I admire others like @nicksaiz65 and @Ricky for starting their own cold approach logs like I have.

Next up, big thanks to some of what I like to call my cornermen or my coaches in this fight.

@SW15 for always holding it down and engaging with all of my field reports, always being there and commenting. One of my biggest champions and my favorite poster on this forum. Your moral support has been massive. I almost like to call him my main coach on the stool after every round of a UFC fight. This dude has been in my corner every time I post.

@Jake_Gyllenhaal69 Miss you bro. I am going to go to Houston one day and find you. I know you said you will always lurk even if you get banned so I hope you are reading this.

@BillyPilgrim for his endless Breaking Bad references and occasionally taking part in $hitting on Guidettes with me lol, but we are above all of that now.

@Dr.Suave for being a great listener and chiming in with his insights.

@Rainman4707 for telling me how great my world can be if I can just stop wanking for a month!

@BackInTheGame78 for being the best critic a man can sometimes ask for, the analyst with their doubts.

If I forgot anyone, my bad.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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7/21/23 - Back at it and a very proud moment.

11 approaches and 4 closes.

I wanted to go out on Thursday but due to the massive amount of time I spent assembling new furniture, I had no energy for it. Friday, I knew I had to get at it. I get a text and a screenshot from one of my good wings who is still in the old pickup chat I used to be a part of. The guy practically tells me that my new local spot is no longer safe from PUAs as it is all the buzz on that PUA chat now. Funny how in the month it has been open, it went from me and the true locals + hot girls finding out to now the PUAs knowing all about it. Guess what Roosh said internationally about poosy paradise is true right @SW15?

However, no excuses, I had to go out. I told myself that I will not be bitter tonight, I will do at least 5 approaches, and I will obey the 3 second rule (approach a girl I like within 3 seconds). Here are the appproaches.

Approach 1 - Dark haired girl and her sister

I see this hot dark-haired girl with another girl with dyed blonde hair and approach them, compliment them on their black dress. They look good and it is going well. The two girls are locals and surprisingly sisters. The dark-haired girl is going to Chapel Hill but is visiting Miami, even though she is from there. We have a great convo but her sister breaks off to talk to someone else. I Instaclose the dark-haired girl and when the sister comes back, try to close her to make her feel included. In hindsight, a true rookie mistake. I should have shut up and just stuck with the dark-haired girl.

Later on, like not that long from then, I see some buff tatted up guy hitting on them. Good ole Miami, the competition is insane here.

Approach 2 - Dark haired girl with white pants and her friend.

I approach these two girls wearing white pants and a brown top. The one girl I really wanted had that Israeli look to her with her curly black hair. Told her she looks like she is from Manhattan, that does not go over so well. They say they have to leave but will be back. Sure thing....come to find them 10 minutes later talking to other dudes.

Approach 3 - 2 Girls in yellow waiting on their food.

I see these two girls in a yellow dress waiting on their food and one is a tall brunette with her hair in a braided ponytail. I open complimenting her on that. Try to guess both of them as Colombian, they were not. Braided ponytail girl was from Spain and her friend from Chile. Spanish girl is ordering food on an app but it would not go through, sends her an error. I tell her not to press submit too much, my friend did that and got charged 5 times. Spanish girl freaks out but I walk her to the staff who found that it did go through. Food did not go through, lucky her. I walk her back to the original spot. The girls now have to go but I ask for their Instas and get it. I count that as a close.

Approach 4 - Two blondes and a funny "boyfriend" situation.

I see these two blondes standing by near a trash can (which to be fair is fine wood and not your typical dirty dumpster) and I tell them "you two picked a great spot to post up". One of the blondes I am not into but the other I kinda am. I compliment them on their light colored style and they take well to it. So far, it is going well and we are having a great convo. The blonde I like asks me what I do for work and I tell her "oh god, the boring interview question", they say they wanna know and I tell them I rip off rich people. They ask if I am in pharmaceuticals and I tell them "you can say I work for a man named Walter" @BillyPilgrim.

Then, a random dude who is tall and a prototypical Chad (god I hate using that term) comes into the set. He seems to know the blonde I want and I tell them "wow, you two make a beautiful couple". They play along with it, or so it seemed. Then I joke and say "you two can be on the cover of Vineyard Vines" and they laugh at it. They chat and then the Chad walks away.

Blonde I want tells me "that was not my boyfriend, just some guy I know, we are just friends". Wow, we banter back and forth, all three of us. I end up getting the Insta-close but their profiles are private and I do not know if they will accept.

Approach 5 - 3 set.

See this three set sitting under an area where people like to take pics say I will take the pics for them. They say no thanks and I was like whatever.

Approach 6 - Blonde and Indian girl.

I open a two set as I am walking around and they are receptive, it is a southern blonde and her Indian friend. Then, a couple walks into the set and I find that it is a large social circle. They completely break up the set. Welp, nothing I could have really done there.

Approach 7 - Two Latinas.

I approach this Latina two-set. I was initially standing in front of a fan but walked towards them since they were nearby and said "I felt bad for taking up the air". They giggled. One Latina I wanted was cute and then there was her friend. The one I wanted was from Uruguay and chill. Her friend was from Jersey :(

Latinas from the Jersey and NY area tend to be just outright awful. We have good banter for a bit but I somehow bail from the set. Just the Latina telling me she was from Jersey was enough to make me bail yo.

Approach 8 - Three set.

I approach this three set with an Indian girl and two Mediterranean looking girls. They were looking to get a photo and I tell them of the best spot. Not soon after, I just realize that these girls are really drunk and not that down so I kind of bail.

Approach 9 - Two set in black dress.

You are gonna love or hate this @corrector. I approach a two-set which is two girls wearing a black dress. One girl is from North Carolina and the other from Canada. The Canadian girl is from Winnipeg but looks really Persian or Jewish or whatever. I was more into her but I entertain the two of them and we chat a bit. Somehow, it goes from somewhat friendly to the Canadian girl looking around. The group is behind them and comes to their rescue. Set over.

I run into the girls again, would not make eye contact. I get a drink at the bar 30 min later, they somehow get served first. Okay whatever it was a bad set but dear god I hate Canadian women, the worst of all the Anglo world and that is a hill I am willing to die on.

Approach 10 - Latinas with a Japanese fan.

I open this Latina two-set where one of them had a Japanese fan. I open with just that, telling them it is a Japanese fan and it goes meh at first but then the Latina tells me to have a good night, I wish her a great night. However, I am somewhat disappointed. No way I am letting my night end like this.

No Jesse, no.

Not a chance, get it together Jesse. Keep your head up. Not a chance, I am not going to let my night end on that bad note. I tell myself I will take a few laps around the bar.

Approach 11 - Cutie in blue shirt.

I see this tall hot brunette in a blue dress and white pants looking somewhat lost. This is an outdoors bar btw so I approach her with "it's so bad with the traffic here that you lost your friends". She tells me "oh no, my friends are over there". I respond with "I see but it's still so easy to lose them in this crowd outside". She laughs at it and I open her with a "I can tell that you are like from here, you seem to dress in a way that screams "I want to keep a low profile"". She sh*ttests me and tells me "oh so you know people from the way they are dressed". We then get to her being college educated somehow and it ties back into her dress.

She grills me on that and says "wow, we are at a bar and you already make so many assumptions about me based on the way I am dressed, and you can figure out I went to college based on that?".

I tell her "I feel like educated people keep a low profile and don't need flash to overcompensate". She somehow smiles and nods at that. Then we chat but then it happens.

Set invaded.

This one black dude invades my set and tries to AMOG me. He opens the girl and somehow knows her name since his friend is talking to her friend and even the girl looks lost. I stay put and just look at the girl as the black dude is talking to her. Guy was hyping himself up as a former D1A football player. Then the black dude opens me and asks for my name, I tell it to him but he pretends like he doesn't hear it, I tell to him again and he pretends like he doesn't hear it, and then the third time the girl says my name to him.

I go back to looking at the girl and seconds later, the black dude goes away. I talk to the girl some more and we start talking logistics, she lives near me. I then propose a place and she proposes I take her number.

I am going to see where this goes.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
So proud of myself tonight.

Did I get a SNL? No.

Do I think I could have done better? In some ways yes.

However, I am so proud of one thing and one area of growth, dealing with AMOGs. I feel like I had two sets where a dude came in and tried to invade them but I was able to just deal with them so easily. The last set, I barely did much and had this disinterest towards the dude and somehow the girl picked up well on that. I did not treat the man with disrespect or anything, even gave him a firm handshake, and that was that.

Old me, I am talking a year ago, would have been shaking at the thought of a dude entering his set and walked away. I am so happy at my growth of handling it so well. I did not engage the guy in the last set too much, I let him talk himself out. In the first AMOG situation, or so it seemed, I praised the guy and the girl he was apparently with which ended up not being the case.

Super proud of myself tonight for this growth. Tomorrow is more work setting up furniture and then hopefully I get to daygame a bit.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
7/22/23 - My dilemma (part 1)

I spent most of today getting a ton of chores done and cleaning up my place after being out too late last night. Lesson be learned, I was spent. To make matters worse, not only did it take me forever to set up a beautiful table, I next had to set up a couch I ordered off of Amazon. Come to find, the couch had two packages that had to be sent to assemble it. The merchant said they sent both but they only sent one so I spent time sending a complaint to now where they will send the other one! It was such a freaking hassle.

I ran into a dilemma. I was spent but already, I was not able to go out Thursday because I was setting up more furniture in my place. So the minutes ticked by. I had dinner relatively late as I had to set up a few things and do chores at my place. I was beaten afterwards. Like every fiber of my body wanted to go to sleep or play videogames or relax. Then it hit me that I did not go out this Thursday either which took away from my commitment of spending 4 days a week to game and the rest to have dates at night after work. It hit me hard because I could not keep to it, this Thursday was draining too.

Just play that PS5.

Just have a beer while you do so.

Just watch some TV.

Just post on SoSuave.

I mean it was already a little past 10 and I knew the lines in Wynnwood were going to get long, around this time. I would have to stand in those lines forever. Hey, maybe tomorrow I go harder with daygame! Yeah, that will make up for it since I did no daygame today. Yeah that's it, I will just do it tomorrow.

But then it hit me again. Come on Jesse, get off your buns. Do you really pay those high rents and deal with this god awful humidity and the god awful people in Miami just so you can play videogames and relax? You can do that in small town Iowa or small town Nebraska at 1/4th the cost you moron! Get off your buns! GO! GOOOO!

So I made preparations and decided to head out. Same thing as last night.

1. Do not violate the 3-second rule, approach the girls you find hot immediately.

2. At least 10 approaches tonight.

3. Keep a good attitude and positive mindset at all times.

And off I went. Ready up for part 2 soon boys.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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7/22/23 - My dilemma (part 2)

2 closes and 9 approaches.

Went to the same venue near me that I went to last night. I arrive and on the way I approach a 3-set, my opener was asking about the venue and then they said the lines were empty. I then ask one girl with the leopard print how she killed the thing, they were out of it, did not respond well.

I go into the venue completely sober and realize something, I cannot stand MAJORITY of the songs they play until I drink. Now I get it, bars and clubs play the crappy songs on repeat so you have to have alcohol in order to grin and bear it.

Approach 2 - Hottie in blue

I approach this cute girl with a fashionable blue on blue style, her friend just ignores me. We chat, I ask for name, but then she say she has to go. Short approach.

Approach 3 - 2 set, dark hair big boobs.

I approach this two set, blonde had a decent tattoo and then there was this girl with black hair and all black clothes. I open with complimenting their styles and the blonde's tattoo. The blonde was kind of busted and the brunette was kind of hot. We chat for a few seconds, mainly me and the brunette, but then the blonde abruptly ends it with "okay bye we have business to get to". What a b1tch.

Approach 4 - Two set sisters.

I approach this blonde with braces and this chubby brunette, as soon as I open them and start chatting, this one girl near them lets out this loud rude laugh. It was this short fat chick with curly hair, surprised the fat and ugly one let that out #sarcasm. I talk to them for a bit but they seemed somewhat disinterested. Blonde was just looking to see what I say but I ended the set. They were a part of too big of a group. Sucks too since the dark-haired girl was kind of my type, I have a weakness for that Megan Fox and Jennifer Connolly look.

Approach 5 - Brunette I initially wanted to approach.

I remember seeing this one brunette I initially wanted to approach, she had that cute southern girl look except a brunette instead of a blonde, maybe @Bible_Belt can figure out what I am getting at? Again, deffo my type. I open her with a celebrity being at the bar and she kind of engages in a convo with me for a few seconds but then doesn't, some hot and cold stuff. It was weird but then she walked away, again, had friends at the bar. I stand around to quickly note my approach but then she bumps into me hard from behind, should I have said something.

Approach 6 - Two set from NY.

I approach these two girls and compliment one of them on their style, it was a brown shirt with white jeans. Tell her she figured Miami out with her style and then she says she is not from there. Me and her friend banter back and forth, they are from New York. Home sweet home for me at this point, as you will find. We chat about them being from NY and then one of the girls is from Brooklyn, the other an LA girl that moved to NY. I tease her saying she was shocked to find NYers are nicer after moving from LA. They have to go meet friends but I ask for their Instas and get it.

Approach 7 - How a b1tch acts like, you will learn to despise Miami Latinas with a passion.

I approach this two set near a food stand and compliment them on their style. Initially it goes well and then they say they just saw the Barbie movie. I tease them and said I saw Oppenheimer instead. Reach my hand out for a handshake and one girl said "oh we are not looking to make friends". In the moment, I said I appreciate her honesty but I wish I would have said "I consider myself fortunate tonight then".

Ugh, what a f-ckin b1tch.

Approach 8 - @BillyPilgrim is gonna love this one.

I get in front of a fan at the outdoor bar and then there are two girls behind me. I open them with "now I feel bad for getting in your way". We joke a bit and I say "I airblocked you". The blonde finds it funny and the brunette does too. I introduce myself and these girls are friendly. Then I tell them they must be from the east coast and they say they are. Blonde complimented me on wearing my glasses, btw @SW15 and @BillyPilgrim are glasses a bad look at a bar? Should a man be wearing contacts instead? Your thoughts @BackInTheGame78?

Eitherways, I joke with "I embrace my nerdiness", prolly too self-demeaning. Brunette says nerds are cool and I say "by Miami standards, everyone not doing coke on a boat every other day is a nerd". Anyways, I guess that they are from Manhattan which they say I am somewhat right about. Turns out the blonde is from Staten Island and brunette from Jersey. They are pretty cool for some Staten Island and Jersey girls, I swear I am eating my words right now like a mofo @RickTheToad and @In2theGame.

I end up grabbing their IGs without any problems, come to find that the blonde did not have that many followers even though she is hot.

Overall quite a cool group of girls I must say.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
7/22/23 - My dilemma (part 3)

So as I wander around the bar, trying to do 2 more approaches, I notice something. The two girls I recently approached and the two I closed earlier in the night either got with two other guys or came with them in a big group. I see them a good bit as I go around the bar. Then I go around the bar and do not see as many opportunities. I also promised myself not to stay out too long since I do want to capitalize on tomorrow for daygame.

I end up leaving but talk about my bad luck. RIGHT when I hit the exit, who else is leaving? The group of the girls I closed, the only two I closed for the night. It was them and maybe 2 guys or 3 guys. Are these the guys that pull them for the night or the ones that come with them. I walk ahead and they are behind me but I try to pretend they are not there. Pretty sure they noticed me leaving the bar alone, obviously a low status look.

Talk about my bad luck today. Find my second half of a couch I was supposed to assemble is not there and then have that happen. Man oh man, tough Saturday. I wait for my Uber and then notice two blondes. Chat them up, they are from Spain, so that is Approach 9 technically but it does not go anywhere. I am sweating my balls off since it is that bad of weather in South Florida.

That about wraps up my night on a night I did not even want to be out.

Lather rinse and repeat from the past few nights, I go out, do approaches, and get some Instas and numbers, but they barely go anywhere.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
Reflection and plan moving forward.

1. Something is off for sure and I need to fix it. I have gone out in the past couple of weeks, gotten a good bit of girls to give me their Instas but they leave me on requested (or flat out reject my request a day later) and barely follow me back. Even the numbers I get do not text me back from nightgame which was barely an issue for me in the past. Something is seriously off. Same with daygame, has not been going well for me.

2. My field reports are about to get more detailed. It is already a pain writing them but I am going to detail my approach and conversation a bit more. Maybe some of the more expert dudes on here can pick it apart and give their take. The fact is I want to get good at this stuff and I am done with playing around and wasting time.

3. Something I will hold myself to, no more nonsense garbage ranty threads. I looked back and realized I waste so many threads on dumb topics but I want to even stop myself from posting threads that are new now. I want to commit my time to just this field report thread and add more detail to it. Wasting way too much time in general here.

4. Getting my place set up is going to be a huge monkey off my back. I thought I'd complete it today only to find that the stupid company did not send the second part of the couch assembly. So now the setup is delayed by a lot. I hate this but not much you can do. I want to get fully set by end of summer so by fall, I can hit the ground running.

5. I have seriously thought about moving back to NYC sooner rather than later. The reality is that Miami is wearing on me. It's a tough decision I need to make next year. My sister and my cousin are moving to NYC next year and I want to be there for them. I wanted Miami to be my tough grind in game where I can push myself and there is so much more I wanted to do in Miami but unexpected layoffs and other problems got in the way of my life. It's a tough decision I need to make on how long I want to be in this city and life is tough.

6. Okay kind of relevant to my recent posts on this thread and in a way that @SW15 and @BillyPilgrim will get but I am shifting prejudices lately. I know, I have dumped a lot on Italian girls and Mediterranean women but boy oh boy, I am starting to really dislike Latinas (Hispanic) and find them the most overhyped women on the planet. The local ones in Miami make Anglo Karens look like down to earth angels. Like I feel as if Latinas let the hype get to their head and now play games like a mofo and go out of their way to act rude.

I for the life of me have no idea why dudes hype them up.

Oh wait yes I do. Loser in 1st world country went to poor starving South American country, waived his passport around, got some gutter trash from the barrio to blow him, and now he attributes all good qualities to Latinas. Hands down the most overhyped women on planet earth bar none.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
5. I have seriously thought about moving back to NYC sooner rather than later. The reality is that Miami is wearing on me. It's a tough decision I need to make next year. My sister and my cousin are moving to NYC next year and I want to be there for them. I wanted Miami to be my tough grind in game where I can push myself and there is so much more I wanted to do in Miami but unexpected layoffs and other problems got in the way of my life. It's a tough decision I need to make on how long I want to be in this city and life is tough.
You have a tough decision to make with a place to live. I have not lived in Miami and don't desire to live there right now. There are times where I find faults with Dallas but I have remained here for an extended period.

I'm not sure moving back to NYC is the answer either. You had good reasons for leaving NYC.

I think the Iron Rule of Tomassi #7 might also apply in choosing a home city. It can be time better spent finding a place to live where you don't have a history.

Iron Rule of Tomassi #7

It is always time and effort better spent developing new, fresh, prospective women than it will ever be in attempting to reconstruct a failed relationship. Never root through the trash once the garbage has been dragged to the curb. You get messy, your neighbors see you do it, and what you thought was worth digging for is never as valuable as you thought it was.

6. Okay kind of relevant to my recent posts on this thread and in a way that @SW15 and @BillyPilgrim will get but I am shifting prejudices lately. I know, I have dumped a lot on Italian girls and Mediterranean women but boy oh boy, I am starting to really dislike Latinas (Hispanic) and find them the most overhyped women on the planet. The local ones in Miami make Anglo Karens look like down to earth angels. Like I feel as if Latinas let the hype get to their head and now play games like a mofo and go out of their way to act rude.

I for the life of me have no idea why dudes hype them up.

Oh wait yes I do. Loser in 1st world country went to poor starving South American country, waived his passport around, got some gutter trash from the barrio to blow him, and now he attributes all good qualities to Latinas. Hands down the most overhyped women on planet earth bar none.
I think Hispanics/Latinas in the United States are a bit overhyped. I had a notably unpleasant experience in an interaction with a U.S. born Hispanic/Latina that I met in a park. It led to a dramatic flaking experience. There was no sex in the experience. There have been other more neutral experiences with Hispanic women in the USA.

I prefer White women to Hispanic women. I am White. Hispanic women are the non-White women that I find most physically attractive.

Hispanic women are the dominant group of women in Miami. It's tough to live in Miami and not date Hispanic women.

So I spent some time reading this thread from page 1 onwards and realized it was not until page 16 that I have a success story of a lay I can be proud of. For anyone looking to see the kind of grind it takes, there you go. A caveat here is that I am in a very competitive market where the average dude is swole and good looking and the average woman stuck up. Maybe if I was in a typical big city it would have happened more frequently and a lot sooner. It has been quite a great time looking back at it though.
That's one of the most important points about approaching strangers. It is a very big grind. Do you know what is also a grind? Swiping on apps and trying to arrange first dates on apps.

It would have been interesting if you did this field reports thread as a resident of more typical U.S. big city.

Blonde complimented me on wearing my glasses, btw @SW15 and @BillyPilgrim are glasses a bad look at a bar? Should a man be wearing contacts instead? Your thoughts @BackInTheGame78?
I think contacts are better than glasses.

I joke with "I embrace my nerdiness", prolly too self-demeaning. Brunette says nerds are cool and I say "by Miami standards, everyone not doing coke on a boat every other day is a nerd". Anyways, I guess that they are from Manhattan which they say I am somewhat right about. Turns out the blonde is from Staten Island and brunette from Jersey. They are pretty cool for some Staten Island and Jersey girls, I swear I am eating my words right now like a mofo @RickTheToad and @In2theGame.

I end up grabbing their IGs without any problems, come to find that the blonde did not have that many followers even though she is hot.

Overall quite a cool group of girls I must say.
I am interested in seeing how this one turns out. Interesting that you collected contact info from 2 women in the same set. It can be difficult to seduce 2 women from the same set.
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Mar 6, 2017
Reaction score
I end up grabbing their IGs without any problems, come to find that the blonde did not have that many followers even though she is hot.
Green flag. She´s not big on attention whoring

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
Reaction score
5. I have seriously thought about moving back to NYC sooner rather than later. The reality is that Miami is wearing on me. It's a tough decision I need to make next year. My sister and my cousin are moving to NYC next year and I want to be there for them.
Im an NYC guy. I lived there for most of my life, in Queens, and worked in every borough except for SI. Now I’m on Long Island.
If you don’t mind me asking, what borough are you going back to.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
Im an NYC guy. I lived there for most of my life, in Queens, and worked in every borough except for SI. Now I’m on Long Island.
If you don’t mind me asking, what borough are you going back to.
Manhattan or bust my dude, no other reason to go to NYC other than maybe Williamsburg. The rest of NYC, I can get at a better price in a red state. As for Long Island, still my least favorite place in North America, arguably some of the worst people I have ever encountered.